Welcome, once again, to PROLIFICK PROFILES! Will someone please tell me where 2010 has gone? Just when we were getting used to this year, it's already time to exchange it for another one. I hope that this year has been fruitful, progressive, and satisfying, and if NOT, then better luck in 2011!
I wanted to write something poignant, philosophical, and mind-blowing to lead us from the old into the new, but I couldn't think of a dang thing; so, I decided to do something better. If you know me (or know OF me), then you often see my daily presence on FACEBOOK (this is where I cultivate business, network, and obtain new contacts.) As crazy and busy as I am, I often find the time to "wax poetic" and write some pretty nifty things from the top of my head. The following are some of my best writings/quotes:
"When you are confronted with an obstacle that seems unsurmountable, try not to panic, get reckless, or act abruptly. Just THINK, RESEARCH, ACT ACCORDINGLY, and then DO...... SOMETIMES CHANGE and ADAPTATION are NECESSARY....."
"Many of those who volunteered and gave blood, sweat, and tears for a candidate sometimes feel they will get a "special" reward i.e. job, position, etc once the candidate "gets on". Unfortunately, many are disillusioned and upset when all they receive is a THANK-YOU, a handshake, and a appreciation dinner. If you HAVE to ask if you are in a certain group's "inner-circle, more than likely you are not....."
"PEOPLE, many may see this as cynical, but I see it like THIS: No matter WHO is elected, they ALL have their OWN agendas. Some are better/worse than others and some may affect us more or less, depending on your tax bracket. Either way, as long as whomever is elected doesn't undo hundreds of years of legislature and we wake up shackled and chained, we have no choice but to move forward and make things happen within or without the system."
"It seems so long ago, and yet it feels like yesterday. Who would've known HIP HOP would have evolved so fast and be as it is now..."
"URBAN EXCLUSIVE" with DJ Richie Rich and J. BLACK is like H.R. Puffenstuff, "You can't get a little and you can't get enough......"
"And THIS is MY question: Why is it that with all the negative political ads on the television, strife/disease in countries around the world, and chaos in our Nations's financial infrastructure, is the show THE REAL HOUSEWIVES of ATLANTA even relevant?"
"AND ON A PERSONAL NOTE: It's OFFICIAL - I am a PROUD FATHER-TO-BE or my new theme song is "THAT'S JUST MY BABY DADDY" (smile) Of course, my Pops said, "It's about time... The family thought something was wrong with you." Go figure....
"It is ALWAYS satisfying to meet with a prospective client and obtain the comment, during your presentation, " I LIKE what I'm hearing so far....."
"THUS, we need to educate OURSELVES. I don't blame anyone, company, or belief on MY shortfalls. They don't make us EAT, DRINK, SMOKE, or NOT EXERCISE. Every day you have a chance to walk, run, think, investigate, and CHANGE. If we don't, and we end up obese, lethargic, etc and HAVE to depend on doctors and medicines then I am afraid we deserve what we get...."
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The book definitely resonated with me on so many levels. First, being strongly influenced by the Hip Hop culture, Jay gave his commentary of "the movement" as he saw it happen; being in the very heart of it. Also, he got into the fears, insecurities, and doubt he faced as he was transitioning from drug dealer to rap/business icon. He, also, highlighted the influences of each song, breaking them down in an almost academic manner in detail.
Jay truly had a passion for words and language from a very young age, touching topics such as competition, hustle, integrity, spirituality.
He talked about how his grandfather was a Pentecostal pastor in the C.O.G.I.C. and how that shaped his father’s life and strict upbringing. Jay mentioned that even though his father grew up in this strict religious lifestyle, he made it clear that he, himself, was never looking to go to church; this was sort of an explanation for his his life.
The book itself was visually stimulating from page to page, but lacked the cohesiveness of a straight read. It, almost, seemed like it was all over the place, because it was not written as a linear autobiography, which is definitely not Jay’s style being self-proclaimed ADD.
I know there is a lot of talk about his affliation with the “Illumanati” though he doesn’t address it, even when he talks about the song “Lucifer”. The book, itself, on the surface, makes you forget about all that talk and connect on a real human level with Shawn Carter, the man within Jay-Z.
Jay truly had a passion for words and language from a very young age, touching topics such as competition, hustle, integrity, spirituality.
He talked about how his grandfather was a Pentecostal pastor in the C.O.G.I.C. and how that shaped his father’s life and strict upbringing. Jay mentioned that even though his father grew up in this strict religious lifestyle, he made it clear that he, himself, was never looking to go to church; this was sort of an explanation for his his life.
The book itself was visually stimulating from page to page, but lacked the cohesiveness of a straight read. It, almost, seemed like it was all over the place, because it was not written as a linear autobiography, which is definitely not Jay’s style being self-proclaimed ADD.
I know there is a lot of talk about his affliation with the “Illumanati” though he doesn’t address it, even when he talks about the song “Lucifer”. The book, itself, on the surface, makes you forget about all that talk and connect on a real human level with Shawn Carter, the man within Jay-Z.
More Political Theater: Obama’s Tax Cut Deal
The night Obama got elected to the presidency, Keith Olbermann literally fought for the honor of announcing his triumph with tears in his eyes and his voice breaking. For Olbermann and many others, this was an historic night and one to remember. It was only little over twenty four months ago, but it seems like ages ago now.
There was a time when LBJ concluded that if he lost Walter Cronkite, he lost America. Obama now has his moment with Keith Olbermann. He’s lost Olbermann and along with him most of his base and the straw that broke the camel’s back was his capitulation on the tax cut fight. Basically, he’s lost his base by constantly trying to accommodate the same people committed to the failure of his presidency. Perhaps he’s been just worn down by the battle with these people and I can’t imagine a worst way to lose one’s political base than to basically lay down and surrender.
I watched Obama’s historic election with my kids two years ago and while I was happy to see Obama get elected, I’m also a pragmatist and I knew that expectations were far in excess of what this man could deliver even under the best of circumstances. The main limitation is a political system that’s been purchased lock, stock and barrel by the monied elite and that alone serves to limit any real change unless one is able to change the entire system. Changing the entire system requires that this monied elite be displaced and Obama had the chance to engage that battle on several fronts—with the banks, on health care and with the Bush tax cuts to name a few. He failed on all accounts, but the one that was the most critical failure was that revolving around the Wall Street oligarchs and the failure to break their power. To be sure, he was saddled with Bush’s precedent on the TARP, but there was nothing to prevent him from pursuing prosecutions for the criminal elements among the banksters and there was nothing to prevent him from bringing in a reformist minded group of economic advisors, but he lacked the courage to really bring change and that failure is not just his alone but extends to the nation as we will all pay for that. It was never the expectation that things would be fixed in a mere twenty four months, but people did expect at least a general movement in the right direction. Instead, what we wound up with was Bush II.
I never like to count anyone totally out, so all is not lost at this point. But to avoid going down in flames, Obama needs to get a backbone in a hurry and get about truly doing the people’s business. That means he has to get some convictions first, and then show the courage of those convictions rather than constantly compromising and bending over backwards to accommodate the very people committed to seeing he’s a one termer. And above all, set aside concerns about getting re-elected. Now is time more than ever when we need people to simply put the country first as that’s far more important than his re-election. He has to do the right thing and uncompromisingly so.
The night Obama got elected to the presidency, Keith Olbermann literally fought for the honor of announcing his triumph with tears in his eyes and his voice breaking. For Olbermann and many others, this was an historic night and one to remember. It was only little over twenty four months ago, but it seems like ages ago now.
There was a time when LBJ concluded that if he lost Walter Cronkite, he lost America. Obama now has his moment with Keith Olbermann. He’s lost Olbermann and along with him most of his base and the straw that broke the camel’s back was his capitulation on the tax cut fight. Basically, he’s lost his base by constantly trying to accommodate the same people committed to the failure of his presidency. Perhaps he’s been just worn down by the battle with these people and I can’t imagine a worst way to lose one’s political base than to basically lay down and surrender.
I watched Obama’s historic election with my kids two years ago and while I was happy to see Obama get elected, I’m also a pragmatist and I knew that expectations were far in excess of what this man could deliver even under the best of circumstances. The main limitation is a political system that’s been purchased lock, stock and barrel by the monied elite and that alone serves to limit any real change unless one is able to change the entire system. Changing the entire system requires that this monied elite be displaced and Obama had the chance to engage that battle on several fronts—with the banks, on health care and with the Bush tax cuts to name a few. He failed on all accounts, but the one that was the most critical failure was that revolving around the Wall Street oligarchs and the failure to break their power. To be sure, he was saddled with Bush’s precedent on the TARP, but there was nothing to prevent him from pursuing prosecutions for the criminal elements among the banksters and there was nothing to prevent him from bringing in a reformist minded group of economic advisors, but he lacked the courage to really bring change and that failure is not just his alone but extends to the nation as we will all pay for that. It was never the expectation that things would be fixed in a mere twenty four months, but people did expect at least a general movement in the right direction. Instead, what we wound up with was Bush II.
I never like to count anyone totally out, so all is not lost at this point. But to avoid going down in flames, Obama needs to get a backbone in a hurry and get about truly doing the people’s business. That means he has to get some convictions first, and then show the courage of those convictions rather than constantly compromising and bending over backwards to accommodate the very people committed to seeing he’s a one termer. And above all, set aside concerns about getting re-elected. Now is time more than ever when we need people to simply put the country first as that’s far more important than his re-election. He has to do the right thing and uncompromisingly so.
Inflation is the increase in price of goods and service over time. When investing and planning for your financial future, it is important to realize that leaving your money under the mattress only leads to a reduction in true value of your money. Planning professionals let clients know and understand inflation and deflation and how it can help with planning to effectively
maximize investment earnings over the long term. A powerful example when trying to understand inflation is looking at prices in 1980 vs 2009 in common goods. In 1980, a gallon of milk was $0.87 and now it's $2.99; a stamp was $0.15 and now it's $0.44; and so on. With this constant increase in the cost of goods the purchasing power of your money constantly decreases. A low, steady rate of inflation is a sign of an economy with positive growth. Low inflation can help dilute the risk of a recession by helping the workforce to maintain spending and cost of living.
In the U.S. inflation is measured using the Consumer Price Indexes (CPI), a typical group of consumer goods and services are measured on a monthly basis to see whether products are going up or down in value (deflation). The US government provides CPI data on its official Bureau of Labor Statistics site. The issue with measuring the CPI is objectively monitoring the change in prices and making sure that the price change isn't related to changes in other factors such as volume,quality,or performance. For example if there is a corn shortage due to weather, that should not be a factor in the CPI. However, if the price of corn simply changes without any outside factors then that is directly related to inflation.
The opposite of inflation is deflation,which means the value of money has increased while the value of goods has decreased. Although on an individual level deflation seems likes a good thing - with the value of your money decreasing at a slower rate--for the economy as a whole it can result in a slowdown in the economy with the worst example being the Great Depression. Understanding the principles of inflation and deflation can help in your investment planning and the value of your money over time changes. Be sure to discuss the properties of inflation and deflation with your financial advisor so that you understand clearly the present and future value of your money.
Inflation is the increase in price of goods and service over time. When investing and planning for your financial future, it is important to realize that leaving your money under the mattress only leads to a reduction in true value of your money. Planning professionals let clients know and understand inflation and deflation and how it can help with planning to effectively
maximize investment earnings over the long term. A powerful example when trying to understand inflation is looking at prices in 1980 vs 2009 in common goods. In 1980, a gallon of milk was $0.87 and now it's $2.99; a stamp was $0.15 and now it's $0.44; and so on. With this constant increase in the cost of goods the purchasing power of your money constantly decreases. A low, steady rate of inflation is a sign of an economy with positive growth. Low inflation can help dilute the risk of a recession by helping the workforce to maintain spending and cost of living.
In the U.S. inflation is measured using the Consumer Price Indexes (CPI), a typical group of consumer goods and services are measured on a monthly basis to see whether products are going up or down in value (deflation). The US government provides CPI data on its official Bureau of Labor Statistics site. The issue with measuring the CPI is objectively monitoring the change in prices and making sure that the price change isn't related to changes in other factors such as volume,quality,or performance. For example if there is a corn shortage due to weather, that should not be a factor in the CPI. However, if the price of corn simply changes without any outside factors then that is directly related to inflation.
The opposite of inflation is deflation,which means the value of money has increased while the value of goods has decreased. Although on an individual level deflation seems likes a good thing - with the value of your money decreasing at a slower rate--for the economy as a whole it can result in a slowdown in the economy with the worst example being the Great Depression. Understanding the principles of inflation and deflation can help in your investment planning and the value of your money over time changes. Be sure to discuss the properties of inflation and deflation with your financial advisor so that you understand clearly the present and future value of your money.

Art Mart, the valley’s premiere artist-operated and locally created holiday shop, is returning to downtown Allentown for the second year. The store officially opens Wednesday, Dec. 1 and will be open during the Downtown Tree Lighting from 4-8 on Dec. 2.
The shop is being graciously hosted at the Holiday Inn at 9th and Hamilton streets and will exclusively feature handmade, original goods by area artists and artisans.
You can find one-of-a-kind gifts such as knitted and crocheted hats and scarves, jewelry, hair accessories, home décor, original art and more. Demos by artists will be held on Saturdays throughout the season.
Art Mart is an independent effort of Diane Teti, Sarah Fulton and Yodi Vaden that strives to support local artists and advance downtown Allentown through its annual holiday store. Special thanks to Cathy Minnich, general manager of Holiday Inn, for hosting the shop for 2010.
Art Mart will be open from Dec. 1 through Dec. 31 as follows:
Wednesdays 11-2 & 4-7
Thursdays 11-2 & 4-7 (Dec 2 is City Tree Lighting - we will be open until 8)
Fridays 11-2 & 4-8 (Dec 24 and 31 there will be no 4-8 shift)
Saturday s 12-7
For more information please contact allentown.artmart@gmail.com or call Diane Teti at 215-704-9497.
Junior Achievement is offering
Dale Carnegie Generation Next
Leadership Course Scholarships
The Dale Carnegie Generation Next Leadership Course
is designed to be a window into the real-world,
as well as help students reach their full potential.
This opportunity is great for students to:
Develop public speaking skills
Increase interpersonal skills
Increase self-esteem and self-confidence
Complete JA Success Skills Program
List on their college applications or job resume
Students in grades 9th through 12th are eligible to receive this award. 30 Greater Reading scholarships and 30 Lehigh Valley scholarships are available, sponsored by the Dale Carnegie Leadership Institute. There is no cost to the student. Participation in this program is appealing to both colleges and employers.
Click the appropriate link for your area to download the application. Deadline is December 17, 2010, and scholarships are awarded to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis.
Greater Reading
Lehigh Valley
Please feel free to forward this opportunity to any high school student who you think may be interested in participating.
Please return the applications to:
Junior Achievement of Greater Reading and Lehigh Valley
531 Canal Street, Suite 403
Reading, PA 19602
or email to:
Important Information about the Dale Carnegie Program:
Greater Reading:
A total of nine classes starting January 8, 2011 through March 5, 2011 from 9:00a.m. till 12:30p.m. at Reading Area Community College.
Lehigh Valley:
A total of nine classes starting January 8, 2011 through March 5, 2011 from 9:00a.m. till 12:30p.m. at Penn State - Lehigh Valley.
Become a fan and support Junior Achievement on Facebook.
Please join us and volunteer your time at the gift wrapping booth at the Lehigh Valley Mall. All proceeds from the booth will benefit Camelot for Children. Please talk to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Make it a “Girls Night Out.” The only thing we ask is that whoever you recruit is capable of doing a nice job of wrapping. The booth has a good reputation of producing beautifully wrapped gifts and we would like that good reputation to continue.
Also remember to tell everyone you can about the booth and where it is located.
There are many dates and shifts available for more information or to schedule a time please CALL Cassie at 610-791-5683. If for some reason you would need to cancel your shift please try to give us as much notice as possible. If no one answers at the above number please call 484-695-0055 (This number is ONLY to be used for cancelations).
Gift Wrap Schedule for 2010
November 29th thru December 9th 12:00pm-3:00pm
December 10th thru 12th 12:00pm-3:00pm
December 13th thru 16th 9:00am-12:00pm
December 17th thru 23rd 8:30am-11:45am
December 24th 8:00am-11:00am
The Crimson Diamond Gala Benefit for The American Diabetes Association
The Crimson Diamond Gala 2011, a monumental event will be held at the illustrious SANGRIA Restaurant located in Downtown Allentown, PA. It is located on the first floor of the Butz Corporate Center at 9th and Hamilton Streets.The event date is set for January 30, 2010.
This will be an affair for those in the Lehigh Valley wishing to support the American Diabetes Association.
The Crimson Diamond Gala 2011 will be an event that will involve residents, merchants, and proprietors, but it will also, be the genesis of a quality annual event that will assist in the research and treatment of the illness known as Diabetes.
The goal is to increase awareness of the disease, improve the lives of those suffering, and, ultimately, finding a cure
This will be a an "Exclusive Red Carpet" Event which will consist of Fine Dining Dancing, and Diamonds. Music will be provided by Jesus Vivar from NYC Pure Mix DJ / Fashion by SOPHISTIKATE of Bethlehem, PA / A Silent Auction will be held / A Champagne Diamond Fountain will be present
Please visit our website for all information:
*Tickets $65/person
*Black Tie Optional (CE Roth Formal wear coupon)
*Valet Parking
*Additional contact information regarding sponsorships and donations
The Crimson Diamond Gala 2011 Affiliates would like the media to, also, know that sponsorship and vendor opportunities are available for all interested parties.
Telephone: 888.215.0865 / 484.838.0155 / 484.619.6541
E-Mail: www.crimsondiamondgala.com
On Christmas Eve, as I was reminiscing about past events I had orchestrated in 2008, (please see www.5minutes2shine.blogspot.com), I experienced a warm feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for all of the people I have met and encountered. I was fortunate enough to have cultivated old and new relationships and am forever grateful for doing so.
Meanwhile, on my television, as one of my favorite movies, "It's A Wonderful Life" was ending, I, for the first time, actually understood the last scene that had Harry Bailey offering a salutation amidst a room full of people who had just given their money to save the town's Savings and Loan bank; and he stated, " A toast to my big brother George. The richest man in town." And as tears suddenly appeared and rolled down my cheeks, I truly understood that I shared the same wealth.....
Meanwhile, on my television, as one of my favorite movies, "It's A Wonderful Life" was ending, I, for the first time, actually understood the last scene that had Harry Bailey offering a salutation amidst a room full of people who had just given their money to save the town's Savings and Loan bank; and he stated, " A toast to my big brother George. The richest man in town." And as tears suddenly appeared and rolled down my cheeks, I truly understood that I shared the same wealth.....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Welcome back to another great issue of PROLIFICK PROFILES! First, let me say a HUGE THANK-YOU to everyone who made the LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO a success! The ones who "got on their grind" included: Gina Blevins, DJ Richie Rich, and REDLIGHT GFX! I have said it before, and I'll say it again, "NO MAN CAN DO ANYTHING ALONE." I am really grateful to be surrounded by people who don't mind late nights, walking the streets, and endless conversations. Yet, if it wasn't for the VENDORS and the ATTENDING PUBLIC, this would not have occurred either. So, kudos to EVERYONE involved!
The following is a list of special THANKS to those persons, businesses, and organizations that helped make THE LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO possible:
PAULA BRION, Gospel Songstress
www.lvhealthexpo.com / www.5minutes2shine.blogspot.com
(484) 619 6541
The following is a list of special THANKS to those persons, businesses, and organizations that helped make THE LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO possible:
PAULA BRION, Gospel Songstress
www.lvhealthexpo.com / www.5minutes2shine.blogspot.com
(484) 619 6541
INFLUENCERS FULL VERSION from R+I creative on Vimeo.
Are You A Conscious Consumer? Or Are You Consciously Consumed? by TREMAYNE TATEM
The Story of Our Consumption
Bill Cosby raised a very interesting point a few years ago in his very controversial speech about poor conditions of African-Americans. He was discouraged by how low-income African-Americans will spend $100-$150 for a pair of sneakers for their children instead of buying educational toys. Let’s face it, African-Americans including myself love to spend money on the latest and greatest stuff. It has been reported that we spent $845 billion dollars on stuff in 2007. For more about African-American consumption habits checkout this article.
The Story of Our World
What I really want to bring to your attention is that we buy all this stuff without seeing the whole picture of when a product goes through the phases of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal.(If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry it will be explained later.) We don’t realize how powerful our dollars could be if we take the time to think about our purchases. I’m not saying to stop buying things, I am saying lets be more conscious about it and the affects our spending has on the global society and environment around us.
The Story of Stuff
What I want to share with you is a powerful video on this topic of how our consumption affects the world around us. It was very eye-opening and changed my perspective on alot of things. The name of the video is The Story of Stuff,written by Annie Leornard and produced by Free Range Studios. I have attached the introduction of the video and the full length video, which is 20 minutes. I also included a .pdf of recommendations they give you to make more conscious steps toward your consumption habits. Don’t be overwhelmed with the ideas that they list on the .pdf, take baby steps into this or if you feel passionate about this go full throttle. The whole point is move at your own pace. For example, my wife she is an avid user of www.freecycle.org, which is one of the organizations she recommends as a way to be more conscious. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video, and let me know what you think and some ways the video affected you.
Check out more from Tremayne at www.tremaynetatem.com or follow him on twitter at twitter.com/tremaynetatem.
Bill Cosby raised a very interesting point a few years ago in his very controversial speech about poor conditions of African-Americans. He was discouraged by how low-income African-Americans will spend $100-$150 for a pair of sneakers for their children instead of buying educational toys. Let’s face it, African-Americans including myself love to spend money on the latest and greatest stuff. It has been reported that we spent $845 billion dollars on stuff in 2007. For more about African-American consumption habits checkout this article.
The Story of Our World
What I really want to bring to your attention is that we buy all this stuff without seeing the whole picture of when a product goes through the phases of extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal.(If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry it will be explained later.) We don’t realize how powerful our dollars could be if we take the time to think about our purchases. I’m not saying to stop buying things, I am saying lets be more conscious about it and the affects our spending has on the global society and environment around us.
The Story of Stuff
What I want to share with you is a powerful video on this topic of how our consumption affects the world around us. It was very eye-opening and changed my perspective on alot of things. The name of the video is The Story of Stuff,written by Annie Leornard and produced by Free Range Studios. I have attached the introduction of the video and the full length video, which is 20 minutes. I also included a .pdf of recommendations they give you to make more conscious steps toward your consumption habits. Don’t be overwhelmed with the ideas that they list on the .pdf, take baby steps into this or if you feel passionate about this go full throttle. The whole point is move at your own pace. For example, my wife she is an avid user of www.freecycle.org, which is one of the organizations she recommends as a way to be more conscious. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video, and let me know what you think and some ways the video affected you.
Check out more from Tremayne at www.tremaynetatem.com or follow him on twitter at twitter.com/tremaynetatem.
Here’s an interesting snippet from across the pond regarding the long-term jobless in Britain. It should be noted that Britain has some rather daunting economic challenges itself and conservative leaders over there have decided to take up the issue of the long term jobless supposedly taking advantage of the system either by not seeking a job or by getting jobless benefits while working on a job under the table.
Of course, the real problem in Britain is the same one as here in the US—there are no jobs and the situation has been made worst by all of the government accommodation of financial institutions. But there’s no desire to deal with the joblessness, so the unemployed become the bogeymen and the ones on the public dole. So Work and Pension Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith (pictured above) has decided to make the unemployed accept compulsory manual labor for the state as a condition of getting jobless benefits.
No doubt, there are people who abuse the unemployment system on either side of the pond, but these people tend to be in the minority. The majority aren’t getting rich off of unemployment and would prefer a decent paying job. So, the fact that the flag is being run up on those few who abuse the system while ignoring the money infused into the financial system to save fraudsters, means a red herring of major proportions is being put forth. Undoubtedly, the newly minted republican house has been watching this and will likely bring the idea here. This is right up their alley:
Long-term benefit claimants could be forced to do manual labour under proposals to be outlined by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith.
He is due to outline plans for four-week placements doing jobs like gardening and litter clearing.
He said the message would be: “Play ball or it’s going to be difficult.”
But the Archbishop of Canterbury warned that the planned welfare changes could drive people “into a downward spiral of uncertainty, even despair”.
Under the plan, claimants thought to need “experience of the habits and routines of working life” could be put on 30-hour-a-week placements.
Anyone refusing to take part or failing to turn up on time to work could have their £65 Jobseekers’ Allowance stopped for at least three months.
The Work Activity scheme is said to be designed to flush out claimants who have opted for a life on benefits or are doing undeclared jobs on the side.
‘Bit more of a push’
People often are in this starting place, not because they’re wicked, stupid or lazy, but because their circumstances are against them”
End Quote Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams
Reports suggest it will target people believed to be sabotaging efforts to get them back into work.
Foreign Secretary William Hague told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show tackling the welfare budget was “one of the big political challenges”.
“What we are talking about here is people who have not been used to working having both the opportunity and perhaps a bit more of a push as well, to experience the workplace from time to time and again the vast majority of people in Britain will think that’s the right thing to do.”
The white paper will set out Mr Duncan Smith’s plans for a universal credit to replace the range of benefits currently claimed by the jobless.
Under the scheme, job advisers would be given powers to require tens of thousands of claimants to take part in community work for charities or local councils.
A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “We will shortly be bringing forward further proposals on how to break the cycle of dependency blighting many of our communities and make sure work always pays.”
‘Cycle of dependency’
Mr Duncan Smith said his plans were designed to reduce welfare dependency and make work pay.
He said: “One thing we can do is pull people in to do one or two weeks’ manual work – turn up at 9am and leave at 5pm, to give people a sense of work, but also when we think they’re doing other work.
“The message will go across; play ball or it’s going to be difficult.”
When the government unveils its welfare reforms this week, there will be lots of new support for unemployed people – more help to find work, a new universal benefit to claim.
But amid the carrots, there will also be some sharp sticks. One will be the threat that anyone who has been unemployed for a long time who refuses work could be forced to do community work placements.
The Welfare Secretary Iain Duncan Smith likes to talk of a new contract between the state and the unemployed.
Compulsory community work is clearly part of the bargain.
Danny Alexander, Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury, denied the plans were treating the longterm unemployed in the same way as criminals doing community service, telling the BBC’s Politics Show the “purpose is emphatically not to punish and it’s not to humiliate”.
It was intended to “support and encourage” and to get people back into the habit of getting up and going out to work. It also meant those who did it could demonstrate their employability to prospective employers.
The UK has 5m people on out-of-work benefits and one of the highest rates of workless households in Europe, with 1.9m children living in homes where no-one has a job.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, expressed his concern about the proposed changes, saying: “People who are struggling to find work and struggling to find a secure future are – I think – driven further into a downward spiral of uncertainty, even despair, when the pressure is on in that way.
“People often are in this starting place, not because they’re wicked, stupid or lazy, but because their circumstances are against them, they’ve failed to break through into something and to drive that spiral deeper – as I say – does feel a great problem.”
Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman told the Andrew Marr Show she would have to wait to see the full details of the proposals on Thursday before giving her verdict.
But she said the government needed to understand that to get people back into work, there had to be jobs for them to go to.
She added that Labour would be voting in the Commons on Tuesday against plans to cut Housing Benefit.
Of course, the real problem in Britain is the same one as here in the US—there are no jobs and the situation has been made worst by all of the government accommodation of financial institutions. But there’s no desire to deal with the joblessness, so the unemployed become the bogeymen and the ones on the public dole. So Work and Pension Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith (pictured above) has decided to make the unemployed accept compulsory manual labor for the state as a condition of getting jobless benefits.
No doubt, there are people who abuse the unemployment system on either side of the pond, but these people tend to be in the minority. The majority aren’t getting rich off of unemployment and would prefer a decent paying job. So, the fact that the flag is being run up on those few who abuse the system while ignoring the money infused into the financial system to save fraudsters, means a red herring of major proportions is being put forth. Undoubtedly, the newly minted republican house has been watching this and will likely bring the idea here. This is right up their alley:
Long-term benefit claimants could be forced to do manual labour under proposals to be outlined by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith.
He is due to outline plans for four-week placements doing jobs like gardening and litter clearing.
He said the message would be: “Play ball or it’s going to be difficult.”
But the Archbishop of Canterbury warned that the planned welfare changes could drive people “into a downward spiral of uncertainty, even despair”.
Under the plan, claimants thought to need “experience of the habits and routines of working life” could be put on 30-hour-a-week placements.
Anyone refusing to take part or failing to turn up on time to work could have their £65 Jobseekers’ Allowance stopped for at least three months.
The Work Activity scheme is said to be designed to flush out claimants who have opted for a life on benefits or are doing undeclared jobs on the side.
‘Bit more of a push’
People often are in this starting place, not because they’re wicked, stupid or lazy, but because their circumstances are against them”
End Quote Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams
Reports suggest it will target people believed to be sabotaging efforts to get them back into work.
Foreign Secretary William Hague told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show tackling the welfare budget was “one of the big political challenges”.
“What we are talking about here is people who have not been used to working having both the opportunity and perhaps a bit more of a push as well, to experience the workplace from time to time and again the vast majority of people in Britain will think that’s the right thing to do.”
The white paper will set out Mr Duncan Smith’s plans for a universal credit to replace the range of benefits currently claimed by the jobless.
Under the scheme, job advisers would be given powers to require tens of thousands of claimants to take part in community work for charities or local councils.
A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “We will shortly be bringing forward further proposals on how to break the cycle of dependency blighting many of our communities and make sure work always pays.”
‘Cycle of dependency’
Mr Duncan Smith said his plans were designed to reduce welfare dependency and make work pay.
He said: “One thing we can do is pull people in to do one or two weeks’ manual work – turn up at 9am and leave at 5pm, to give people a sense of work, but also when we think they’re doing other work.
“The message will go across; play ball or it’s going to be difficult.”
When the government unveils its welfare reforms this week, there will be lots of new support for unemployed people – more help to find work, a new universal benefit to claim.
But amid the carrots, there will also be some sharp sticks. One will be the threat that anyone who has been unemployed for a long time who refuses work could be forced to do community work placements.
The Welfare Secretary Iain Duncan Smith likes to talk of a new contract between the state and the unemployed.
Compulsory community work is clearly part of the bargain.
Danny Alexander, Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury, denied the plans were treating the longterm unemployed in the same way as criminals doing community service, telling the BBC’s Politics Show the “purpose is emphatically not to punish and it’s not to humiliate”.
It was intended to “support and encourage” and to get people back into the habit of getting up and going out to work. It also meant those who did it could demonstrate their employability to prospective employers.
The UK has 5m people on out-of-work benefits and one of the highest rates of workless households in Europe, with 1.9m children living in homes where no-one has a job.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, expressed his concern about the proposed changes, saying: “People who are struggling to find work and struggling to find a secure future are – I think – driven further into a downward spiral of uncertainty, even despair, when the pressure is on in that way.
“People often are in this starting place, not because they’re wicked, stupid or lazy, but because their circumstances are against them, they’ve failed to break through into something and to drive that spiral deeper – as I say – does feel a great problem.”
Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman told the Andrew Marr Show she would have to wait to see the full details of the proposals on Thursday before giving her verdict.
But she said the government needed to understand that to get people back into work, there had to be jobs for them to go to.
She added that Labour would be voting in the Commons on Tuesday against plans to cut Housing Benefit.
Insuring Life, What Really Matters
Safety is what makes the world go round. It is so because life in danger isn't really life and we don't mean danger in its global meaning. Your health can be in danger, your finances can be and your life can be too. It can all turn bad in one second. Of course, we don't want to think about it or imagine that, but let's do that for a second. What is the first thing that runs through your mind right now? It is probably this - I need insurance, if not it probably should be! and is well thought, actually. We all need insurance to become more protected as we live in the world that gives us absolutely no guarantees. So what is there to do? Head in to the office of the most reputable insurance company in your town and get a good consultation on your case. And what is your case, by the way? It is probably called curiosity or momentary trouble attack. Either way, you have to get the answers for all the questions you have. Maybe you will decide that getting insured isn't as necessary as you thought it was or maybe you will totally want to do it. Before you sign the agreement with the insurance company here is some simple but important advice.
First of all, don't believe everything you see or hear. There are lots of companies in USA that just want to attract your attention. Therefore they invent good remarkable slogans and choose bright pictures of happy people for their banners and billboards. If the price seems too ridiculous to trust it, then don't do it. You are probably right to wonder if it is true or not. Nobody will provide you with the good quality service without a significant amount of money. You need to find yourself some life insurance quotes that won't be too pricy. The major question that you have to ask your potential insurer is about your premium. mainly on your age,health condition and family history will also matter. The better your health state is the lower you will have to pay for the companies services. If you don't want to leave all of your money in the insurer's office, then make sure you got rid of all the bad habits such as drinking as smoking. It would be better for you to go in for sports todemonstrate you are interested in being healthy.
Another important advice is to stay sane with the internet offers. They can be attractive and pushy. But remember to think twice before you take any steps in any directions. Some internet websites should not betrusted and so should not be some of the companies that promise unbelievable discounts on life insurance. Itwould not be right to tell you not to pay attention to discounts at all because there are so many insurancecompanies in the country that are willing to compete for you and your money, but it always makes sense to be
realistic. Your life insurance doesn't have to be too much trouble. It can just become your support in life. Thisis what I hope it will be for you.
Safety is what makes the world go round. It is so because life in danger isn't really life and we don't mean danger in its global meaning. Your health can be in danger, your finances can be and your life can be too. It can all turn bad in one second. Of course, we don't want to think about it or imagine that, but let's do that for a second. What is the first thing that runs through your mind right now? It is probably this - I need insurance, if not it probably should be! and is well thought, actually. We all need insurance to become more protected as we live in the world that gives us absolutely no guarantees. So what is there to do? Head in to the office of the most reputable insurance company in your town and get a good consultation on your case. And what is your case, by the way? It is probably called curiosity or momentary trouble attack. Either way, you have to get the answers for all the questions you have. Maybe you will decide that getting insured isn't as necessary as you thought it was or maybe you will totally want to do it. Before you sign the agreement with the insurance company here is some simple but important advice.
First of all, don't believe everything you see or hear. There are lots of companies in USA that just want to attract your attention. Therefore they invent good remarkable slogans and choose bright pictures of happy people for their banners and billboards. If the price seems too ridiculous to trust it, then don't do it. You are probably right to wonder if it is true or not. Nobody will provide you with the good quality service without a significant amount of money. You need to find yourself some life insurance quotes that won't be too pricy. The major question that you have to ask your potential insurer is about your premium. mainly on your age,health condition and family history will also matter. The better your health state is the lower you will have to pay for the companies services. If you don't want to leave all of your money in the insurer's office, then make sure you got rid of all the bad habits such as drinking as smoking. It would be better for you to go in for sports todemonstrate you are interested in being healthy.
Another important advice is to stay sane with the internet offers. They can be attractive and pushy. But remember to think twice before you take any steps in any directions. Some internet websites should not betrusted and so should not be some of the companies that promise unbelievable discounts on life insurance. Itwould not be right to tell you not to pay attention to discounts at all because there are so many insurancecompanies in the country that are willing to compete for you and your money, but it always makes sense to be
realistic. Your life insurance doesn't have to be too much trouble. It can just become your support in life. Thisis what I hope it will be for you.
You’re Invited to LifeSpan’s
Enhanced Daycare for Seniors
Harvest Open House.
Date: Tuesday November 16, 2010
Time: 4 PM to 7PM
Where: 2460 John Fries Highway (Rt 663)
Quakertown, PA
RSVP to: 215-529-6630
Join LifeSpan For…...
*Food and Drink
*Door Prizes
*Meet the Staff
*Tour the Facility
Donna Forte
VP of Admissions & Enrollment
2100 Quaker Pointe Drive
Quakertown, PA 18951
(C) 267-374-1895
Friday, November 19 at 7:00pm - 2:00am
40 Below Nightclub & Lounge
40 West Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA
Come support a local company who helps children with Autism and special needs. There will be a HOT live Jazz Band for our cocktail hour. Catered food buffet for VIPS, some of the Best of the Best out of the Lehigh Valley Artists. Come and check out the New York Club scene without having to leave the Valley.... See ya there!
$10 to enter....and an addition $10 to become a VIP ...oh its worth it :)
Check out Live Learn and Play at www.livelearnandplay.org
Even if you cant make it let me know of you want to contribute
Any questions please call Joanne Gass @ 610-653-4452
We request your presence at the Police/Resident Workshop at the Hispanic Center on Saturday, November 20, 2010 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Commissioner Stuart Bedics and Deputy Commissioner Jason Schiffer from the Bethlehem Police Department will be present.
For the workshop to be successful, we need community participation. This workshop will cost the Police Department close to $2,000 dollars, and will not take place unless at least 10 residents from Bethlehem commit to be present! I will be there, and I hope to see you there as well…
Please register, before November 16th by contactingSpanishCouncilED@gmail.com or calling 610-868-7800.
Please distribute the attached flyer within your networks, and forward this email widely. If we want to see more cooperation with and more diversity within the police force, this is your opportunity to communicate those needs!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Olga Negrón, director of the Hispanic Center (spanishcounciled@gmail.com).
Winter Camps and Scout Programs at the Lehigh Valley Zoo
Pre-registration is required for all programs
Harvest Celebration
Ages 4-5 years
Celebrate the Autumn Season! Learn why leaves change color and fall to the ground, why some trees are green year round, and how different animals prepare for winter through games, animal presentations, and a Zoo tour.
Date and Time: 11/24/2010 9:00 -11:30am
Pricing: Members: $12, Non-members: $17
Fun Froggy Friday
Ages 4-5 years
Leap for joy, it's Friday! Campers will have the chance to get an up close and personal experience with several different species of frogs. Enjoy learning about frogs, their strange survival tactics, and their fascinating life cycles through fun games and crafts.
Date and Time: 11/26/2010 9:00am-11:30am
Pricing: Members: $12, Non-members: $17
Ages 6-10 years
Take a walk on the slimy side! Join us in an amphibian adventure as campers learn fun frog facts! Discover a variety of unique amphibian attributes, adaptations, and habitats with the Lehigh Valley Zoo's animal ambassadors and exciting frog festivities.
Date and Time: 11/26/2010 9:00am-1:30pm
Pricing: Members: $17, Non-members: $22
Seasons Greetings
For adults and children of all ages
Celebrate the holiday season at the Lehigh Valley Zoo! We'll enjoy cookie decorating, craft making, animal presentations, caroling to Zoo critters, and reading of a special holiday story.
Date and Time: 12/12/2010 1:00pm-3:00pm
Pricing: Members: $12/person, Non-members: $17/person
One adult admitted free with each paying child
Wild Winter Zoo Camp
Ages 4 -5
Bundle up for this adventure through a Zoo wonderland! Did you know that many of the Zoo animals love the winter season as much as children do? Escape to the Zoo and uncover how animals survive and thrive in the cold through role play, interactive games, and animal encounters.
Dates and Time: 12/27/2010 & 12/28/2010 9:00 -11:30am
Pricing: Members: $12, Non-members $17
Ages 6 -10
Dates and Time: 12/27/2010 & 12/28/2010 9:00am -1:30pm
Pricing: Members: $17, Non-members: $22
Pre-registration is required for all programs
Two scout chaperones admitted free for the first 10 scouts in attendance. One additional chaperone will be admitted free for each 10 additional scouts in attendance.
Combined Cub Event
Combined Cub Event for Webelos, Tigers, Bears and Wolves! Everyone works towards a pin, a bead, or a belt loop! Event includes: animal presentations, nature hikes, a conservation message, ecology, and outdoor skills.
Date and Time: 11/20/2010 10:00am -2:00pm
Pricing: $13.00 per participant
Pre-registration is required for all programs
Two scout chaperones admitted free for the first 10 scouts in attendance. One additional chaperone will be admitted free for each 10 additional scouts in attendance.
Environmental Science Merit Badge
This course is action packed with 11 projects. Some of the projects will take place at the Zoo and other projects need to be done on the scout's own time. This course is a combination of guided activities and independent work. Course adheres to BSA requirements.
Date and Time: 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, & 12/5/2010 1:00 -3:00pm
Pricing: $40 per participant
Combined Merit Badge Event
This course features activities that go toward four merit badges: Animal Science, Bird Study, Insect Study, and Reptile Study. Course adheres to BSA requirements.
Date and Time: 12/4/2010 9:00am -2:00pm
Pricing: $13.50 per participant
LISTEN TO PROLIFICK RADIO.COM www.prolifickradio.com, Monday - Friday for "URBAN EXCLUSIVES" from 12noon - 2pm for the most up to date information in news, entertainment, and MORE! With your hosts DJ RICHIE RICH and J.BLACK /
Completed musical projects from up and coming/emerging artists for the PROLIFICKRADIO.COM VOLUME I MIX CD PROJECT !
This is NOT the CD that will end up collecting dust on someone's store counter. This is NOT the CD that will end up in a barbershop's windowsill fading and melting in the sun. This is the CD that will be professionally compiled, mixed, rotated, and promoted! For more information, contact: ALFONSO TODD AND ASSOCIATES / 484 619 6541.
45 N. 10th Street (CORNER OF LINDEN)
$5.00 COVER
AND MORE !!!!!
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT 484 619 6541 /Listen to www.prolifickradio.com /Go to www.thisisred.net for future details....
I read an article about a woman who does ridiculous activities and reports the antics to her blog followers for entertainment purposes. It seems she has done everything from dogwalker to fish scaler, but this week she was an "inspirational dancer" at bar and botmitzvahs. WHOA THERE! Playtime is over. I DID that and it is no laughing matter. (smile)
Many often ask me about my past life as a dancer and how I got started. Well, once and for all, here is the TRUE story....
FONZO THE DANCER (not stripper)
Once upon a time in a galaxy, far, far away, there was a guy named Alfonso, well, FONZO, for short, who was a decent student but a better organizer, creator, worker, and risk taker. The time was 1993, ancient history. Internet, small personal cell phones, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, or MYSPACE weren't even in existence in everyday society yet. (How did he survive?)
Anyway, he was a country boy (lived in Columbia, SC for years) and fresh out of college. He had decided, on a whim, to move to Miami, FL. Why? Because he was having dreams about a place where tropical breezes blew, ocean water was blue-green and clear, and everyday was like a vacation.
Unfortunately, the reality of the situation was that he was young, with no corporate work experience, and struggling to get by. He found out quickly, that a degree means nothing if you can't pay the rent.
Through faith and diligence, he was able to make "something out of nothing" on a daily basis. This kept a roof over his head and food in his belly, but he always felt he needed more. For you see, in Miami, it's hard to see the glitz and glamour around you and not want to experience the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Yet, it always escaped him because due to his upbringing, crime was NEVER an option; he wasn't in the right circles to take advantage of the up and coming "dot com" boom, and he was never lucky enough to find that lost "bag full of money" on his many walks through the city streets and alleys.
One day, after years of struggle in the City of Style, he saw that his situation was beginning to take it's toll on him. His job was full of pressure, his hair was becoming gray, he had dark circles under his eyes, and his mood swings and temper were out of control. (At this time, there were no commercials for Prozac and Lithium) Basically, he began to show signs of stress and he felt like the there was no way out. He couldn't go forward and he had too much pride to go back.
He went to a local hang out on South Beach, one night, feeling depressed and dejected. He was broke, girlfriendless, and just plain miserable. He didn't even have any money to order anything, in fact, most of the time, he just drank water all night. All of a sudden, he heard a beat. Not just any beat. HOUSE MUSIC!
Now, stress has a way of keeping you down and can even have you doubt yourself and abilities. There was no one on the dance floor and wouldn't be for a while but he felt the urge to move. He never wanted to be the corny guy at the club who dances by himself while other people look and laugh, but don't worry, faithful readers, he wasn't. (smile)
I guess he felt like Popeye, the cartoon character and said, "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more!" and he jumped out into "his future." All at once, years of frustration, anger, self-pity, etc melted away and he became "a dancer".
Dancing, soon, became a way of life, because he did it everyday without fail, for hours upon hours, literally. He would leave work at 5:00pm and head to the beach and dance until 5:00am almost non-stop, every weekend.
Now, it was weird to him that he did moves and routines without ANY formal training but it was even weirder that crowds actually liked them and decided to make him a "part of the Miami experience."
It just seemed to come naturally. If he could envision a move in his mind, his body would do it. Life was good, he was doing something that he loved and his health began to return to normal. The gray hair disappeared and he began to look younger, like "Benjamin Buttons".
He never did the "audition thing" but ended up obtaining 3 agents who saw him in the nightspots, liked his dance style, and booked him everywhere; from Prince's (yes, the Purple Rain/Little Red Corvette guy) GLAM SLAM club to high paying celebrity events to various business openings and functions. Dancers were a hot commodity "back in the day".
He counted himself "blessed" that he never fell into the drug and gigolo trap that many of his fellow dancers did. He guessed God really did protect the fools and the children. (smile)
He won't say that he was a complete angel, in fact, far from it, but he kept a clear head and stayed down to earth which is why he felt he survived 10 years of South Beach, Miami, FL.
In conclusion, this is some advice he wanted to give to all of the guys who happen to read this:
#1 - Learn to dance. Women love men who can dance and dance well.
#2 - If a lady agrees to dance with you, do NOT immediately start to bump and grind. This is quick way to lose her respect and any chances of future communication.
#3 - Don't think about anyone else while dancing. Let the music move you. Self-conciousness is a sure way to end up dancing like you can't. Just, relax and even if you can't, remember, it's just a dance, not a marriage proposal.
Read more:http://www.myspace.com/altodd/blog#ixzz15IR8G5BT
Many often ask me about my past life as a dancer and how I got started. Well, once and for all, here is the TRUE story....
FONZO THE DANCER (not stripper)
Once upon a time in a galaxy, far, far away, there was a guy named Alfonso, well, FONZO, for short, who was a decent student but a better organizer, creator, worker, and risk taker. The time was 1993, ancient history. Internet, small personal cell phones, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, or MYSPACE weren't even in existence in everyday society yet. (How did he survive?)
Anyway, he was a country boy (lived in Columbia, SC for years) and fresh out of college. He had decided, on a whim, to move to Miami, FL. Why? Because he was having dreams about a place where tropical breezes blew, ocean water was blue-green and clear, and everyday was like a vacation.
Unfortunately, the reality of the situation was that he was young, with no corporate work experience, and struggling to get by. He found out quickly, that a degree means nothing if you can't pay the rent.
Through faith and diligence, he was able to make "something out of nothing" on a daily basis. This kept a roof over his head and food in his belly, but he always felt he needed more. For you see, in Miami, it's hard to see the glitz and glamour around you and not want to experience the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Yet, it always escaped him because due to his upbringing, crime was NEVER an option; he wasn't in the right circles to take advantage of the up and coming "dot com" boom, and he was never lucky enough to find that lost "bag full of money" on his many walks through the city streets and alleys.
One day, after years of struggle in the City of Style, he saw that his situation was beginning to take it's toll on him. His job was full of pressure, his hair was becoming gray, he had dark circles under his eyes, and his mood swings and temper were out of control. (At this time, there were no commercials for Prozac and Lithium) Basically, he began to show signs of stress and he felt like the there was no way out. He couldn't go forward and he had too much pride to go back.
He went to a local hang out on South Beach, one night, feeling depressed and dejected. He was broke, girlfriendless, and just plain miserable. He didn't even have any money to order anything, in fact, most of the time, he just drank water all night. All of a sudden, he heard a beat. Not just any beat. HOUSE MUSIC!
Now, stress has a way of keeping you down and can even have you doubt yourself and abilities. There was no one on the dance floor and wouldn't be for a while but he felt the urge to move. He never wanted to be the corny guy at the club who dances by himself while other people look and laugh, but don't worry, faithful readers, he wasn't. (smile)
I guess he felt like Popeye, the cartoon character and said, "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more!" and he jumped out into "his future." All at once, years of frustration, anger, self-pity, etc melted away and he became "a dancer".
Dancing, soon, became a way of life, because he did it everyday without fail, for hours upon hours, literally. He would leave work at 5:00pm and head to the beach and dance until 5:00am almost non-stop, every weekend.
Now, it was weird to him that he did moves and routines without ANY formal training but it was even weirder that crowds actually liked them and decided to make him a "part of the Miami experience."
It just seemed to come naturally. If he could envision a move in his mind, his body would do it. Life was good, he was doing something that he loved and his health began to return to normal. The gray hair disappeared and he began to look younger, like "Benjamin Buttons".
He never did the "audition thing" but ended up obtaining 3 agents who saw him in the nightspots, liked his dance style, and booked him everywhere; from Prince's (yes, the Purple Rain/Little Red Corvette guy) GLAM SLAM club to high paying celebrity events to various business openings and functions. Dancers were a hot commodity "back in the day".
He counted himself "blessed" that he never fell into the drug and gigolo trap that many of his fellow dancers did. He guessed God really did protect the fools and the children. (smile)
He won't say that he was a complete angel, in fact, far from it, but he kept a clear head and stayed down to earth which is why he felt he survived 10 years of South Beach, Miami, FL.
In conclusion, this is some advice he wanted to give to all of the guys who happen to read this:
#1 - Learn to dance. Women love men who can dance and dance well.
#2 - If a lady agrees to dance with you, do NOT immediately start to bump and grind. This is quick way to lose her respect and any chances of future communication.
#3 - Don't think about anyone else while dancing. Let the music move you. Self-conciousness is a sure way to end up dancing like you can't. Just, relax and even if you can't, remember, it's just a dance, not a marriage proposal.
Read more:http://www.myspace.com/altodd/blog#ixzz15IR8G5BT
Monday, October 11, 2010
PROLIFIC (SYN.) fertile, rich, fruitful, teeming, fecund, bountiful, luxuriant, productive, plentious
Many have questioned the need for a new community newsletter / internet site / blog ( www.prolifickprofiles.blogspot.com ) that caters to the Urban community, especially in this time of "financial instability" within our nation. They ask, "Why?" and I respond, "Why not?" The Urban lifestyle has continued to grow in leaps and bounds and continues to permeate cultures around the world. Unfortunately, there are, also, many stereotypes and misconceptions, "urban myths", if you will, and PROLIFICK PROFILES will be the beacon that will dispel many of those falsehoods.
We are here to challenge those that believe the URBAN COMMUNITY can be defined by one type of music, one type of look, one type of thought, and one type of future. We ARE multi-faceted, creative, professional, ambitious, and unable to be stopped ! We are not a force to be feared but an energy to be utilized.
PROLIFICK PROFILES promises to be a guide to those unfamiliar with the Urban lifestyle and a refreshing change to those who live the Urban lifestyle. The difference between us and other similar entities is that while others may focus on the latest trends, groups, and music, we will, also, give poignant commentary, life changing information, and credible advice.
We will strive to be the best source of information that is available for our Readers and illustrate the fact that Urban does not equate to ghetto, ignorance, or vileness, but in fact, produces style, beauty, and elegance.
This is our PREMIER ISSUE and we anticipate many, many more; and we want our Readers to remember, this is YOUR newsletter/blog and you are going to be a very important part of this adventure that we have initiated. You can look for more upgrades and updates to this publication, online, as well as in print, over the coming months and we want to hear from YOU!
Make sure and take advantage of all the ways to be a part of our "corner of the media world", because I am PROLIFICK, YOU are PROLIFICK, WE are PROLIFICK.
Only the Best,
Many have questioned the need for a new community newsletter / internet site / blog ( www.prolifickprofiles.blogspot.com ) that caters to the Urban community, especially in this time of "financial instability" within our nation. They ask, "Why?" and I respond, "Why not?" The Urban lifestyle has continued to grow in leaps and bounds and continues to permeate cultures around the world. Unfortunately, there are, also, many stereotypes and misconceptions, "urban myths", if you will, and PROLIFICK PROFILES will be the beacon that will dispel many of those falsehoods.
We are here to challenge those that believe the URBAN COMMUNITY can be defined by one type of music, one type of look, one type of thought, and one type of future. We ARE multi-faceted, creative, professional, ambitious, and unable to be stopped ! We are not a force to be feared but an energy to be utilized.
PROLIFICK PROFILES promises to be a guide to those unfamiliar with the Urban lifestyle and a refreshing change to those who live the Urban lifestyle. The difference between us and other similar entities is that while others may focus on the latest trends, groups, and music, we will, also, give poignant commentary, life changing information, and credible advice.
We will strive to be the best source of information that is available for our Readers and illustrate the fact that Urban does not equate to ghetto, ignorance, or vileness, but in fact, produces style, beauty, and elegance.
This is our PREMIER ISSUE and we anticipate many, many more; and we want our Readers to remember, this is YOUR newsletter/blog and you are going to be a very important part of this adventure that we have initiated. You can look for more upgrades and updates to this publication, online, as well as in print, over the coming months and we want to hear from YOU!
Make sure and take advantage of all the ways to be a part of our "corner of the media world", because I am PROLIFICK, YOU are PROLIFICK, WE are PROLIFICK.
Only the Best,
LISTEN TO PROLIFICK RADIO.COM www.prolifickradio.com, Monday - Friday for "URBAN EXCLUSIVES" from 12noon - 2pm for the most up to date information in news, entertainment, and MORE! With your hosts DJ RICHIE RICH and J.BLACK / FRIDAYS listen to Xi Xi's EXPERIENCE / COMING SOON: Da TESTIMONY with PAULA BRION
OCTOBER 23 - GROOVE 2010 CONFERENCE presented by the GLAM SQUAD / www.groovebyglamsquad.com / 484 892 3060
9AM - 7PM, Comfort Inn and Suites, 120 West Third Street Bethlehem, PA
The GROOVE is a one-day event filled with motivational and inspirational workshops and classes to encourage women to live their best life!
OCTOBER 23 - WORSHIP CONFERENCE / www.agapechristiancenter.org / 206 424 2740 or 610 866 1135
10AM - 2PM, FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, 27 North Third Street Easton, PA
5PM - 9PM, 500 Block of North 7th Street Allentown, PA
"If you thought 7th Street was scary before....come see us for the Day of the Dead!"
RAIN DATE: October 31
NOVEMBER 13 - THE LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO / www.lvhealthexpo.com / 484 619 6541
12noon - 6PM, AMERICA ON WHEELS MUSEUM, 5 North Front Street Allentown, PA
HIGHLIGHTING: Health Care Organizations, Caregivers, Healthy Products, Preventative Health Products, Local Health-Wellness Businesses
OCTOBER 23 - GROOVE 2010 CONFERENCE presented by the GLAM SQUAD / www.groovebyglamsquad.com / 484 892 3060
9AM - 7PM, Comfort Inn and Suites, 120 West Third Street Bethlehem, PA
The GROOVE is a one-day event filled with motivational and inspirational workshops and classes to encourage women to live their best life!
OCTOBER 23 - WORSHIP CONFERENCE / www.agapechristiancenter.org / 206 424 2740 or 610 866 1135
10AM - 2PM, FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, 27 North Third Street Easton, PA
5PM - 9PM, 500 Block of North 7th Street Allentown, PA
"If you thought 7th Street was scary before....come see us for the Day of the Dead!"
RAIN DATE: October 31
NOVEMBER 13 - THE LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO / www.lvhealthexpo.com / 484 619 6541
12noon - 6PM, AMERICA ON WHEELS MUSEUM, 5 North Front Street Allentown, PA
HIGHLIGHTING: Health Care Organizations, Caregivers, Healthy Products, Preventative Health Products, Local Health-Wellness Businesses
FINANCIAL ADVICE by Christopher Lynch
The Power of Budgeting
You say you know where your money goes and you don't need it all written down to keep up with it? I offer you this challenge. Keep track of every penny you spend for one month and I do mean every penny. You will be shocked at what the itty-bitty expenses add up to. Take the total you spent on just one unnecessary item for the month, multiply it by 12 for months in a year and multiply the result by 5 to represent 5 years.
That is how much you could have saved AND drawn interest on in just five years. That, my friend, is the very
reason all of us need a budget. If we can get control of the small expenses that really don't matter to the overall scheme of our lives, we can enjoy financial success. The little things really do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch from five dollars a day to three dollars a day on every work day in a five day work week saves $10 a week... $40 a month... $480 a year... $2400 in five years....plus interest.
See what I mean... it really is the little things and you still eat lunch everyday and that was only one place to
save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you really need. There are a lot of places to cut expenses if you look for them. Set some specific long term and short term goals. There are no wrong answers here. If it's important to you, then it's important period. If you want to be able to make a down payment on a house, start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take a vacation ... anything... then that is your goal and your reason to get a handle on your financial situation now.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
*: ChristopherLynch2@finsvcs.com
&: http://www.massmutual.com
You say you know where your money goes and you don't need it all written down to keep up with it? I offer you this challenge. Keep track of every penny you spend for one month and I do mean every penny. You will be shocked at what the itty-bitty expenses add up to. Take the total you spent on just one unnecessary item for the month, multiply it by 12 for months in a year and multiply the result by 5 to represent 5 years.
That is how much you could have saved AND drawn interest on in just five years. That, my friend, is the very
reason all of us need a budget. If we can get control of the small expenses that really don't matter to the overall scheme of our lives, we can enjoy financial success. The little things really do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch from five dollars a day to three dollars a day on every work day in a five day work week saves $10 a week... $40 a month... $480 a year... $2400 in five years....plus interest.
See what I mean... it really is the little things and you still eat lunch everyday and that was only one place to
save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you really need. There are a lot of places to cut expenses if you look for them. Set some specific long term and short term goals. There are no wrong answers here. If it's important to you, then it's important period. If you want to be able to make a down payment on a house, start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take a vacation ... anything... then that is your goal and your reason to get a handle on your financial situation now.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
*: ChristopherLynch2@finsvcs.com
&: http://www.massmutual.com
Its really hard for me to watch this video on the surface, and not be drastically unmoved by the facade of happiness and youthful “exploration” that is shown by Montana Fishburne. In case you didn’t know, Montana Fishburne, is the daughter of actor Laurence Fishburne. You know Morpheus from The Matrix? She currently has the Internet buzzing about her recently released sex tape. Being a father to a daughter, I could not even begin to feel the disappointment, shame and hurt that Laurence Fishburne is experiencing.
As parents, this is not the career path that you envision for your little girl, and what’s so ironic about this whole thing is according to Montana, she had a “privileged” life of travel, choice education and just about anything she wanted. She even said although her mom and actor father divorced while she was at the tender age of 2 she still had a “good” relationship with her father.
In most cases, statistics show that most women who enter into the porn industry come from abusive situations and bad experiences in their childhood or some form of male neglect. However, as I was diving in to the research, neglect did not surface as an issue in Montana’s life.
Why Porn?
So this made me ask, was it the divorce of her parents that affected young Montana? Or was it the lack of attention from her father, as he was away pursuing his acting career? How is it that her lost of virginity can turn into an all-out fascination to use her talents in an industry that has a reputation for swallowing young girls up. Why not pursue thespian aspirations as an alternative route? I mean your father is Laurence Fishburne, right?
Was this an issue of survival? According to Haley Volpintesta, a Chicago-based human rights advocate with 10 years experience working with youth impacted by the sex trade, the juvenile and criminal justice systems document that while many young women are coerced into prostitution, many others engage in survival sex. That is to say that they are in the practice of trading sex for basic needs like food and shelter, even in the Unites States of America.
"They may see their involvement in the sex trade as temporary, until they can figure out how to get their needs met in other ways," she says.
It was reported that her father was starting to take some of her privileges away, such as her car and other things, but this in no way threatened her well-being or prevented her from getting her basic needs met.
The New Role Models
So what was it? A case of innocent rebellion? Whatever prompted her actions, the bottom line is that this episode of exploration has made its course into the mainstream and into the homes of millions of Americans. Whether you have a sister, step-daughter, niece, friend, or a daughter between the ages of 13-18, this will have an interesting affect on them.
If you don’t believe me, check out Montana’s recent tweets,
“Aw this little 13 year old girl came up to me talking about I'm her favorite celebrity and she is going to make a sex-tape when she turns 18...”
“It's too late fools. Me and @ihatekatstacks are the next generation's ROLE MODELS. You had your chance and decided to go to college smh hoes”
Although, I’m not blaming Montana for the ills of the world, it should be noted that when the media magnifies her intentions, it does have a direct or indirect influence on the rest of us.
It especially presents a challenge for parents that already have a tough time dealing with their teenage son or daughter that hide in the crevices of their room chatting with their friends online. This challenge is especially significant in a time when there is a power struggle for influence over the minds of teenagers. In the case of Montana, her dad being a famous actor and probably being away from home because of his work, is not much different than most American families now. In this day and age, it is likely that one or both parents must work to earn a half decent living. Given this dynamic, it is easy to understand the tensions between parent and child.
The Father-Daughter Relationship
There are a number of factors that affect the bond between father and daughter. The daily grind of family life and employment can affect the strength of this important bond. According to studies, “men still spend an average of 15 more hours a week at work and commuting than their employed wives do, and American fathers spend about 70 more hours each year at work than do men in other industrialized countries. Dads still don’t have as much time as moms to be with kids.” In the same study, it was found that “father absence was an overriding risk factor for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Conversely, father presence was a major protective factor against early sexual outcomes, even if other factors were present. Girls who have poor relationships with their dads tend to seek attention from other males at earlier ages and often this will involve a sexual relationship.”
“This surprising characteristic of strong father-daughter relationships was not duplicated between mothers and daughters.”
So with the increased absence of the father, whether it is by overworking or just plain absenteeism, what messages does this send little girls who are looking for the approval of a male figure? In particular, what about little black girls? Drawing on research from several books she authored on the topics of the Father-daughter relationship, professor of adolescent psychology and woman's studies at Wake Forest University, Linda Nielsen, states that 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. Most of the time all we hear about absent black fathers is the negative impact on young black men. What about the impact on black daughters? The emphasis is on the boys, and how much they need their fathers, but the highest rate of AIDS infections right now in our country is among teenage girls.
Why is this? My assumption is these girls are dating guys and having sex too early. Most likely the girls are coming from a poorer family where the father is not present leading to girls at the ages of 12 and 13 engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Oftentimes their partners are drug users and alot older than them. The fact that these men are usually older shows that the girl consciously or unconsciously is looking to fill that father void. It seems that there is a strong connection between the increase in Aids related infections amongst black young women and the issue of absentee fathers.
Who Is To Blame?
When they do not see their father presently active in their lives it induces a counter-intuitive reaction for the young girls need for male affirmation and begins a process where the little girl is searching for this affirmation elsewhere. It also could be a case of mere rebellion. Montana gives a hint of the fruit of her rebellion from the reactions of an absent father:
Don’t blame me...blame yourself! If you spent more time on Twitter than with your kids this week.#YouToBlame
So who is to blame? Parents? Society? The girls? I think the blame is placed on those who are not willing to take responsibility for the little girls in their life that are trying to find their way. Nas, had a prophetic song on his second album, It Was Written called Black Girl Lost and tapped into the conscience of this girl:
Diamonds all shinin, lookin all fine
Pretty little face, get a little high
Young girl stugglin, tryin to survive
Mother of the Earth, she made you and I
Just tired of playin the same ol' games
Messin with my mind, emotional thangs
And there goes.. a black girl.. lost
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences:
Were you a “Black Girl Lost” and now are found? Did you have any positive male role models to help you get on track?
As a man, do you have any “Black Girl Lost” in your life, how can you begin helping her get back on track?
[Editors Note: According to multiple sources on the Internet, Montana Fishburne recently admitted herself into a mental facility in Southern California and Montana will be there at least 30 days. Sources say part of Montana’s stay will be devoted to anger issues, but she’ll also undergo diagnostic tests to determine if there are underlying behavioral or mental issues. Please keep her in your prayers.]
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of lifeseek.org. Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and
on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where
culure and Christianity collide to find the love and wisdom of God. You
can find him blogging his thoughts at lifeseek.org and tremaynetatem.com.
[1]E Online. "Montana Fishburne Talks Porn Career." August 2010.http://www.eonline.com/videos/v56743_montana-fishburne-talks-porn-career.html
[2] Huffington Post, "Montana Fishburne: I'm A Role Model",August 2010.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/13/montana-fishburne-im-a-ro_n_681286.html
[3]Linda Nielsen,vison.org:Insights and New Horizons, "The Lost Relationship:Fathers and Daughters",Fall 2007 http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3136
[4]Gina Step, Vision.org:Insights and New Horizons, "Like Father, Like...Daughter?", July 2007 http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3438
[5]Desiree Gordon, "The Absense of Black Fathers In The Home.", November 2008. http://www.helium.com/items/1096000-absent-black-fathers
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of lifeseek.org. Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where culture and Christianity intersect; to identify how the love and wisdom of God is seen in both worlds.You can find him blogging his thoughts at lifeseek.org and tremaynetatem.com.
Its really hard for me to watch this video on the surface, and not be drastically unmoved by the facade of happiness and youthful “exploration” that is shown by Montana Fishburne. In case you didn’t know, Montana Fishburne, is the daughter of actor Laurence Fishburne. You know Morpheus from The Matrix? She currently has the Internet buzzing about her recently released sex tape. Being a father to a daughter, I could not even begin to feel the disappointment, shame and hurt that Laurence Fishburne is experiencing.
As parents, this is not the career path that you envision for your little girl, and what’s so ironic about this whole thing is according to Montana, she had a “privileged” life of travel, choice education and just about anything she wanted. She even said although her mom and actor father divorced while she was at the tender age of 2 she still had a “good” relationship with her father.
In most cases, statistics show that most women who enter into the porn industry come from abusive situations and bad experiences in their childhood or some form of male neglect. However, as I was diving in to the research, neglect did not surface as an issue in Montana’s life.
Why Porn?
So this made me ask, was it the divorce of her parents that affected young Montana? Or was it the lack of attention from her father, as he was away pursuing his acting career? How is it that her lost of virginity can turn into an all-out fascination to use her talents in an industry that has a reputation for swallowing young girls up. Why not pursue thespian aspirations as an alternative route? I mean your father is Laurence Fishburne, right?
Was this an issue of survival? According to Haley Volpintesta, a Chicago-based human rights advocate with 10 years experience working with youth impacted by the sex trade, the juvenile and criminal justice systems document that while many young women are coerced into prostitution, many others engage in survival sex. That is to say that they are in the practice of trading sex for basic needs like food and shelter, even in the Unites States of America.
"They may see their involvement in the sex trade as temporary, until they can figure out how to get their needs met in other ways," she says.
It was reported that her father was starting to take some of her privileges away, such as her car and other things, but this in no way threatened her well-being or prevented her from getting her basic needs met.
The New Role Models
So what was it? A case of innocent rebellion? Whatever prompted her actions, the bottom line is that this episode of exploration has made its course into the mainstream and into the homes of millions of Americans. Whether you have a sister, step-daughter, niece, friend, or a daughter between the ages of 13-18, this will have an interesting affect on them.
If you don’t believe me, check out Montana’s recent tweets,
“Aw this little 13 year old girl came up to me talking about I'm her favorite celebrity and she is going to make a sex-tape when she turns 18...”
“It's too late fools. Me and @ihatekatstacks are the next generation's ROLE MODELS. You had your chance and decided to go to college smh hoes”
Although, I’m not blaming Montana for the ills of the world, it should be noted that when the media magnifies her intentions, it does have a direct or indirect influence on the rest of us.
It especially presents a challenge for parents that already have a tough time dealing with their teenage son or daughter that hide in the crevices of their room chatting with their friends online. This challenge is especially significant in a time when there is a power struggle for influence over the minds of teenagers. In the case of Montana, her dad being a famous actor and probably being away from home because of his work, is not much different than most American families now. In this day and age, it is likely that one or both parents must work to earn a half decent living. Given this dynamic, it is easy to understand the tensions between parent and child.
The Father-Daughter Relationship
There are a number of factors that affect the bond between father and daughter. The daily grind of family life and employment can affect the strength of this important bond. According to studies, “men still spend an average of 15 more hours a week at work and commuting than their employed wives do, and American fathers spend about 70 more hours each year at work than do men in other industrialized countries. Dads still don’t have as much time as moms to be with kids.” In the same study, it was found that “father absence was an overriding risk factor for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Conversely, father presence was a major protective factor against early sexual outcomes, even if other factors were present. Girls who have poor relationships with their dads tend to seek attention from other males at earlier ages and often this will involve a sexual relationship.”
“This surprising characteristic of strong father-daughter relationships was not duplicated between mothers and daughters.”
So with the increased absence of the father, whether it is by overworking or just plain absenteeism, what messages does this send little girls who are looking for the approval of a male figure? In particular, what about little black girls? Drawing on research from several books she authored on the topics of the Father-daughter relationship, professor of adolescent psychology and woman's studies at Wake Forest University, Linda Nielsen, states that 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. Most of the time all we hear about absent black fathers is the negative impact on young black men. What about the impact on black daughters? The emphasis is on the boys, and how much they need their fathers, but the highest rate of AIDS infections right now in our country is among teenage girls.
Why is this? My assumption is these girls are dating guys and having sex too early. Most likely the girls are coming from a poorer family where the father is not present leading to girls at the ages of 12 and 13 engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Oftentimes their partners are drug users and alot older than them. The fact that these men are usually older shows that the girl consciously or unconsciously is looking to fill that father void. It seems that there is a strong connection between the increase in Aids related infections amongst black young women and the issue of absentee fathers.
Who Is To Blame?
When they do not see their father presently active in their lives it induces a counter-intuitive reaction for the young girls need for male affirmation and begins a process where the little girl is searching for this affirmation elsewhere. It also could be a case of mere rebellion. Montana gives a hint of the fruit of her rebellion from the reactions of an absent father:
Don’t blame me...blame yourself! If you spent more time on Twitter than with your kids this week.#YouToBlame
So who is to blame? Parents? Society? The girls? I think the blame is placed on those who are not willing to take responsibility for the little girls in their life that are trying to find their way. Nas, had a prophetic song on his second album, It Was Written called Black Girl Lost and tapped into the conscience of this girl:
Diamonds all shinin, lookin all fine
Pretty little face, get a little high
Young girl stugglin, tryin to survive
Mother of the Earth, she made you and I
Just tired of playin the same ol' games
Messin with my mind, emotional thangs
And there goes.. a black girl.. lost
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences:
Were you a “Black Girl Lost” and now are found? Did you have any positive male role models to help you get on track?
As a man, do you have any “Black Girl Lost” in your life, how can you begin helping her get back on track?
[Editors Note: According to multiple sources on the Internet, Montana Fishburne recently admitted herself into a mental facility in Southern California and Montana will be there at least 30 days. Sources say part of Montana’s stay will be devoted to anger issues, but she’ll also undergo diagnostic tests to determine if there are underlying behavioral or mental issues. Please keep her in your prayers.]
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of lifeseek.org. Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and
on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where
culure and Christianity collide to find the love and wisdom of God. You
can find him blogging his thoughts at lifeseek.org and tremaynetatem.com.
[1]E Online. "Montana Fishburne Talks Porn Career." August 2010.http://www.eonline.com/videos/v56743_montana-fishburne-talks-porn-career.html
[2] Huffington Post, "Montana Fishburne: I'm A Role Model",August 2010.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/13/montana-fishburne-im-a-ro_n_681286.html
[3]Linda Nielsen,vison.org:Insights and New Horizons, "The Lost Relationship:Fathers and Daughters",Fall 2007 http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3136
[4]Gina Step, Vision.org:Insights and New Horizons, "Like Father, Like...Daughter?", July 2007 http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=3438
[5]Desiree Gordon, "The Absense of Black Fathers In The Home.", November 2008. http://www.helium.com/items/1096000-absent-black-fathers
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of lifeseek.org. Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where culture and Christianity intersect; to identify how the love and wisdom of God is seen in both worlds.You can find him blogging his thoughts at lifeseek.org and tremaynetatem.com.
Many people try to imitate the latest fashion trends, but a lot of the
time, the outcome is jus plain old bad. For instance, just because you
see Rihanna rocking the mohawk hair style, does not mean it will look
good on your face, Lol. Another thing that people don’t realize about
trends is that they end. I still see people wearing a plaid scarf
around their neck and those ugly little Chinese slippers. This has to
stop!! Throw them out, or give them to your children to play dress up
I believe everyone has good intentions when it comes to style, however
about 70% of people have no clue how to put their ideas together the
right way. There are also clothes made specifically for your unique
body type, which I don’t think people understand. (Bikinis and
leggings are not for everyone.)
Every day, I drive through the Lehigh Valley and find myself staring
at people in amazement. I also work in the HR department at my job and
have seen how some people dress for interviews. (I was considering
taking pics of people, but I decided that there is a fine line between
opinionated and evil, so I didn’t go there.) When I go out to a club
or a show, same thing happens. I find both males and females confused
on how to get the “correct look.”
In my eyes, there is a time to dress casual, comfy, sexy and
professional. Ladies - Sexy does not mean you go to Horizon two weeks
after popping out a baby with an extra small lil’ black dress (knowing
you should be in a large), a red belt, red heels (that you cannot walk
in), a red purse, red earrings, red lipstick, red nail polish and a
red flower in your hair. Y’all need to understand, jus because your
outfit is skin tight and has the same color scheme going on, doesn’t
mean it looks good! Accessorizing is a very simple thing to learn -
less is always better. I’m tired of seeing the 86 fake gold/silver
bangles going all the way up your arms. Keep it simple! When we see
you out, we don’t just look at you like a dumbass, but your friends
too! I know damn well my friends would never let me out the house in
something like that!! And men - C’mon now! Own a button down shirt n
get yourself some ‘fitted’ jeans. There should be no reason in the
world for you to get mad that a bouncer won’t let you in the club with
a 4xl white t shirt, baggy ass jeans and the only thing fitted is your
hat (that isn’t welcome in the club). This is not the 90’s anymore! It
may have been cool in middle school for the teachers to ask you to
pull up your pants, but when you are 25+ years old, give me a break!
Oh yeah, and pleaseeee, whatever you do - Do Not Wear Shades in the
Club!! I cannot stress how dumb this makes you look. Unless you’re
performing, just leave them in the car.
For those of you who still are a little confused, here are some pointers:
Must Have’s
-Stilettos (and practice walking around your house, before in public)
-Corset (especially for baby baring ladies – keep it tight and tucked)
-A few different purses (there are some for every day use, dinner,
going out, etc. Switch it up)
-Overdo the make up (the key is to enhance your features, not look
like your part of the circus)
-Wear skinny jeans with sneakers; if your feet are too big (Just dress
them up with a pair of heels)
-Wear extremely short shirts, shorts or skirts that show too much
(cellulite and stretch marks are to be worn under your clothes)
Must Have’s
-Soft smelling cologne (we don’t need to smell you blocks away)
-A suit or dress pants (It doesn’t have to cost a lot, just something
that looks good)
-Clean Sneakers (keep ‘em clean boys)
-Wear super skinny jeans (a girl’s hand should be able to fit without
having to take them off)
-Have cornrows (it takes too much time to keep them up. Just cut your
hair and get your grown on. Believe me, it’s sexy and looks much
cleaner too.)
-Wear basketball shorts with a long sleeve shirt in the winter
I guess the point of this article is to make people aware and maybe
take one more look in the mirror before leaving the house. There are
so many styles out in the world, so don’t limit yourself to just one.
Think about where you’re headed before putting an outfit together. And
always remember- Dress to Impress!
With that being said- I’m not a hater.. I’m Jus Sayin’!
time, the outcome is jus plain old bad. For instance, just because you
see Rihanna rocking the mohawk hair style, does not mean it will look
good on your face, Lol. Another thing that people don’t realize about
trends is that they end. I still see people wearing a plaid scarf
around their neck and those ugly little Chinese slippers. This has to
stop!! Throw them out, or give them to your children to play dress up
I believe everyone has good intentions when it comes to style, however
about 70% of people have no clue how to put their ideas together the
right way. There are also clothes made specifically for your unique
body type, which I don’t think people understand. (Bikinis and
leggings are not for everyone.)
Every day, I drive through the Lehigh Valley and find myself staring
at people in amazement. I also work in the HR department at my job and
have seen how some people dress for interviews. (I was considering
taking pics of people, but I decided that there is a fine line between
opinionated and evil, so I didn’t go there.) When I go out to a club
or a show, same thing happens. I find both males and females confused
on how to get the “correct look.”
In my eyes, there is a time to dress casual, comfy, sexy and
professional. Ladies - Sexy does not mean you go to Horizon two weeks
after popping out a baby with an extra small lil’ black dress (knowing
you should be in a large), a red belt, red heels (that you cannot walk
in), a red purse, red earrings, red lipstick, red nail polish and a
red flower in your hair. Y’all need to understand, jus because your
outfit is skin tight and has the same color scheme going on, doesn’t
mean it looks good! Accessorizing is a very simple thing to learn -
less is always better. I’m tired of seeing the 86 fake gold/silver
bangles going all the way up your arms. Keep it simple! When we see
you out, we don’t just look at you like a dumbass, but your friends
too! I know damn well my friends would never let me out the house in
something like that!! And men - C’mon now! Own a button down shirt n
get yourself some ‘fitted’ jeans. There should be no reason in the
world for you to get mad that a bouncer won’t let you in the club with
a 4xl white t shirt, baggy ass jeans and the only thing fitted is your
hat (that isn’t welcome in the club). This is not the 90’s anymore! It
may have been cool in middle school for the teachers to ask you to
pull up your pants, but when you are 25+ years old, give me a break!
Oh yeah, and pleaseeee, whatever you do - Do Not Wear Shades in the
Club!! I cannot stress how dumb this makes you look. Unless you’re
performing, just leave them in the car.
For those of you who still are a little confused, here are some pointers:
Must Have’s
-Stilettos (and practice walking around your house, before in public)
-Corset (especially for baby baring ladies – keep it tight and tucked)
-A few different purses (there are some for every day use, dinner,
going out, etc. Switch it up)
-Overdo the make up (the key is to enhance your features, not look
like your part of the circus)
-Wear skinny jeans with sneakers; if your feet are too big (Just dress
them up with a pair of heels)
-Wear extremely short shirts, shorts or skirts that show too much
(cellulite and stretch marks are to be worn under your clothes)
Must Have’s
-Soft smelling cologne (we don’t need to smell you blocks away)
-A suit or dress pants (It doesn’t have to cost a lot, just something
that looks good)
-Clean Sneakers (keep ‘em clean boys)
-Wear super skinny jeans (a girl’s hand should be able to fit without
having to take them off)
-Have cornrows (it takes too much time to keep them up. Just cut your
hair and get your grown on. Believe me, it’s sexy and looks much
cleaner too.)
-Wear basketball shorts with a long sleeve shirt in the winter
I guess the point of this article is to make people aware and maybe
take one more look in the mirror before leaving the house. There are
so many styles out in the world, so don’t limit yourself to just one.
Think about where you’re headed before putting an outfit together. And
always remember- Dress to Impress!
With that being said- I’m not a hater.. I’m Jus Sayin’!
I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and I frequently tell my kids about my life as a child. My neighborhood was basically an all African-American working/middle class neighborhood. At that time, class distinctions were somewhat muted and my neighborhood was a mixture of variety of people (physicians, teachers, postal workers, factory workers and etc). Some of my teachers were my neighbors with one of them living right next door to me for a time and she would walk to school with me occasionally. My grade school was right around the corner from my house. There was no craziness of any sort at that time and there was order. It was like a little black Mayberry as I think back, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Families predominated and, as I think about it, in a four block area around my home I can count on one hand the number of families headed by a single parent. Even the bad kids had two parents and families. That neighborhood no longer exists and its been replaced by something full of mayhem and dysfunction. However, I knew nothing about the ghetto while growing up and from my bank of experience at that time, there wasn’t the automatic association between an all Black neighborhood and the dysfunction that’s normally associated with many of them today. You see, I know and remember my neighborhood, so for me the norm is not what we see today. I know differently and this is why I tell my kids so they know as well. They won’t have my experience and I just need them to know differently.
This weekend my kids were with me as I was helping my father in law move from Newark NJ. Newark has a re-gentrified downtown, but many areas of the city are still in bad shape or getting worse. I think Mayor Cory Booker is doing what he can to positively affect things, so the purpose of this post is really not even to criticize him as frequently the problems are beyond the scope of government or politics anyway. (That’s not to suggest that there’s not a role for government to play, but that role is really to supplement the actions of the people in my view). So, these are just merely some observations I had while helping my father-in-law move from the house he lived in for the past 50 years. Sometimes what one reads in the newspaper or even watches in a documentary like the one below isn’t quite the same as seeing, smelling or tasting things right up front.
While we were moving, my father-in-law was on pins and needles and concerned about completing the move before it got dark. Initially, I really couldn’t figure out why he was so concerned as outside of the bars on the windows of most of the neighbors, nothing seemed particularly out of order. Moving is not an “in and out” proposition, so it meant that we all had to be there a little while and the longer I was there, the more I began to see. There were at least three people who came up offering to help us move for pay which I took to mean how desperate folks were for money. None of those who offered however struck me as particularly trustworthy. There were two drug addicts that came up to the door looking to see if there was anything we wanted to give away. We had to rest a sofa on the street for a short while to load other items on the truck and within 5 minutes someone popped up wanting to know if we were looking to get rid of it. At one point, I got thirsty and went down the street to the corner store to get a soft drink and walked right into the middle of an open air drug market. Three guys had the corner under control; one was standing there with two pit bulls, while the other two were busy filling the orders of all the cars pulling up. There seemed to be no shortage of customers.
The area felt was if there were two groups of people. Those who prey and those who are preyed upon.
I could see older people still living in the neighbor who were keeping up their properties beautifully, but afraid to come out. There were little kids playing and someone was having a birthday party with balloons festooned all about the place. All of this stood in stark contrast with the drug dealers and addicts. It was almost as if these people were trying to seize some normality out of a neighbor that was full of dysfunction.
All of this was occurring in an area that wasn’t even one city block long. My mind just gets overwhelmed when I consider that block can be multiplied several times over within this particular city and probably thousands of times over when one considers the situation in several urban areas across the nation. One can’t help but to feel depressed, but that’s no comparison to how those who are unable to escape must feel.
I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and I frequently tell my kids about my life as a child. My neighborhood was basically an all African-American working/middle class neighborhood. At that time, class distinctions were somewhat muted and my neighborhood was a mixture of variety of people (physicians, teachers, postal workers, factory workers and etc). Some of my teachers were my neighbors with one of them living right next door to me for a time and she would walk to school with me occasionally. My grade school was right around the corner from my house. There was no craziness of any sort at that time and there was order. It was like a little black Mayberry as I think back, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Families predominated and, as I think about it, in a four block area around my home I can count on one hand the number of families headed by a single parent. Even the bad kids had two parents and families. That neighborhood no longer exists and its been replaced by something full of mayhem and dysfunction. However, I knew nothing about the ghetto while growing up and from my bank of experience at that time, there wasn’t the automatic association between an all Black neighborhood and the dysfunction that’s normally associated with many of them today. You see, I know and remember my neighborhood, so for me the norm is not what we see today. I know differently and this is why I tell my kids so they know as well. They won’t have my experience and I just need them to know differently.
This weekend my kids were with me as I was helping my father in law move from Newark NJ. Newark has a re-gentrified downtown, but many areas of the city are still in bad shape or getting worse. I think Mayor Cory Booker is doing what he can to positively affect things, so the purpose of this post is really not even to criticize him as frequently the problems are beyond the scope of government or politics anyway. (That’s not to suggest that there’s not a role for government to play, but that role is really to supplement the actions of the people in my view). So, these are just merely some observations I had while helping my father-in-law move from the house he lived in for the past 50 years. Sometimes what one reads in the newspaper or even watches in a documentary like the one below isn’t quite the same as seeing, smelling or tasting things right up front.
While we were moving, my father-in-law was on pins and needles and concerned about completing the move before it got dark. Initially, I really couldn’t figure out why he was so concerned as outside of the bars on the windows of most of the neighbors, nothing seemed particularly out of order. Moving is not an “in and out” proposition, so it meant that we all had to be there a little while and the longer I was there, the more I began to see. There were at least three people who came up offering to help us move for pay which I took to mean how desperate folks were for money. None of those who offered however struck me as particularly trustworthy. There were two drug addicts that came up to the door looking to see if there was anything we wanted to give away. We had to rest a sofa on the street for a short while to load other items on the truck and within 5 minutes someone popped up wanting to know if we were looking to get rid of it. At one point, I got thirsty and went down the street to the corner store to get a soft drink and walked right into the middle of an open air drug market. Three guys had the corner under control; one was standing there with two pit bulls, while the other two were busy filling the orders of all the cars pulling up. There seemed to be no shortage of customers.
The area felt was if there were two groups of people. Those who prey and those who are preyed upon.
I could see older people still living in the neighbor who were keeping up their properties beautifully, but afraid to come out. There were little kids playing and someone was having a birthday party with balloons festooned all about the place. All of this stood in stark contrast with the drug dealers and addicts. It was almost as if these people were trying to seize some normality out of a neighbor that was full of dysfunction.
All of this was occurring in an area that wasn’t even one city block long. My mind just gets overwhelmed when I consider that block can be multiplied several times over within this particular city and probably thousands of times over when one considers the situation in several urban areas across the nation. One can’t help but to feel depressed, but that’s no comparison to how those who are unable to escape must feel.
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