PROLIFIC (SYN.) fertile, rich, fruitful, teeming, fecund, bountiful, luxuriant, productive, plentious
Many have questioned the need for a new community newsletter / internet site / blog ( ) that caters to the Urban community, especially in this time of "financial instability" within our nation. They ask, "Why?" and I respond, "Why not?" The Urban lifestyle has continued to grow in leaps and bounds and continues to permeate cultures around the world. Unfortunately, there are, also, many stereotypes and misconceptions, "urban myths", if you will, and PROLIFICK PROFILES will be the beacon that will dispel many of those falsehoods.
We are here to challenge those that believe the URBAN COMMUNITY can be defined by one type of music, one type of look, one type of thought, and one type of future. We ARE multi-faceted, creative, professional, ambitious, and unable to be stopped ! We are not a force to be feared but an energy to be utilized.
PROLIFICK PROFILES promises to be a guide to those unfamiliar with the Urban lifestyle and a refreshing change to those who live the Urban lifestyle. The difference between us and other similar entities is that while others may focus on the latest trends, groups, and music, we will, also, give poignant commentary, life changing information, and credible advice.
We will strive to be the best source of information that is available for our Readers and illustrate the fact that Urban does not equate to ghetto, ignorance, or vileness, but in fact, produces style, beauty, and elegance.
This is our PREMIER ISSUE and we anticipate many, many more; and we want our Readers to remember, this is YOUR newsletter/blog and you are going to be a very important part of this adventure that we have initiated. You can look for more upgrades and updates to this publication, online, as well as in print, over the coming months and we want to hear from YOU!
Make sure and take advantage of all the ways to be a part of our "corner of the media world", because I am PROLIFICK, YOU are PROLIFICK, WE are PROLIFICK.
Only the Best,
Monday, October 11, 2010
LISTEN TO PROLIFICK RADIO.COM, Monday - Friday for "URBAN EXCLUSIVES" from 12noon - 2pm for the most up to date information in news, entertainment, and MORE! With your hosts DJ RICHIE RICH and J.BLACK / FRIDAYS listen to Xi Xi's EXPERIENCE / COMING SOON: Da TESTIMONY with PAULA BRION
OCTOBER 23 - GROOVE 2010 CONFERENCE presented by the GLAM SQUAD / / 484 892 3060
9AM - 7PM, Comfort Inn and Suites, 120 West Third Street Bethlehem, PA
The GROOVE is a one-day event filled with motivational and inspirational workshops and classes to encourage women to live their best life!
OCTOBER 23 - WORSHIP CONFERENCE / / 206 424 2740 or 610 866 1135
10AM - 2PM, FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, 27 North Third Street Easton, PA
5PM - 9PM, 500 Block of North 7th Street Allentown, PA
"If you thought 7th Street was scary before....come see us for the Day of the Dead!"
RAIN DATE: October 31
12noon - 6PM, AMERICA ON WHEELS MUSEUM, 5 North Front Street Allentown, PA
HIGHLIGHTING: Health Care Organizations, Caregivers, Healthy Products, Preventative Health Products, Local Health-Wellness Businesses
OCTOBER 23 - GROOVE 2010 CONFERENCE presented by the GLAM SQUAD / / 484 892 3060
9AM - 7PM, Comfort Inn and Suites, 120 West Third Street Bethlehem, PA
The GROOVE is a one-day event filled with motivational and inspirational workshops and classes to encourage women to live their best life!
OCTOBER 23 - WORSHIP CONFERENCE / / 206 424 2740 or 610 866 1135
10AM - 2PM, FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, 27 North Third Street Easton, PA
5PM - 9PM, 500 Block of North 7th Street Allentown, PA
"If you thought 7th Street was scary before....come see us for the Day of the Dead!"
RAIN DATE: October 31
12noon - 6PM, AMERICA ON WHEELS MUSEUM, 5 North Front Street Allentown, PA
HIGHLIGHTING: Health Care Organizations, Caregivers, Healthy Products, Preventative Health Products, Local Health-Wellness Businesses
FINANCIAL ADVICE by Christopher Lynch
The Power of Budgeting
You say you know where your money goes and you don't need it all written down to keep up with it? I offer you this challenge. Keep track of every penny you spend for one month and I do mean every penny. You will be shocked at what the itty-bitty expenses add up to. Take the total you spent on just one unnecessary item for the month, multiply it by 12 for months in a year and multiply the result by 5 to represent 5 years.
That is how much you could have saved AND drawn interest on in just five years. That, my friend, is the very
reason all of us need a budget. If we can get control of the small expenses that really don't matter to the overall scheme of our lives, we can enjoy financial success. The little things really do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch from five dollars a day to three dollars a day on every work day in a five day work week saves $10 a week... $40 a month... $480 a year... $2400 in five interest.
See what I mean... it really is the little things and you still eat lunch everyday and that was only one place to
save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you really need. There are a lot of places to cut expenses if you look for them. Set some specific long term and short term goals. There are no wrong answers here. If it's important to you, then it's important period. If you want to be able to make a down payment on a house, start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take a vacation ... anything... then that is your goal and your reason to get a handle on your financial situation now.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
You say you know where your money goes and you don't need it all written down to keep up with it? I offer you this challenge. Keep track of every penny you spend for one month and I do mean every penny. You will be shocked at what the itty-bitty expenses add up to. Take the total you spent on just one unnecessary item for the month, multiply it by 12 for months in a year and multiply the result by 5 to represent 5 years.
That is how much you could have saved AND drawn interest on in just five years. That, my friend, is the very
reason all of us need a budget. If we can get control of the small expenses that really don't matter to the overall scheme of our lives, we can enjoy financial success. The little things really do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch from five dollars a day to three dollars a day on every work day in a five day work week saves $10 a week... $40 a month... $480 a year... $2400 in five interest.
See what I mean... it really is the little things and you still eat lunch everyday and that was only one place to
save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you really need. There are a lot of places to cut expenses if you look for them. Set some specific long term and short term goals. There are no wrong answers here. If it's important to you, then it's important period. If you want to be able to make a down payment on a house, start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take a vacation ... anything... then that is your goal and your reason to get a handle on your financial situation now.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
Its really hard for me to watch this video on the surface, and not be drastically unmoved by the facade of happiness and youthful “exploration” that is shown by Montana Fishburne. In case you didn’t know, Montana Fishburne, is the daughter of actor Laurence Fishburne. You know Morpheus from The Matrix? She currently has the Internet buzzing about her recently released sex tape. Being a father to a daughter, I could not even begin to feel the disappointment, shame and hurt that Laurence Fishburne is experiencing.
As parents, this is not the career path that you envision for your little girl, and what’s so ironic about this whole thing is according to Montana, she had a “privileged” life of travel, choice education and just about anything she wanted. She even said although her mom and actor father divorced while she was at the tender age of 2 she still had a “good” relationship with her father.
In most cases, statistics show that most women who enter into the porn industry come from abusive situations and bad experiences in their childhood or some form of male neglect. However, as I was diving in to the research, neglect did not surface as an issue in Montana’s life.
Why Porn?
So this made me ask, was it the divorce of her parents that affected young Montana? Or was it the lack of attention from her father, as he was away pursuing his acting career? How is it that her lost of virginity can turn into an all-out fascination to use her talents in an industry that has a reputation for swallowing young girls up. Why not pursue thespian aspirations as an alternative route? I mean your father is Laurence Fishburne, right?
Was this an issue of survival? According to Haley Volpintesta, a Chicago-based human rights advocate with 10 years experience working with youth impacted by the sex trade, the juvenile and criminal justice systems document that while many young women are coerced into prostitution, many others engage in survival sex. That is to say that they are in the practice of trading sex for basic needs like food and shelter, even in the Unites States of America.
"They may see their involvement in the sex trade as temporary, until they can figure out how to get their needs met in other ways," she says.
It was reported that her father was starting to take some of her privileges away, such as her car and other things, but this in no way threatened her well-being or prevented her from getting her basic needs met.
The New Role Models
So what was it? A case of innocent rebellion? Whatever prompted her actions, the bottom line is that this episode of exploration has made its course into the mainstream and into the homes of millions of Americans. Whether you have a sister, step-daughter, niece, friend, or a daughter between the ages of 13-18, this will have an interesting affect on them.
If you don’t believe me, check out Montana’s recent tweets,
“Aw this little 13 year old girl came up to me talking about I'm her favorite celebrity and she is going to make a sex-tape when she turns 18...”
“It's too late fools. Me and @ihatekatstacks are the next generation's ROLE MODELS. You had your chance and decided to go to college smh hoes”
Although, I’m not blaming Montana for the ills of the world, it should be noted that when the media magnifies her intentions, it does have a direct or indirect influence on the rest of us.
It especially presents a challenge for parents that already have a tough time dealing with their teenage son or daughter that hide in the crevices of their room chatting with their friends online. This challenge is especially significant in a time when there is a power struggle for influence over the minds of teenagers. In the case of Montana, her dad being a famous actor and probably being away from home because of his work, is not much different than most American families now. In this day and age, it is likely that one or both parents must work to earn a half decent living. Given this dynamic, it is easy to understand the tensions between parent and child.
The Father-Daughter Relationship
There are a number of factors that affect the bond between father and daughter. The daily grind of family life and employment can affect the strength of this important bond. According to studies, “men still spend an average of 15 more hours a week at work and commuting than their employed wives do, and American fathers spend about 70 more hours each year at work than do men in other industrialized countries. Dads still don’t have as much time as moms to be with kids.” In the same study, it was found that “father absence was an overriding risk factor for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Conversely, father presence was a major protective factor against early sexual outcomes, even if other factors were present. Girls who have poor relationships with their dads tend to seek attention from other males at earlier ages and often this will involve a sexual relationship.”
“This surprising characteristic of strong father-daughter relationships was not duplicated between mothers and daughters.”
So with the increased absence of the father, whether it is by overworking or just plain absenteeism, what messages does this send little girls who are looking for the approval of a male figure? In particular, what about little black girls? Drawing on research from several books she authored on the topics of the Father-daughter relationship, professor of adolescent psychology and woman's studies at Wake Forest University, Linda Nielsen, states that 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. Most of the time all we hear about absent black fathers is the negative impact on young black men. What about the impact on black daughters? The emphasis is on the boys, and how much they need their fathers, but the highest rate of AIDS infections right now in our country is among teenage girls.
Why is this? My assumption is these girls are dating guys and having sex too early. Most likely the girls are coming from a poorer family where the father is not present leading to girls at the ages of 12 and 13 engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Oftentimes their partners are drug users and alot older than them. The fact that these men are usually older shows that the girl consciously or unconsciously is looking to fill that father void. It seems that there is a strong connection between the increase in Aids related infections amongst black young women and the issue of absentee fathers.
Who Is To Blame?
When they do not see their father presently active in their lives it induces a counter-intuitive reaction for the young girls need for male affirmation and begins a process where the little girl is searching for this affirmation elsewhere. It also could be a case of mere rebellion. Montana gives a hint of the fruit of her rebellion from the reactions of an absent father:
Don’t blame me...blame yourself! If you spent more time on Twitter than with your kids this week.#YouToBlame
So who is to blame? Parents? Society? The girls? I think the blame is placed on those who are not willing to take responsibility for the little girls in their life that are trying to find their way. Nas, had a prophetic song on his second album, It Was Written called Black Girl Lost and tapped into the conscience of this girl:
Diamonds all shinin, lookin all fine
Pretty little face, get a little high
Young girl stugglin, tryin to survive
Mother of the Earth, she made you and I
Just tired of playin the same ol' games
Messin with my mind, emotional thangs
And there goes.. a black girl.. lost
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences:
Were you a “Black Girl Lost” and now are found? Did you have any positive male role models to help you get on track?
As a man, do you have any “Black Girl Lost” in your life, how can you begin helping her get back on track?
[Editors Note: According to multiple sources on the Internet, Montana Fishburne recently admitted herself into a mental facility in Southern California and Montana will be there at least 30 days. Sources say part of Montana’s stay will be devoted to anger issues, but she’ll also undergo diagnostic tests to determine if there are underlying behavioral or mental issues. Please keep her in your prayers.]
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and
on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where
culure and Christianity collide to find the love and wisdom of God. You
can find him blogging his thoughts at and
[1]E Online. "Montana Fishburne Talks Porn Career." August 2010.
[2] Huffington Post, "Montana Fishburne: I'm A Role Model",August 2010.
[3]Linda Nielsen, and New Horizons, "The Lost Relationship:Fathers and Daughters",Fall 2007
[4]Gina Step, and New Horizons, "Like Father, Like...Daughter?", July 2007
[5]Desiree Gordon, "The Absense of Black Fathers In The Home.", November 2008.
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where culture and Christianity intersect; to identify how the love and wisdom of God is seen in both worlds.You can find him blogging his thoughts at and
Its really hard for me to watch this video on the surface, and not be drastically unmoved by the facade of happiness and youthful “exploration” that is shown by Montana Fishburne. In case you didn’t know, Montana Fishburne, is the daughter of actor Laurence Fishburne. You know Morpheus from The Matrix? She currently has the Internet buzzing about her recently released sex tape. Being a father to a daughter, I could not even begin to feel the disappointment, shame and hurt that Laurence Fishburne is experiencing.
As parents, this is not the career path that you envision for your little girl, and what’s so ironic about this whole thing is according to Montana, she had a “privileged” life of travel, choice education and just about anything she wanted. She even said although her mom and actor father divorced while she was at the tender age of 2 she still had a “good” relationship with her father.
In most cases, statistics show that most women who enter into the porn industry come from abusive situations and bad experiences in their childhood or some form of male neglect. However, as I was diving in to the research, neglect did not surface as an issue in Montana’s life.
Why Porn?
So this made me ask, was it the divorce of her parents that affected young Montana? Or was it the lack of attention from her father, as he was away pursuing his acting career? How is it that her lost of virginity can turn into an all-out fascination to use her talents in an industry that has a reputation for swallowing young girls up. Why not pursue thespian aspirations as an alternative route? I mean your father is Laurence Fishburne, right?
Was this an issue of survival? According to Haley Volpintesta, a Chicago-based human rights advocate with 10 years experience working with youth impacted by the sex trade, the juvenile and criminal justice systems document that while many young women are coerced into prostitution, many others engage in survival sex. That is to say that they are in the practice of trading sex for basic needs like food and shelter, even in the Unites States of America.
"They may see their involvement in the sex trade as temporary, until they can figure out how to get their needs met in other ways," she says.
It was reported that her father was starting to take some of her privileges away, such as her car and other things, but this in no way threatened her well-being or prevented her from getting her basic needs met.
The New Role Models
So what was it? A case of innocent rebellion? Whatever prompted her actions, the bottom line is that this episode of exploration has made its course into the mainstream and into the homes of millions of Americans. Whether you have a sister, step-daughter, niece, friend, or a daughter between the ages of 13-18, this will have an interesting affect on them.
If you don’t believe me, check out Montana’s recent tweets,
“Aw this little 13 year old girl came up to me talking about I'm her favorite celebrity and she is going to make a sex-tape when she turns 18...”
“It's too late fools. Me and @ihatekatstacks are the next generation's ROLE MODELS. You had your chance and decided to go to college smh hoes”
Although, I’m not blaming Montana for the ills of the world, it should be noted that when the media magnifies her intentions, it does have a direct or indirect influence on the rest of us.
It especially presents a challenge for parents that already have a tough time dealing with their teenage son or daughter that hide in the crevices of their room chatting with their friends online. This challenge is especially significant in a time when there is a power struggle for influence over the minds of teenagers. In the case of Montana, her dad being a famous actor and probably being away from home because of his work, is not much different than most American families now. In this day and age, it is likely that one or both parents must work to earn a half decent living. Given this dynamic, it is easy to understand the tensions between parent and child.
The Father-Daughter Relationship
There are a number of factors that affect the bond between father and daughter. The daily grind of family life and employment can affect the strength of this important bond. According to studies, “men still spend an average of 15 more hours a week at work and commuting than their employed wives do, and American fathers spend about 70 more hours each year at work than do men in other industrialized countries. Dads still don’t have as much time as moms to be with kids.” In the same study, it was found that “father absence was an overriding risk factor for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Conversely, father presence was a major protective factor against early sexual outcomes, even if other factors were present. Girls who have poor relationships with their dads tend to seek attention from other males at earlier ages and often this will involve a sexual relationship.”
“This surprising characteristic of strong father-daughter relationships was not duplicated between mothers and daughters.”
So with the increased absence of the father, whether it is by overworking or just plain absenteeism, what messages does this send little girls who are looking for the approval of a male figure? In particular, what about little black girls? Drawing on research from several books she authored on the topics of the Father-daughter relationship, professor of adolescent psychology and woman's studies at Wake Forest University, Linda Nielsen, states that 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. Most of the time all we hear about absent black fathers is the negative impact on young black men. What about the impact on black daughters? The emphasis is on the boys, and how much they need their fathers, but the highest rate of AIDS infections right now in our country is among teenage girls.
Why is this? My assumption is these girls are dating guys and having sex too early. Most likely the girls are coming from a poorer family where the father is not present leading to girls at the ages of 12 and 13 engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. Oftentimes their partners are drug users and alot older than them. The fact that these men are usually older shows that the girl consciously or unconsciously is looking to fill that father void. It seems that there is a strong connection between the increase in Aids related infections amongst black young women and the issue of absentee fathers.
Who Is To Blame?
When they do not see their father presently active in their lives it induces a counter-intuitive reaction for the young girls need for male affirmation and begins a process where the little girl is searching for this affirmation elsewhere. It also could be a case of mere rebellion. Montana gives a hint of the fruit of her rebellion from the reactions of an absent father:
Don’t blame me...blame yourself! If you spent more time on Twitter than with your kids this week.#YouToBlame
So who is to blame? Parents? Society? The girls? I think the blame is placed on those who are not willing to take responsibility for the little girls in their life that are trying to find their way. Nas, had a prophetic song on his second album, It Was Written called Black Girl Lost and tapped into the conscience of this girl:
Diamonds all shinin, lookin all fine
Pretty little face, get a little high
Young girl stugglin, tryin to survive
Mother of the Earth, she made you and I
Just tired of playin the same ol' games
Messin with my mind, emotional thangs
And there goes.. a black girl.. lost
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences:
Were you a “Black Girl Lost” and now are found? Did you have any positive male role models to help you get on track?
As a man, do you have any “Black Girl Lost” in your life, how can you begin helping her get back on track?
[Editors Note: According to multiple sources on the Internet, Montana Fishburne recently admitted herself into a mental facility in Southern California and Montana will be there at least 30 days. Sources say part of Montana’s stay will be devoted to anger issues, but she’ll also undergo diagnostic tests to determine if there are underlying behavioral or mental issues. Please keep her in your prayers.]
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and
on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where
culure and Christianity collide to find the love and wisdom of God. You
can find him blogging his thoughts at and
[1]E Online. "Montana Fishburne Talks Porn Career." August 2010.
[2] Huffington Post, "Montana Fishburne: I'm A Role Model",August 2010.
[3]Linda Nielsen, and New Horizons, "The Lost Relationship:Fathers and Daughters",Fall 2007
[4]Gina Step, and New Horizons, "Like Father, Like...Daughter?", July 2007
[5]Desiree Gordon, "The Absense of Black Fathers In The Home.", November 2008.
Tremayne Tatem, currently resides in Allentown, PA with wife and two children. Graduate of Temple University, in Philadelphia,PA and co-founder of Tremayne spent almost a decade in the Christian entertainment circles as a rapper and on the business side of things. Tremayne has passion for communicating where culture and Christianity intersect; to identify how the love and wisdom of God is seen in both worlds.You can find him blogging his thoughts at and
Many people try to imitate the latest fashion trends, but a lot of the
time, the outcome is jus plain old bad. For instance, just because you
see Rihanna rocking the mohawk hair style, does not mean it will look
good on your face, Lol. Another thing that people don’t realize about
trends is that they end. I still see people wearing a plaid scarf
around their neck and those ugly little Chinese slippers. This has to
stop!! Throw them out, or give them to your children to play dress up
I believe everyone has good intentions when it comes to style, however
about 70% of people have no clue how to put their ideas together the
right way. There are also clothes made specifically for your unique
body type, which I don’t think people understand. (Bikinis and
leggings are not for everyone.)
Every day, I drive through the Lehigh Valley and find myself staring
at people in amazement. I also work in the HR department at my job and
have seen how some people dress for interviews. (I was considering
taking pics of people, but I decided that there is a fine line between
opinionated and evil, so I didn’t go there.) When I go out to a club
or a show, same thing happens. I find both males and females confused
on how to get the “correct look.”
In my eyes, there is a time to dress casual, comfy, sexy and
professional. Ladies - Sexy does not mean you go to Horizon two weeks
after popping out a baby with an extra small lil’ black dress (knowing
you should be in a large), a red belt, red heels (that you cannot walk
in), a red purse, red earrings, red lipstick, red nail polish and a
red flower in your hair. Y’all need to understand, jus because your
outfit is skin tight and has the same color scheme going on, doesn’t
mean it looks good! Accessorizing is a very simple thing to learn -
less is always better. I’m tired of seeing the 86 fake gold/silver
bangles going all the way up your arms. Keep it simple! When we see
you out, we don’t just look at you like a dumbass, but your friends
too! I know damn well my friends would never let me out the house in
something like that!! And men - C’mon now! Own a button down shirt n
get yourself some ‘fitted’ jeans. There should be no reason in the
world for you to get mad that a bouncer won’t let you in the club with
a 4xl white t shirt, baggy ass jeans and the only thing fitted is your
hat (that isn’t welcome in the club). This is not the 90’s anymore! It
may have been cool in middle school for the teachers to ask you to
pull up your pants, but when you are 25+ years old, give me a break!
Oh yeah, and pleaseeee, whatever you do - Do Not Wear Shades in the
Club!! I cannot stress how dumb this makes you look. Unless you’re
performing, just leave them in the car.
For those of you who still are a little confused, here are some pointers:
Must Have’s
-Stilettos (and practice walking around your house, before in public)
-Corset (especially for baby baring ladies – keep it tight and tucked)
-A few different purses (there are some for every day use, dinner,
going out, etc. Switch it up)
-Overdo the make up (the key is to enhance your features, not look
like your part of the circus)
-Wear skinny jeans with sneakers; if your feet are too big (Just dress
them up with a pair of heels)
-Wear extremely short shirts, shorts or skirts that show too much
(cellulite and stretch marks are to be worn under your clothes)
Must Have’s
-Soft smelling cologne (we don’t need to smell you blocks away)
-A suit or dress pants (It doesn’t have to cost a lot, just something
that looks good)
-Clean Sneakers (keep ‘em clean boys)
-Wear super skinny jeans (a girl’s hand should be able to fit without
having to take them off)
-Have cornrows (it takes too much time to keep them up. Just cut your
hair and get your grown on. Believe me, it’s sexy and looks much
cleaner too.)
-Wear basketball shorts with a long sleeve shirt in the winter
I guess the point of this article is to make people aware and maybe
take one more look in the mirror before leaving the house. There are
so many styles out in the world, so don’t limit yourself to just one.
Think about where you’re headed before putting an outfit together. And
always remember- Dress to Impress!
With that being said- I’m not a hater.. I’m Jus Sayin’!
time, the outcome is jus plain old bad. For instance, just because you
see Rihanna rocking the mohawk hair style, does not mean it will look
good on your face, Lol. Another thing that people don’t realize about
trends is that they end. I still see people wearing a plaid scarf
around their neck and those ugly little Chinese slippers. This has to
stop!! Throw them out, or give them to your children to play dress up
I believe everyone has good intentions when it comes to style, however
about 70% of people have no clue how to put their ideas together the
right way. There are also clothes made specifically for your unique
body type, which I don’t think people understand. (Bikinis and
leggings are not for everyone.)
Every day, I drive through the Lehigh Valley and find myself staring
at people in amazement. I also work in the HR department at my job and
have seen how some people dress for interviews. (I was considering
taking pics of people, but I decided that there is a fine line between
opinionated and evil, so I didn’t go there.) When I go out to a club
or a show, same thing happens. I find both males and females confused
on how to get the “correct look.”
In my eyes, there is a time to dress casual, comfy, sexy and
professional. Ladies - Sexy does not mean you go to Horizon two weeks
after popping out a baby with an extra small lil’ black dress (knowing
you should be in a large), a red belt, red heels (that you cannot walk
in), a red purse, red earrings, red lipstick, red nail polish and a
red flower in your hair. Y’all need to understand, jus because your
outfit is skin tight and has the same color scheme going on, doesn’t
mean it looks good! Accessorizing is a very simple thing to learn -
less is always better. I’m tired of seeing the 86 fake gold/silver
bangles going all the way up your arms. Keep it simple! When we see
you out, we don’t just look at you like a dumbass, but your friends
too! I know damn well my friends would never let me out the house in
something like that!! And men - C’mon now! Own a button down shirt n
get yourself some ‘fitted’ jeans. There should be no reason in the
world for you to get mad that a bouncer won’t let you in the club with
a 4xl white t shirt, baggy ass jeans and the only thing fitted is your
hat (that isn’t welcome in the club). This is not the 90’s anymore! It
may have been cool in middle school for the teachers to ask you to
pull up your pants, but when you are 25+ years old, give me a break!
Oh yeah, and pleaseeee, whatever you do - Do Not Wear Shades in the
Club!! I cannot stress how dumb this makes you look. Unless you’re
performing, just leave them in the car.
For those of you who still are a little confused, here are some pointers:
Must Have’s
-Stilettos (and practice walking around your house, before in public)
-Corset (especially for baby baring ladies – keep it tight and tucked)
-A few different purses (there are some for every day use, dinner,
going out, etc. Switch it up)
-Overdo the make up (the key is to enhance your features, not look
like your part of the circus)
-Wear skinny jeans with sneakers; if your feet are too big (Just dress
them up with a pair of heels)
-Wear extremely short shirts, shorts or skirts that show too much
(cellulite and stretch marks are to be worn under your clothes)
Must Have’s
-Soft smelling cologne (we don’t need to smell you blocks away)
-A suit or dress pants (It doesn’t have to cost a lot, just something
that looks good)
-Clean Sneakers (keep ‘em clean boys)
-Wear super skinny jeans (a girl’s hand should be able to fit without
having to take them off)
-Have cornrows (it takes too much time to keep them up. Just cut your
hair and get your grown on. Believe me, it’s sexy and looks much
cleaner too.)
-Wear basketball shorts with a long sleeve shirt in the winter
I guess the point of this article is to make people aware and maybe
take one more look in the mirror before leaving the house. There are
so many styles out in the world, so don’t limit yourself to just one.
Think about where you’re headed before putting an outfit together. And
always remember- Dress to Impress!
With that being said- I’m not a hater.. I’m Jus Sayin’!
I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and I frequently tell my kids about my life as a child. My neighborhood was basically an all African-American working/middle class neighborhood. At that time, class distinctions were somewhat muted and my neighborhood was a mixture of variety of people (physicians, teachers, postal workers, factory workers and etc). Some of my teachers were my neighbors with one of them living right next door to me for a time and she would walk to school with me occasionally. My grade school was right around the corner from my house. There was no craziness of any sort at that time and there was order. It was like a little black Mayberry as I think back, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Families predominated and, as I think about it, in a four block area around my home I can count on one hand the number of families headed by a single parent. Even the bad kids had two parents and families. That neighborhood no longer exists and its been replaced by something full of mayhem and dysfunction. However, I knew nothing about the ghetto while growing up and from my bank of experience at that time, there wasn’t the automatic association between an all Black neighborhood and the dysfunction that’s normally associated with many of them today. You see, I know and remember my neighborhood, so for me the norm is not what we see today. I know differently and this is why I tell my kids so they know as well. They won’t have my experience and I just need them to know differently.
This weekend my kids were with me as I was helping my father in law move from Newark NJ. Newark has a re-gentrified downtown, but many areas of the city are still in bad shape or getting worse. I think Mayor Cory Booker is doing what he can to positively affect things, so the purpose of this post is really not even to criticize him as frequently the problems are beyond the scope of government or politics anyway. (That’s not to suggest that there’s not a role for government to play, but that role is really to supplement the actions of the people in my view). So, these are just merely some observations I had while helping my father-in-law move from the house he lived in for the past 50 years. Sometimes what one reads in the newspaper or even watches in a documentary like the one below isn’t quite the same as seeing, smelling or tasting things right up front.
While we were moving, my father-in-law was on pins and needles and concerned about completing the move before it got dark. Initially, I really couldn’t figure out why he was so concerned as outside of the bars on the windows of most of the neighbors, nothing seemed particularly out of order. Moving is not an “in and out” proposition, so it meant that we all had to be there a little while and the longer I was there, the more I began to see. There were at least three people who came up offering to help us move for pay which I took to mean how desperate folks were for money. None of those who offered however struck me as particularly trustworthy. There were two drug addicts that came up to the door looking to see if there was anything we wanted to give away. We had to rest a sofa on the street for a short while to load other items on the truck and within 5 minutes someone popped up wanting to know if we were looking to get rid of it. At one point, I got thirsty and went down the street to the corner store to get a soft drink and walked right into the middle of an open air drug market. Three guys had the corner under control; one was standing there with two pit bulls, while the other two were busy filling the orders of all the cars pulling up. There seemed to be no shortage of customers.
The area felt was if there were two groups of people. Those who prey and those who are preyed upon.
I could see older people still living in the neighbor who were keeping up their properties beautifully, but afraid to come out. There were little kids playing and someone was having a birthday party with balloons festooned all about the place. All of this stood in stark contrast with the drug dealers and addicts. It was almost as if these people were trying to seize some normality out of a neighbor that was full of dysfunction.
All of this was occurring in an area that wasn’t even one city block long. My mind just gets overwhelmed when I consider that block can be multiplied several times over within this particular city and probably thousands of times over when one considers the situation in several urban areas across the nation. One can’t help but to feel depressed, but that’s no comparison to how those who are unable to escape must feel.
I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and I frequently tell my kids about my life as a child. My neighborhood was basically an all African-American working/middle class neighborhood. At that time, class distinctions were somewhat muted and my neighborhood was a mixture of variety of people (physicians, teachers, postal workers, factory workers and etc). Some of my teachers were my neighbors with one of them living right next door to me for a time and she would walk to school with me occasionally. My grade school was right around the corner from my house. There was no craziness of any sort at that time and there was order. It was like a little black Mayberry as I think back, although I didn’t realize it at the time. Families predominated and, as I think about it, in a four block area around my home I can count on one hand the number of families headed by a single parent. Even the bad kids had two parents and families. That neighborhood no longer exists and its been replaced by something full of mayhem and dysfunction. However, I knew nothing about the ghetto while growing up and from my bank of experience at that time, there wasn’t the automatic association between an all Black neighborhood and the dysfunction that’s normally associated with many of them today. You see, I know and remember my neighborhood, so for me the norm is not what we see today. I know differently and this is why I tell my kids so they know as well. They won’t have my experience and I just need them to know differently.
This weekend my kids were with me as I was helping my father in law move from Newark NJ. Newark has a re-gentrified downtown, but many areas of the city are still in bad shape or getting worse. I think Mayor Cory Booker is doing what he can to positively affect things, so the purpose of this post is really not even to criticize him as frequently the problems are beyond the scope of government or politics anyway. (That’s not to suggest that there’s not a role for government to play, but that role is really to supplement the actions of the people in my view). So, these are just merely some observations I had while helping my father-in-law move from the house he lived in for the past 50 years. Sometimes what one reads in the newspaper or even watches in a documentary like the one below isn’t quite the same as seeing, smelling or tasting things right up front.
While we were moving, my father-in-law was on pins and needles and concerned about completing the move before it got dark. Initially, I really couldn’t figure out why he was so concerned as outside of the bars on the windows of most of the neighbors, nothing seemed particularly out of order. Moving is not an “in and out” proposition, so it meant that we all had to be there a little while and the longer I was there, the more I began to see. There were at least three people who came up offering to help us move for pay which I took to mean how desperate folks were for money. None of those who offered however struck me as particularly trustworthy. There were two drug addicts that came up to the door looking to see if there was anything we wanted to give away. We had to rest a sofa on the street for a short while to load other items on the truck and within 5 minutes someone popped up wanting to know if we were looking to get rid of it. At one point, I got thirsty and went down the street to the corner store to get a soft drink and walked right into the middle of an open air drug market. Three guys had the corner under control; one was standing there with two pit bulls, while the other two were busy filling the orders of all the cars pulling up. There seemed to be no shortage of customers.
The area felt was if there were two groups of people. Those who prey and those who are preyed upon.
I could see older people still living in the neighbor who were keeping up their properties beautifully, but afraid to come out. There were little kids playing and someone was having a birthday party with balloons festooned all about the place. All of this stood in stark contrast with the drug dealers and addicts. It was almost as if these people were trying to seize some normality out of a neighbor that was full of dysfunction.
All of this was occurring in an area that wasn’t even one city block long. My mind just gets overwhelmed when I consider that block can be multiplied several times over within this particular city and probably thousands of times over when one considers the situation in several urban areas across the nation. One can’t help but to feel depressed, but that’s no comparison to how those who are unable to escape must feel.
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