So, fellow blogger, Bernie O' Hare was kind enough to post the information regarding THE MARCH AGAINST VIOLENCE AND HOMELESSNESS / A STAND AGAINST POVERTY on his popular blog, LEHIGH VALLEY RAMBLINGS, www.lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com. I received some rather interesting responses toward this event. Take a look and give me your thoughts....
Anonymous said...
Thanks, Bernie! It's appreciated. And to think, after all these years, I am STILL an Activist... LOL!
Alfonso Todd
11:02 PM
Bernie O'Hare said...
Yep, and a good person, too.
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Hope no one gets hurt .
11:20 PM
Bernie O'Hare said...
Heh, heh.
11:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Alfonso Todd is a waste.... he against anything that the populous supports. Hence the "activist" title. He hates rich white people as he declares himself as "a black man that is against the white power". This man is the definition of reverse racism..
4:06 AM
Issac Touro said...
Yet another foolish bleeding heart liberal demonstration. If it wasn't so sad it would be a great joke. Victims are only victims because they choose to be.
Waaa, waaa, waaa. Please Mr government man - wipe my butt for me. It's my right, you know..........
7:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Homelesness is a sad thing.....is marching really going to help though?
8:06 AM
Anonymous said...
(sigh) And to the ANONYMOUS and PSEUDONYM-using "peanut gallery" - Believe me, no one will get hurt at this event and I am unsure where you obtained the quote "a black man that is against the white power", (I only deal with multi-cultural events, which INCLUDE whites,) check my past because I live the the Lehigh Valley where a MAJORITY of the people are white. If I REALLY hated it, I would actually have to move out of the U.S. And I actually don't preach victimization and dependency, I am always pushing and teaching self-sufficiency. Lastly, the marching is a platform to be used to bring ATTENTION to this problem that is ailing Allentown as well as other locations. If marching was good enough for the CIVIL RIGHTS Movement, then it is good enough for me.
If you REALLY want to see what Alfonso Todd is about, GOOGLE me or go to www.alfonsotodd.com . You can also see my blogs, www.5minutes2shine.blogspot.com or www.spontaneous1.blogspot.com .
It's really good, though, to see all of the HATERS are alive and well. We can agree to disagree, and I LOVE that I can still get responses regarding the events I create, but I guess I am at a point in life where I am less about being argumentative and more about "making things happen" for the GOOD of EVERYONE in our community and beyond.
Won't you join me???
- Alfonso Todd
9:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Marching doesn't fix homelessness. Everybody knows rubber bracelets fix homelessness.
I Heart Homes For Everybody
10:20 AM