Monday, January 17, 2011

THOUGHTS THAT ARE STILL RELEVANT TODAY: Awakening the BEAST Within (an exerpt from a conversation I had with another concerned citizen)

I agree with you 100% on this and all issues taking place with the Jena 6. Yes, some charges have been lowered, and yes, the town would have us believe that all is now well in Mayberry, but the truth of the matter is, this should not have happened in the first place. People have been brainwashed into thinking that racism no longer exists or it is just the rich against the poor. Sorry, but this is untrue, and we don't have to go to to Jena or the South to even experience it.
It is right here in the Lehigh Valley. Do you want proof? Why does Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, and Center Valley look as they do, yet are in the same area? Why does the "Unbiased" press constantly bash one city when it come to crime while it makes excuses for others? Why are a type of people blamed for the "downfall" of a city ? Look at the difference when it comes to funding, wages, opportunity, neighborhoods, resources, attitudes etc and tell me racism does not exist here. It may be under wraps and under the radar but it's alive and well. We as leaders should rise up! Why can we put together a party but can't organize a food drive? Why can we hype up a concert, but can't direct those in need to the resources available? I may digress but basically "racism" is more than just about nooses, "white trees", and color, it begins with with being uncaring and indifferent about a people and if that is the case, then the people need to take care of themselves and become self-sufficient.
Join me in this "REAL LIFE BATTLE FOR TRUTH, HONOR, EQUALITY, AND THE AMERICAN WAY!" Because if we are not careful, wether Black, White, Brown, Red or Yellow, we too can be facing the noose of a tree called 'injustice' but there may not be any news coverage for us.

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