Okay, so I am about to practice what I preach and put myself out there! Do I love to club and dance ? Yes. Do I like the females ? Yes. Am I spontaneous, fun-loving, unorthodox, and a bit bi-polar-like ? Yep. But I believe these characterisitcs are what may be needed to make a change in this place called Lehigh Valley and more importantly, this great place called Allentown!!!
Let me explain, I have a non-profit organization called Project R.E.A.L. and it is about DOING things for those in NEED in the community. We also are about making adjustments and changing the status quo; meaning: at this moment Allentown is thought of as the dingiest, dirtiest, grimiest place in the Lehigh Valley. The people (myself included) are thought of as vile hoodlums, uneducated thugs, lazy welfare recipients, and shiftless individuals who would be better off in jail or shipped overseas or blasted into space. (Actual quates from Morning Call blogs)
We have a daily newspaper that beats down the city every chance it gets. If you read and BELIEVED the Morning Call, Allentown, PA is like a third world country that is full of death, destruction, and mayhem. Do we have our elements of crime here? Yes. But no more than any other city in the area. Do we have drugs here? Yep. Just like every other surrounding city. So why is Allentown constantly singled out, but more importantly what can we do to STOP THE MADNESS ?
It's easy to say RACISM is the reason, but let's get deeper. Many are upset because Allentown is no longer the place it was in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's.People are different, places are different, and lifestyles are different. Does that make them better or worse? Nope, just different. But this is unacceptable to many. So, people with influence begin to say how bad it is in Allentown and how the people are nothing but those hip hop, immigrants that are about nothing but murder, selling drugs, and having babies. Now, do we have people like THIS in A-town? Sure, but no more than they do in Easton, Bethlehem, Center Valley, Nazareth, Macungie, etc.
Now, what can WE do as a people ? Meaning Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Whites, Dominicans, Asians, Syrians, , Cubans, Koreans, Indians, Africans and any other nationality that is here and I didn't PURPOSELY leave out. Well, first, let's take RESPONSIBILITY for OUR actions. The streets of Allentown can't stay clean, drug-free, and violence-free by themselves. We have to be held accountable for our actions and we have to be our BROTHER'S KEEPER, literally. If someone is doing wrong or trying to do wrong, call it out and don't be one of those "It's none of my business" people. Because if something does jump off and it lands on your door step and your Mom, Dad, sister, brother, cousin, or any family member or best friends are effected, then YOU'LL see the importance of community action. Secondly, if you are doing well and can help others, then do it. Don't give money, give direction. If they're on drugs, hungry, need healthcare, have emotional problems, etc. investigate and let them know where they can get help. A phone book, a phone call, and a couple of minutes of your time, can help more than a couple of dollars any day. THEY may not think so, but we need to look for long term solutions and stop thinking of a convenient way out for the moment. Thirdly, stop fighting and killing each other over things that in a year won't mean a thing. Why are we fighting over relationships (in the public) that WE know are no good for us? Why are 2-3 women fighting over their baby's father who has gone on with ANOTHER female ? Why are fellas fighting over drugs and locations that only have you making just enough to "get by"?
The solution to all of this is that Allentown needs to become a TRUE community. We have to stop the "have and have-nots" mentality. We have to STOP the "us against them" mentality. We have to stop the "wanna-be thug and going to jail is cool" mentality. We have to stop the "I'll have this baby to keep my man or to keep me company or to have something to care for" mentality. We have to stop the "school is for suckers" mentality. We have to stop the" I hate those kids because of their baggy pants and tank tops" mentality. We have to stop the "Allentown is a ghetto because people of color live there" mentality. We have to stop the "Allentown is a bad place to visit, shop, and just live mentality" Because once you leave Allentown, there is a whole new world that exists and whether you want to see it or not, that world is coming to Allentown, slowly but surely and either you have yourself together and be ready to work and roll with it or you will be the outdated baby's momma and gangsta thug who only has but so many options and most of them lead to no where.
And this is why I created Project R.E.A.L. to prevent our youth from going down the road of hardship and to help the older people get off the road and obtain better skills, jobs, and a brighter future. I don't just mean words either. I have discovered programs that can actually make a difference.
Because the way I figure, the same energy that I use to dance and party in the club, I can use to help a person in need; my love for females must be transformed to a love for women and their families (who are the future) and develop a way for them, as well as their baby's fathers who do WANT to be involved, to become educated and have a better life; and my fun-loving, spontaneous, unorthodox, and spontaneous ways may be what I need to deal with the politics of business and the city of Allentown, as well as MY people who live HERE on a daily basis, like me. So, call me, and get involved!!!!
610 433 3538, hit me up!!1
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