"These events attract too many people of a variety few care to be around"
- actual quote from The Morning Call newspaper blog, June 1, 2011
I have had a yearly grassroots event in Allentown, PA which would more likely be compared to a fledgling street festival than large city and international events such as Mayfair or Musikfest, but its' growth has placed me on track to obtain future success.
I believe ALL events, if truly for the community, need to be free to expose those who may never have the opportunity, to different types of culture, music, and art forms. My UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN event has always brought hundreds of those "undesirables" to the location between 6th and 7th Street on Hamilton Street, for the past 3 years, and I have NEVER had a fight, stabbing, or negative incident. It was always from 12pm - 6pm and we have had sponsors that have included corporations such as CAPITAL BLUE CROSS; it was attended by everyone, from ALL walks of life; local businesses, local bands, local schools, etc. took part and had a GREAT time!
Encouraged, I, then, created an event called THE LEHIGH VALLEY MUSIC AND FASHION EXPO which was held on MAY 21 and 22nd, 2010 at the BANANA FACTORY/ARTSQUEST in Bethlehem, PA. Again, we had hundreds come out and there was not one slugfest, drug-bust, or anything of that nature. People came out and were educated about the music industry and we had artists which ranged from jazz to hip hop to rock to accoustic soul.
My last event was at THE AMERICAN ON WHEELS Museum. It was THE LEHIGH VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH EXPO on November 13, 2010! I bought the whole museum for the day and allowed the community to come in and see, experience, and learn about this location, as well as local businesses and health professionals. And, yet, even ,after all of this, the preceding comment only shows me there are alot of people in the LEHIGH VALLEY who have alot to learn about what it will take to make Allentown, PA great again....
It's not about seperation, excluson, or avoidance. It's about finding common ground and collaboration, because WE undesirables aren't going anywhere.
- Alfonso Todd / www.alfonsotodd.com
Wow, they really said that? What about all the incidents that happen at Musikfest every year? Well, I'm not surprised. I guess I'm one of the "Undesirables", too.