Can YOU believe Summer is ALMOST over already? It seems like we have only just begun... Yet, I already am seeing school supplies, Halloween costumes, and winter clothing being displayed. I guess Summer, like all good things, has to come to an end eventually. Well, if you're in places like Texas where it has been over 100 degrees for weeks you, actually, are happy that there is an end in sight.
Either way, I am dedicating this section to some of my favorite quotes of the month. Many of the topics in question may be obvious, while others may leave you scratching your head and saying, "Huh?" I am hoping that whatever the case may be, you enjoy these QUOTES of the SUMMER of 2011!
"I was at a business event and someone exclaimed, " I KNEW you, a year ago, before I actually KNEW you!" "Now, THAT'S social media done right!"
"Major decisions have to be made and major projects are coming up. Today, I introduced people/created possible opportunities for others. Tomorrow, I give people the best service and deliver quality product. But, NOW, I am going home to spend time with my Little Lady, TALLIS, and then I DANCE! I'm a DADDY, not DEAD."
"Good decisions come from experience, experience often comes from bad decisions."
- The Mechanic
"Nothing is guaranteed, but sometimes you have to proceed outside of the box to progress into the future." ("Nothing ventured, nothing gained.")
Philadelphia Mayor blasts violent flash mobs: "On an up note, there seems to be some leaders with some organizational skills orchestrating these mobs. If only they could use this talent for good...
Polygamist leader Jeffs gets life in prison: "He can still practice polygamy, just not the way he is used to...."
"Everyone says people need to pull themselves up by their OWN bootstraps, but what do they do when they don't have any boots? These occurrences are happening ALL OVER THE WORLD, literally. Check your newspapers and internet. It's easy to say what YOU would do when faced with hunger, poverty, and mistreatment until you actually experience it. The "powers that be" call it RIOTING, those on the "other" side call it civil disobedience." Is there any excuse for the looting and destruction? No. But there, also, has been no excuse for the mistreatment of the thousands of impoverished people in London and beyond; and THIS has been occurring LONG before the riots began. And as for those who say this will happen in AMERICA, I am unsure about this. We haven't had a good riot since the 60's and 70's and now people are too busy "hacking" and "googling" to care about REALITY. Maybe a good riot would shake things up a bit in the U.S. and cause alot of people to focus on what is TRULY important..."
"Unfortunately, the timing of this strike is bad. Especially with unemployment, job loss, and wage lowering practices. It will be very hard to get the public to stand behind them in this situation. In fact, many may be saying, "Power to the people!" while simultaneously, asking where the Human Resources office is so they can apply for THEIR jobs..."
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