Currently the inner city pipeline according to the ACLU, is one that funnels children from the public school sector directly into the prison system. In addition, 68% of the prison population does not have a high school diploma which supports the notion that when education and community involvement is minimal, crime is high and progress is stale. For the other 32% who do receive a high school education, we must begin to provide viable options for work and advancement in order to promote the development of our community. Now, although those can be written off as national trends and numbers can be bit different in our area, it is important that we pay close attention to the world around us in order to learn what not to do as well as understanding best practices.
As Allentown grows, so does the task.Together we can provide a solution by developing a humanized educational and social environment in which we can increase expectations of our community and those who consider themselves invested
community members.
By developing corrective behavioral mechanisms versus punishment to criminalize students for adolescent behavior, and by creating genuine partnerships between the schools, business owners, community officials, and universities we can reconstruct the inner city pipeline. Lehigh Valley Faces LLC and Alfonso Todd & Associates' philosophy is rooted in responsibility, respect, connections, and consistency-and that is where the pipeline's foundation rests and where our seminar begins. Please join us as we begin to engage in conversation about how to move Allentown forward utilizing our voices, knowledge and resources.
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