Monday, May 2, 2011
SO, Osama Bin Laden is dead and yet, the controversy lives on. In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter if you are to the far left, far right, a Moderate, Teabagger, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conspiracy Theorist, etc., just be thankful you live in a country where you are able to voice your opinion without fear of retribution and are governed by officials that protect everyone within the boundaries of our great nation.
Here are some notable quotes that came in on FACEBOOK after President Obama made the announcement:
"TIMES are a changin'.... Obama made it clear that he ordered this hit... "Under my direction"... He did it strategically. This was NOT random. He is FINALLY learning how to play politics."
"Bet Dubya is upset for not taking Bin Laden out when our troops had him surrounded in the early days of the war in Afghanistan. Kudos to Prez Obama, our Military, and the CIA!"
"Praise and honor to the US Military for a job "well done".
"Now bring them home."
"Yes, the military.....NOT Barack Obama. Even my 10 year old is screaming, "YOU didn't do anything!!!"
"It was our men and women in military over the past 10 years that took this evil down. President George Bush is the one with the leadership that stood up to our enemy and to protect our country."
"Lets see those T/Baggers try to block voters from going to the polls in 2012!!"
"A lot of hate coming from this neck of the woods... I just have to say, "Bravo, U.S. military (inclusive of our Commander in Chiefs (plural)) for a job well done. Thanks for all your sacrifices, and for never forgetting what Bin Laden did to us on 9/11." We all should be proud of what they've accomplished - Republican and Democratic soldiers, black and white soldiers, who fought side-by-side for OUR freedom from terror. The last thing we should be on a day like today is full of spite and looking for any reason to further fuel our divisive spirits."
"Coming from a person who lost a friend at the WTC and worked right across the street (WFC). I salute all soliders even going so far as to say "Thanks for keeping us safe, get back home safe to your family", because no matter what political party, race or religion, it takes a hell of a person to decide they will go fight for their country (and I don't care what country it is, EVERYONE fights for what they believe in, whether we know it's right or wrong, that is the nature of man). But what i wanna know is, why is it when we are the whipping posts we gotta take it, but when we dish it back, we have to be "UNDERSTANDING?" I really don't want to know the answer, because I KNOW WHY, but like the old folks used to say, 'Don't start none, won't be none"...If you can't take it, don't dish it."
"And I'm not racist; I have a great relationship with "the whites"...especially any named Washington, Lincoln, Franklin and Hamilton printed on green paper!"
"I'm outside of my house with my American Flag drawers and waiving my flag.......feeling sooooooooo patriotic and blessed .......umm NO!"
"Did anyone notice OBAMA's cool walk as he left the podium. YEAH , He did it and he DESERVES PROPS! Take that NAYSAYERS. Somewhere in the night, Donald Trump is eating symbolic crow. BA-KAW!!! THIS is what it's ALL about...."
"Glad to hear that the mission has been accomplished. But is publicly stating on record, that my wife's job will be very busy and a lot harder in the days to come. I can't imagine that there will be no blowback."
"A job that is so selfless. We can never fully thank the men and women who serve our country for the incredible job they do."
"In times like this.. A bit of fear is in my belly at the fact I live so close to and work in NYC.. Lord please protect us.."
"Osama Bin Laden is dead ??? it took like ten years to catch him but still Obama is a beast; you can't play hide n go seek with him"
"Both Hitler and Osama Confirmed Dead on May 1st!!! That is awesome! May 1st should be a celebration for bringing MASS MURDERERS to JUSTICE!!!!!!!"
"And hold on to your hats for this one: May 1st is also the day that then President Bush made his famous Mission Accomplished during the start of the Iraq war"
"Ya think Donald Trump will want to see a death certificate?"
"Now I lay me down to sleep... one less terrorist this world does keep. With all my heart I give my thanks... to those in uniform regardless of ranks... You serve our country and serve it well... with humble hearts your stories tell... So as I rest my weary eyes...while freedom rings our flag still flies... you give your all, do what you must...with God we live and in God we trust.... Amen!!"
"George Stephanopolos: But he must not have had much armed security if he could be overtaken by 20-25 Navy SEALs...."
Nick: George Snuffalufagus has never played video games. Four SEALs can take out an army."
"I can care less about the repercussions of America killing Osama. We go hard. If you know your history then you would know that America rarely starts the problem, but we always finish it. THAT'S why we're the greatest country on Earth.
"Thank you God. Thanks to our military and to our presidents who have served during his tyranny. May every single person he has hurt find some peace in his death."
"Osama bin Laden is finally dead...and Republican presidential hopefuls clamor to see his original birth certificate, as they look desperately for ways to take credit for their roles in his demise."
"10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 deaths, and $1,188,263,000,000 later, we managed to kill one person. I hope it was worth it..."
"Apparently, it's true: Both Hilter and Bin Laden's death was announced on May 1st. And get this, Hilter's death was announced at 10:30...Obama missed it by a half."
"We all have FREE WILL to make up our minds about this world we live in.What we see in our mind in far greater than what we allow through our eyes.NO ONE has power over us unless we allow them."
"They did a DNA test on the body and it was a match....Where did they get the First DNA sample to match it to???...just wondering...."
"Bin Laden age 54, 5+4= 9 our year 11.. 9/11... It took 10 years to find him.. Today's date 5/1/2011 5+1+2+0+1+1 = 10 "
"America...we said our prayers, ate our vitamins and now he's dead. God must be a real American"
"There will never be Justice after what this monster did, there may never be closure for those who lost family or their peace of mind, there are no words for such evil, there are no answers for human minds or voices... but hopefully there is some unimaginable place in Hell where enternity passes this beast in obscurity."
"It's long awaited news..but not justice. That would have been this result after a trial. This is closure. God Bless America."
"So now the big question??? Will our gas prices go downnnnnn!!!!!"
Sunday, May 1, 2011
"OUT LOUD" by Cynthia Rodriguez
The Underworld Art Studio
Greetings Allentownians from the bowels of feminism. Buried beneath the hustle and bustle of center city Allentown Pennsylvania lies one of most best kept hidden treasures in the "Little Apple". What is this mysterious, deep, dark place? No, it's not my vagina. It's my art studio. The artistic-political firepit in the North Side, known as THE UNDERWORLD.
I thought before I begin ranting about all different topics on "Out Loud", I'd share a little of my artistic history with you all. Of all my artsy fartsy pursuits, including blogging, playwriting, performing, theatre, the visual arts is my first love. I won't bore you with any "ever since I was a little girl" crap. I'll just get down to the dirty, nitty-gritty which actually, probably describes my creative space the best, which next year will be it's 10 year anniversary. My independent space anyways. I am the sole-proprietor of this psychodelic dungeon.
Anti-established since 1999 (in the basement under the town's then main art gallery), then in 2002, I got my own independent space, (again in a basement). What can I say? Over the years I became a "basement rat" and learned to work well in very dim light. (I have very good night vision.) It's lasted longer than alot of businesses around me, right on the block as a matter a fact. You get to know your area pretty well after being around it for so long. I've seen alot of things go on and go down in the neighborhood. Alot of stories.
Most people find it fascinating, be it in sometimes a creepy, kind of way. It's been compared to certain NY hangouts back in the day, East Villagesque, or Lower East Sidish. Originating from New York City, I take that as a compliment. You can take a video tour of my little batcave on youtube under UnderworldArtStudio . I've only posted a couple of studio "Vlogs" so far.
Plenty of history in that little den. When I first got my batcave I really opened it up to the general public in the form of "First Saturdays", when I would have different events like poetry nights, open mic, art exhibits, performance art, drag shows, paint jams, and numerous other happenings. Now I just utilize the space solely to create art. No, you won't see me win any fancy local art awards, or be recognized with the likes of Baum, The Allentown Art Museum and nearby towns commercially successful venues like the Banana Factory.
It's my little safe-haven, and I like it to be that for anyone who comes over. The "mission statement" is "providing a home for an alternative way of being". By that I mean for people to just be themselves. To leave any bullshit at the gate, and not be afraid to take that step outside their comfort zone. For me, it's not just an art studio, it's a way of life.
(Okay, this is the part where I'm going to be a total media whore and tell everybody to join The Underworld Art Studio's "fan" page on Facebook. Thanks, see you there.)
The HANSOUL Interview by Tremayne Tatum
Hans for all those who don't know you tell the audience
a little about yourself?
Jesus Saves! First and foremost, I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I grew up in a loving home where my biological parents and step-mom loved me in their own way, however Jesus was not the focus in our household.
In the 90s, I got so caught up in the hip hop culture. I ended up getting signed to major labels, Epic Sony and Loud RCA and became a top ten Billboard artist.
On March, 12, 1995, I would let all of that go and decide that I would be fully committed to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Now, I am living for Him; doing music, film, preaching and other things to make sure His Name is lifted up.
Also, I am currently finishing up my Master's of Divinity at the Palmer Seminary of Eastern University and a Graduate Degree in Health & Physical Education.
Besides all of the other gifts and talents that you have been blessed with,
are there any secret talents and gifts that most people wouldn't know about you?
Most people wouldn't know I played Division 1 tennis at Temple University and have coached professionally.
Also many people don't know I am an up and coming film maker and director. We are currently working on a feature film about my life story titled, "Jesus Saves" , which I am the writer and one of the directors.
I have assistant directed and/or produced over 8 music videos prior to Christ and in Christ. Also, most people wouldn't know I am a public school teacher in the Philadelphia School District.
“...sometimes I wrestle with the pressure of the success of my former career.”
Being that you had success in the mainstream hip hop arena, do you feel any pressure of trying to duplicate that same manner of success as a Christian artist?
I must admit, sometimes I wrestle with the pressure of the success of my former career.
I am human, however God does greater and beyond what the world presents. So to answer your question, I do not think He will duplicate the success, but rather do a new thing.
Ultimately, "@ the end of the day", only what we do that glorifies Jesus will really have the most eternal weight.
So success is the Triune God saying to me, "well done Hans".
Some people reading this interview may not agree that Jesus should be attached to Hip Hop and the perception that Hip Hop carries, what's your thoughts on that?
I would not say that I am attaching Jesus to hip hop, but rather , I am sharing Christ in an art form or to a culture that is in desperate need of Him.
From a personal perspective, I can say I know that God has called me to the hip hop culture as well as other cultures; and has called me to use my gifts as a rapper or MC, producer and film maker to (1) worship Him and (2) be a witness for Him to help win souls and touch lives.
Biblically speaking, I understand scriptures like Psalms 150. It encourages utilizing whatever gifts one has to uplift His Holy Name. I also understand that Elohim (The Father, Son-Jesus, Holy Spirit) Is The Father of all creativity.
I realize musically speaking that the genre of music of what people call "hip hop" is a very creative art form.
However, I also realize that this creative art form has been corrupted by sin, which is true for much of life.
Can hip hop be redeemed?
I mean, to redeem something is to buy that thing back or to take possession of it. From that stand point, yes, I can take it back to it original owner- God.
As Kingdom people, I believe we should be seeking to "occupy" til Jesus comes back. So buying it back is important, but the redemption of an art form or culture is different that the redemption of a living soul.
Furthermore, there is wisdom one should follow when seeking to engage any culture.
Lastly, one must make sure he or she is not making the culture or the medium the focus but rather that Jesus & His agenda remain the focus.
From your experience, what is the state of the Christian entertainment industry?
I am concerned about the state of the Christian entertainment industry. I wonder at times, is the issue that we call it "entertainment", I don't know.
I consider myself a minister but I function within the entertainment industry. But to answer your question, I see a shift going on where there is a passing of the guards so to speak.
I think God is leveling the playing field through the Internet, social media, and the development of technology. (HD Cameras, Pro Tools etc.)
Years ago to shoot a feature film the only option was to spend thousands of dollars on 35 MM film whereas today HD has really opened the door for so many young Christian film makers.
I would also mention that in the Gospel industry in particular there are a lot of "buddy networks" that at times I question the wisdom of these closed networks in such a vast Kingdom in which we are in.
I also see that at times we are getting caught up with our names and our own agendas versus lifting up The Name of Jesus The One Who died to save us. I also see there is a struggle with moral issues.
On a more positive note, I have been seeing particularly within the Christian rap industry more artists who are being planted within strong Bible believing churches. I think the accountability will be critical to help artists to stay out of danger.
“I think God is leveling the playing field through the Internet, social media, and the development of technology. (HD Cameras, Pro Tools, etc.)”
Do you see Christian entertainment ever becoming "mainstream"?
I see Christian entertainment in many ways becoming main stream now. I do not know if that is always a good thing. But from the standpoint of exposing it to souls that is a great thing.
The issue is that many people may be getting into it for the wrong reasons. We shouldn't be getting into this to have fans but rather to be used to make people fans of Jesus.
Lastly, I would like to say that even though many are exposed to it we need to push Christ through media at a higher level. The world is working hard to build up a counter Christ kingdom promoting a message that is against God and His Kingdom with agendas that are so wicked many couldn't even fathom.
If Jesus Himself walked into your room, and told you that He is going to give you the grace to work with one mainstream artist and the opportunity to share the gospel with them, who would that artist be?
I will say this, Eminem is some one I would love to share The Gospel with if given the opportunity.
If I sensed in them a sincere tug to follow The Lord. However, I would really have to be led of The Lord- I know scripture says we should not lay hands on no man suddenly.
I am in the process of going back and really reaching out to a lot of the mainstream artist I was close with in my old life but I do not know if doing music together is the best witness but maybe just building and relating sharing a meal etc.
What's your favorite magazine?
I have to admit I am not to big on magazines, however, I kind of like looking through the Ikea catalogs and I like Sports Illustrated.
If you had one last meal what would it be? What 3 people would you have that
meal with?
Wow! good question. The meal would most likely be at least a four course meal. It would probably incorporate some Italian, Jamaican, and Mexican cuisine. (It is my last meal!)
I know that would include some fruit smoothies and some desert possibly Apple pie a la mode.
Possibly the appetizer could be Mexican (chicken, tacos, soup) and some Chicken/Beef Patties. The main course could be Oxtail, Jerk Chicken or King Fish etc.
As far as who I would have dinner with, I would say firstly I would want my wife with me, my daughter and maybe some one I knew or in my family who didn't know The Lord that I could share Jesus with them.
“...Eminem is someone I would love to share the Gospel with if given the opportunity.”
Besides that Bible, what book has really shaped you?
Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" and Gregory Frizzel's "How to Develop A Powerful Prayer Life"
What's your thought about the Charlie Sheen fiasco?
Wow! I saw a story some time ago or read an article about a time in Charlie Sheen's life in which he was saying he was a born again Christian- (I don't know what he considers himself now).
I also know Charlie Sheen's father Martin Sheen is said to be a strong believer who has a mission outreach center in Trenton called the Martin House-I think.
So I believe God Is allowing Charlie Sheen to reach the end of himself like the prodigal son. I understand from experience that when God has His hands on you no matter how deep you are into sin, Jesus Is able to rescue you.
I also understand that when you have asked The Lord in your heart and then you are staying in a destructive environment it weighs a toll on you emotionally and spiritually.
And you become double minded and then you become worse than you were before you acknowledged The Lord.
However, God is able.
Han's I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to us, where can those out there reading this find out more about you?
They can find out more about me and the ministries at and also peep out our videos or hit me on stay up Jesus Saves!
a little about yourself?
Jesus Saves! First and foremost, I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I grew up in a loving home where my biological parents and step-mom loved me in their own way, however Jesus was not the focus in our household.
In the 90s, I got so caught up in the hip hop culture. I ended up getting signed to major labels, Epic Sony and Loud RCA and became a top ten Billboard artist.
On March, 12, 1995, I would let all of that go and decide that I would be fully committed to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Now, I am living for Him; doing music, film, preaching and other things to make sure His Name is lifted up.
Also, I am currently finishing up my Master's of Divinity at the Palmer Seminary of Eastern University and a Graduate Degree in Health & Physical Education.
Besides all of the other gifts and talents that you have been blessed with,
are there any secret talents and gifts that most people wouldn't know about you?
Most people wouldn't know I played Division 1 tennis at Temple University and have coached professionally.
Also many people don't know I am an up and coming film maker and director. We are currently working on a feature film about my life story titled, "Jesus Saves" , which I am the writer and one of the directors.
I have assistant directed and/or produced over 8 music videos prior to Christ and in Christ. Also, most people wouldn't know I am a public school teacher in the Philadelphia School District.
“...sometimes I wrestle with the pressure of the success of my former career.”
Being that you had success in the mainstream hip hop arena, do you feel any pressure of trying to duplicate that same manner of success as a Christian artist?
I must admit, sometimes I wrestle with the pressure of the success of my former career.
I am human, however God does greater and beyond what the world presents. So to answer your question, I do not think He will duplicate the success, but rather do a new thing.
Ultimately, "@ the end of the day", only what we do that glorifies Jesus will really have the most eternal weight.
So success is the Triune God saying to me, "well done Hans".
Some people reading this interview may not agree that Jesus should be attached to Hip Hop and the perception that Hip Hop carries, what's your thoughts on that?
I would not say that I am attaching Jesus to hip hop, but rather , I am sharing Christ in an art form or to a culture that is in desperate need of Him.
From a personal perspective, I can say I know that God has called me to the hip hop culture as well as other cultures; and has called me to use my gifts as a rapper or MC, producer and film maker to (1) worship Him and (2) be a witness for Him to help win souls and touch lives.
Biblically speaking, I understand scriptures like Psalms 150. It encourages utilizing whatever gifts one has to uplift His Holy Name. I also understand that Elohim (The Father, Son-Jesus, Holy Spirit) Is The Father of all creativity.
I realize musically speaking that the genre of music of what people call "hip hop" is a very creative art form.
However, I also realize that this creative art form has been corrupted by sin, which is true for much of life.
Can hip hop be redeemed?
I mean, to redeem something is to buy that thing back or to take possession of it. From that stand point, yes, I can take it back to it original owner- God.
As Kingdom people, I believe we should be seeking to "occupy" til Jesus comes back. So buying it back is important, but the redemption of an art form or culture is different that the redemption of a living soul.
Furthermore, there is wisdom one should follow when seeking to engage any culture.
Lastly, one must make sure he or she is not making the culture or the medium the focus but rather that Jesus & His agenda remain the focus.
From your experience, what is the state of the Christian entertainment industry?
I am concerned about the state of the Christian entertainment industry. I wonder at times, is the issue that we call it "entertainment", I don't know.
I consider myself a minister but I function within the entertainment industry. But to answer your question, I see a shift going on where there is a passing of the guards so to speak.
I think God is leveling the playing field through the Internet, social media, and the development of technology. (HD Cameras, Pro Tools etc.)
Years ago to shoot a feature film the only option was to spend thousands of dollars on 35 MM film whereas today HD has really opened the door for so many young Christian film makers.
I would also mention that in the Gospel industry in particular there are a lot of "buddy networks" that at times I question the wisdom of these closed networks in such a vast Kingdom in which we are in.
I also see that at times we are getting caught up with our names and our own agendas versus lifting up The Name of Jesus The One Who died to save us. I also see there is a struggle with moral issues.
On a more positive note, I have been seeing particularly within the Christian rap industry more artists who are being planted within strong Bible believing churches. I think the accountability will be critical to help artists to stay out of danger.
“I think God is leveling the playing field through the Internet, social media, and the development of technology. (HD Cameras, Pro Tools, etc.)”
Do you see Christian entertainment ever becoming "mainstream"?
I see Christian entertainment in many ways becoming main stream now. I do not know if that is always a good thing. But from the standpoint of exposing it to souls that is a great thing.
The issue is that many people may be getting into it for the wrong reasons. We shouldn't be getting into this to have fans but rather to be used to make people fans of Jesus.
Lastly, I would like to say that even though many are exposed to it we need to push Christ through media at a higher level. The world is working hard to build up a counter Christ kingdom promoting a message that is against God and His Kingdom with agendas that are so wicked many couldn't even fathom.
If Jesus Himself walked into your room, and told you that He is going to give you the grace to work with one mainstream artist and the opportunity to share the gospel with them, who would that artist be?
I will say this, Eminem is some one I would love to share The Gospel with if given the opportunity.
If I sensed in them a sincere tug to follow The Lord. However, I would really have to be led of The Lord- I know scripture says we should not lay hands on no man suddenly.
I am in the process of going back and really reaching out to a lot of the mainstream artist I was close with in my old life but I do not know if doing music together is the best witness but maybe just building and relating sharing a meal etc.
What's your favorite magazine?
I have to admit I am not to big on magazines, however, I kind of like looking through the Ikea catalogs and I like Sports Illustrated.
If you had one last meal what would it be? What 3 people would you have that
meal with?
Wow! good question. The meal would most likely be at least a four course meal. It would probably incorporate some Italian, Jamaican, and Mexican cuisine. (It is my last meal!)
I know that would include some fruit smoothies and some desert possibly Apple pie a la mode.
Possibly the appetizer could be Mexican (chicken, tacos, soup) and some Chicken/Beef Patties. The main course could be Oxtail, Jerk Chicken or King Fish etc.
As far as who I would have dinner with, I would say firstly I would want my wife with me, my daughter and maybe some one I knew or in my family who didn't know The Lord that I could share Jesus with them.
“...Eminem is someone I would love to share the Gospel with if given the opportunity.”
Besides that Bible, what book has really shaped you?
Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest" and Gregory Frizzel's "How to Develop A Powerful Prayer Life"
What's your thought about the Charlie Sheen fiasco?
Wow! I saw a story some time ago or read an article about a time in Charlie Sheen's life in which he was saying he was a born again Christian- (I don't know what he considers himself now).
I also know Charlie Sheen's father Martin Sheen is said to be a strong believer who has a mission outreach center in Trenton called the Martin House-I think.
So I believe God Is allowing Charlie Sheen to reach the end of himself like the prodigal son. I understand from experience that when God has His hands on you no matter how deep you are into sin, Jesus Is able to rescue you.
I also understand that when you have asked The Lord in your heart and then you are staying in a destructive environment it weighs a toll on you emotionally and spiritually.
And you become double minded and then you become worse than you were before you acknowledged The Lord.
However, God is able.
Han's I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to us, where can those out there reading this find out more about you?
They can find out more about me and the ministries at and also peep out our videos or hit me on stay up Jesus Saves!
FINANCIAL ADVICE by Christopher Lynch
What Does an Advisor Really Do?
Financial advisors such as myself help people assess their financial situations and give them helpful information on how to best save, invest, and utilize their money. The financial advisor usually has a client make an in person appointment for an initial consultation. The client will often bring in some basic financial information, such as tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, and any information he may have on his stock and bond market portfolio, if he owns one.
Some clients are more prepared and they even come in with balance sheets describing their assets and liabilities. Many times the financial advisor will ask the client to bring in information about their current debts, including a budget of income and expenses, as well as credit history information. If the client cannot do this on his own, this is where the financial advisor comes in to help him create and assemble these documents.
All this information is then assessed and used to determine how the client can best prepare for retirement. The qualified advisor will know all about directing the client into the very best retirement plans. He'll also be able to help formulate an updated budget to help the client start to regularly save for retirement. He'll instruct his clients that a minimum amount of money needs to be saved or invested each month for a given set of years in order to amass adequate funding for a quality retirement. The advisor will detail the benefits and risks of different type of investment vehicles that he may suggest his client regularly put money into.
These investment vehicles can include individual stocks, bonds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, money market funds, and regular savings accounts. In the US, there are many highly qualified and reputable financial advisors. It can help to get a recommendation from a work colleague, a banker, an accountant, or an attorney, if the client doesn't know who to use at first. Some advisors have much more experience and expertise than others. There are also some advisors who specialize only in tax-deferred and tax-free investment vehicles for retirement planning. Certain advisors have much more knowledge of taxes or accounting and banking than others who may know more about the stock market. The key is to find an advisor whom you feel comfortable in dealing with for the long term as this should be a long term relationship in which you will both grow together.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
Financial advisors such as myself help people assess their financial situations and give them helpful information on how to best save, invest, and utilize their money. The financial advisor usually has a client make an in person appointment for an initial consultation. The client will often bring in some basic financial information, such as tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, and any information he may have on his stock and bond market portfolio, if he owns one.
Some clients are more prepared and they even come in with balance sheets describing their assets and liabilities. Many times the financial advisor will ask the client to bring in information about their current debts, including a budget of income and expenses, as well as credit history information. If the client cannot do this on his own, this is where the financial advisor comes in to help him create and assemble these documents.
All this information is then assessed and used to determine how the client can best prepare for retirement. The qualified advisor will know all about directing the client into the very best retirement plans. He'll also be able to help formulate an updated budget to help the client start to regularly save for retirement. He'll instruct his clients that a minimum amount of money needs to be saved or invested each month for a given set of years in order to amass adequate funding for a quality retirement. The advisor will detail the benefits and risks of different type of investment vehicles that he may suggest his client regularly put money into.
These investment vehicles can include individual stocks, bonds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, money market funds, and regular savings accounts. In the US, there are many highly qualified and reputable financial advisors. It can help to get a recommendation from a work colleague, a banker, an accountant, or an attorney, if the client doesn't know who to use at first. Some advisors have much more experience and expertise than others. There are also some advisors who specialize only in tax-deferred and tax-free investment vehicles for retirement planning. Certain advisors have much more knowledge of taxes or accounting and banking than others who may know more about the stock market. The key is to find an advisor whom you feel comfortable in dealing with for the long term as this should be a long term relationship in which you will both grow together.
Christopher E. Lynch, MBA
Financial Services Professional
MassMutual Financial Group
Stabler Corporate Center
3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380
Center Valley, PA 18034-8228
( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290
I started my first job in sales at 23. Although I was fine talking with customers and finding the right item for them, I was uncomfortable bringing up warranties and services. I had grown up being told that they were tricks and scams to separate fools from their money.
I talked with my manager, Mike, about my hesitations. He asked me, “Do you mow your own lawn?” I told him I did, so he asked me why.
“Because it’s not difficult and I own a lawnmower,” I said.
That’s when Mike smiled his big grin and informed me that “plenty of people mow lawns for a living, so obviously there are plenty of people who find value in having somebody else mow their lawns.”
As it turns out, Mike had the same troubles with selling, too. He had been in sales for 10 years, but had only recently gotten comfortable doing so. It all came with a realization of what he was really doing.
“I’m not a salesman; I am a needs satisfier.”
That is the sentence that changed my life. Or rather, it made me understand my life. At work, I realized that different services have different values for different people. Accidental damage coverage is very valuable on your laptop if you have rambunctious children, but not if you leave it on your desk in a computer room where it never leaves and no food or drinks are allowed inside.
But it goes so far beyond work. Satisfying needs is my life’s work. When I write a story, I am satisfying the need for entertainment (and hopefully stimulating thought). When I hang out with my friends, I am satisfying the need for companionship. When I talk with people and help them through their problems, I am satisfying the need to return to normal.
Anything you do can satisfy somebody’s needs. When you start seeing your life in this light, you will see that the world is a pretty cool place. Everything you do makes somebody feel better. Sometimes that person is you, and sometimes it’s anybody else. But no matter what, things get better with every need you satisfy.
Give it a shot. You may find that satisfying needs is the most satisfying experience.
I talked with my manager, Mike, about my hesitations. He asked me, “Do you mow your own lawn?” I told him I did, so he asked me why.
“Because it’s not difficult and I own a lawnmower,” I said.
That’s when Mike smiled his big grin and informed me that “plenty of people mow lawns for a living, so obviously there are plenty of people who find value in having somebody else mow their lawns.”
As it turns out, Mike had the same troubles with selling, too. He had been in sales for 10 years, but had only recently gotten comfortable doing so. It all came with a realization of what he was really doing.
“I’m not a salesman; I am a needs satisfier.”
That is the sentence that changed my life. Or rather, it made me understand my life. At work, I realized that different services have different values for different people. Accidental damage coverage is very valuable on your laptop if you have rambunctious children, but not if you leave it on your desk in a computer room where it never leaves and no food or drinks are allowed inside.
But it goes so far beyond work. Satisfying needs is my life’s work. When I write a story, I am satisfying the need for entertainment (and hopefully stimulating thought). When I hang out with my friends, I am satisfying the need for companionship. When I talk with people and help them through their problems, I am satisfying the need to return to normal.
Anything you do can satisfy somebody’s needs. When you start seeing your life in this light, you will see that the world is a pretty cool place. Everything you do makes somebody feel better. Sometimes that person is you, and sometimes it’s anybody else. But no matter what, things get better with every need you satisfy.
Give it a shot. You may find that satisfying needs is the most satisfying experience.
“U Hype Nation” is an organization for emerging Artists/Bands, producers, musicians, Engineers (beat makers), models, DJ’s, designers, song writers, venues, promoters and dancers who seek to network, obtain platforms, opportunities, and access to resources that are not readily available. JOIN ON FACEBOOK....
TIMES/DATES : Pachanga Night Club 170-172 W Allen St. Allentown, PA
Friday, April 15 at 10:00pm - April 16 at 3:00am - HAD A BLAST!
4 Play is a blend of fruits, floral, and musk, and sensual woods that will entice your mind and senses into a romantic frenzy that YOU and YOURS will never forget.
It's perfect for a romantic date to allure the perfect someone and is very "sensual" and "so sexy" for the night out in the social scene.
Recommended use - romantic, playful, day or night
Season - spring, summer
"Community Event Expo" at Central Catholic High School, Saturday May 21st from 12:00-4:00 pm.
Please mark your calendars for our summer kick off "Community Event Expo" at Central Catholic High School, Saturday May 21st from 12:00-4:00 pm. We will have food, games and activities for the kids.
During this event we will be unveiling our new "Allentown Youth Source Website" created by a group of teenagers living in Allentown in partnership with Jordan Heights, Weed and Seed, H.Y.P.E, City of Allentown Parks and Recreation and Muhlenberg College. It's a website design for and by teens who will be able to find programs and activities for they can plug into throughout the summer and year.
We would like you to RSVP a table to represent your agency. Please contact Ellen Denizard, the Jordan Heights Neighborhood Manager by calling 610-433-5703 or emailing her at:
We want our parents and youth to be aware of all the various summer programs and camps available. Bring registration forms for kids to sign up.
Attached is a Spanish and English flyer for you to distribute to your families and youth. Spread the word to your contacts.
Sam Martinez
Youth Coordinator
CADCA / Weed and Seed
Penn State Cooperative Extension
Mailing Address
443 N. 7th Street
Allentown PA, 18102
(610) 439-5903
(610) 437-8746 fax
Invitation to May 25 event--Community Engagement, Analysis and Leadership for the Wellbeing of Children-Urban Institute's NCCS
Join the Children’s Coalition of the Lehigh Valley (CCLV) for the Community Engagement, Analysis and Leadership for the Wellbeing of Children—Urban Institute’s NCCS (National Center on Charitable Statistics) Lehigh Valley Community Platform on Thursday, May 25 from 12 to 4 pm at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, Kasych Pavilion (see attached registration form). This is when we will be showcasing an exciting community project for the entire Lehigh Valley. You will not want to miss this chance to learn more about this platform—an online database, toolkit, and resource hub—that can dramatically change the way the entire community addresses important issues facing children in the Valley.
The Lehigh Valley is ready to become a pilot site for the National Center for Charitable Statistics Community Platform—one of just a few sites across the nation to implement this tool during the pilot process. (See attached document for a description of the tool.)
CCLV is a lead partner in the development of the tool along with the Lehigh Valley Research Consortium (LVRC). We will use this tool to fully engage many stakeholders throughout the Valley and to provide in-depth analysis of community assets and needs with respect to children. CCLV firmly believes in bringing this analysis, along with other resources on the site, to every nonprofit, legislator/policy maker, government agency, school facility, healthcare entity, law enforcement, and human service agency to we can work together on sound data not assumptions.
Please use the attached form to register. For more information, please contact Carol Obando-Derstine at or 610-868-2805.
The Lehigh Valley is ready to become a pilot site for the National Center for Charitable Statistics Community Platform—one of just a few sites across the nation to implement this tool during the pilot process. (See attached document for a description of the tool.)
CCLV is a lead partner in the development of the tool along with the Lehigh Valley Research Consortium (LVRC). We will use this tool to fully engage many stakeholders throughout the Valley and to provide in-depth analysis of community assets and needs with respect to children. CCLV firmly believes in bringing this analysis, along with other resources on the site, to every nonprofit, legislator/policy maker, government agency, school facility, healthcare entity, law enforcement, and human service agency to we can work together on sound data not assumptions.
Please use the attached form to register. For more information, please contact Carol Obando-Derstine at or 610-868-2805.
REMINDER: Not too late for advance tickets for Ambre's March 24, 6:30-9:30PM Simply Jazz event
Today is your last opportunity, and still not too late for advanced registration for Ambre Studio’s ticketed event, Simply Jazz-Far from Simple exhibition by Allan Hill, and Simply Jazz live performance with Eric Mintel Duo, $25 in advanced, $30 at the door (if seating available).
There are just a few seats still available, but filling up fast. Tickets include the premier viewing of Allan Hill’s solo mixed media collage exhibit, music cover, and refreshments by Cathy’s Catering. Simply a night to relax, and enjoy jazz!
Just email or call 610-428-2484 to register.
See below for more details.
Hope you can attend this special first time event in a series of three live jazz offerings.
If you are unable to attend and wish to view the exhibition, Ambre Studio’s gallery hours are Wed, Thurs, Fri, noon-6PM, or by calling or emailing for an appointment, 610-428-2484,
This exhibit will run thru Friday, June 24.
Please check your calendar and see if these other opportunities work for your schedule to enjoy the sights and sounds of jazz, for the next in the Simply Jazz series. . .
Invite your friends, and reserve now for your seating . . .
Thursday, April 21, 6:30-9:30PM, Skip Wilkins Duo, with Skip Wilkins, piano, and Tony Marino, bass.
Thursday, May 26, 6:30-9:30PM, Eric Mintel Trio, with Eric Mintel, piano, Dave Antonow, guitar, and Nelson Hill, sax and flute.
Ambre Studio thanks you for supporting the arts, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Evelyn Beckman
Ambre' Studio, Inc. and . . .
Leh Preservation Limited, LLC
310 West Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
c 610 428-2484
w 610-974-8480
Today is your last opportunity, and still not too late for advanced registration for Ambre Studio’s ticketed event, Simply Jazz-Far from Simple exhibition by Allan Hill, and Simply Jazz live performance with Eric Mintel Duo, $25 in advanced, $30 at the door (if seating available).
There are just a few seats still available, but filling up fast. Tickets include the premier viewing of Allan Hill’s solo mixed media collage exhibit, music cover, and refreshments by Cathy’s Catering. Simply a night to relax, and enjoy jazz!
Just email or call 610-428-2484 to register.
See below for more details.
Hope you can attend this special first time event in a series of three live jazz offerings.
If you are unable to attend and wish to view the exhibition, Ambre Studio’s gallery hours are Wed, Thurs, Fri, noon-6PM, or by calling or emailing for an appointment, 610-428-2484,
This exhibit will run thru Friday, June 24.
Please check your calendar and see if these other opportunities work for your schedule to enjoy the sights and sounds of jazz, for the next in the Simply Jazz series. . .
Invite your friends, and reserve now for your seating . . .
Thursday, April 21, 6:30-9:30PM, Skip Wilkins Duo, with Skip Wilkins, piano, and Tony Marino, bass.
Thursday, May 26, 6:30-9:30PM, Eric Mintel Trio, with Eric Mintel, piano, Dave Antonow, guitar, and Nelson Hill, sax and flute.
Ambre Studio thanks you for supporting the arts, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Evelyn Beckman
Ambre' Studio, Inc. and . . .
Leh Preservation Limited, LLC
310 West Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
c 610 428-2484
w 610-974-8480
Saturday, May 7, 2011 and Sunday, May 8, 2011
Annual Plant Sale and Mother's Day Celebration
All mothers will receive half price admission on this special weekend. A special Mother's Day scavenger hunt will highlight resident animal moms and their youngsters. Enter your completed scavenger hunt form in the entry box at the Café for the chance to win a gift certificate for the Zoo's Nature Store. Don't forget to purchase a plant for Mom at the Zoo's Annual Plant Sale!
10:15 a.m. Zebra/Ostrich Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
12:30 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Otters (Saturday), Wolves (Sunday)
12:45 p.m. Lorikeet Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
2:00 p.m. Alpaca Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
3:00 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
Saturday, 5/14 - International Migratory Bird Day
Kids can fly through the Zoo just like a bird on its migratory journey wearing their own bracelet as they "migrate" through the Zoo to unscramble clues about how scientists band birds for research. Enter your completed word search form in the entry box at the Café for the chance to win a gift certificate for the Nature Store.
10:15 a.m. Guinea Fowl Enrichment Activities
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
11:30 a.m. Otter Enrichment Activities
12:30 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Otters
12:45 p.m. Birds of Prey Enrichment Activities
2:00 p.m. Llama/Sheep Enrichment Activities
3:00 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
Saturday, 5/21 - Endangered Species Day
S.O.S. - Save Our Species! Special 2011 Edition Conservation Buttons are available at the Zoo for a minimum donation of $1.00!
Did You Know? Lehigh Valley Zoo is home to more than 275 animals representing 70 species from African Penguins to Zebra. The Zoo's animal collection includes fourteen species classified as endangered, threatened, or species of concern: African Penguins, Mexican Gray Wolves, Mongoose Lemur, Scimitar Horned Oryx, Black Crowned Crane, Canada Lynx, Laughing Kookaburra, North American River Otter, Plains Zebra, Prehensile Tail Porcupine, Red Kangaroo, Snowy Owl, Tammar Wallaby, and Trumpeter Swan.
10:15 a.m. Wolves Enrichment Activities - Rated RL (Real Lilfe)*
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
11:30 p.m. Penguin Enrichment Activities
12:45 p.m. Kangaroos Enrichment Activities
1:00 p.m. Conservation Conversation with Richard Rosevear, General Curator
at the Mexican Gray Wolf exhibit. Learn about why these animals are
endangered and how the Zoo's involvement is helping to save this species.
2:00 p.m. Conservation Conversation with Richard Rosevear, General Curator at the
Scimitar-horned Oryx exhibit
Learn about why these animals are endangered and how the Zoo's
involvement is helping to save this species.
2:00 p.m. Goats Enrichment Activities
3:00 p.m. Meet the Zookeeper/African Penguin Feed at the Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
*Please note: The Mexican Gray Wolf Exhibit is Rated RL (Real Life)
Wolves in the Mexican Gray Wolf Species Survival Plan or their offspring may be reintroduced to the wild. It is important to maintain the wolves' natural feeding habits along with other behaviors that make them wild animals. In order to provide real life feeding experiences for the Zoo's wolf pack, they receive prey carcasses from time to time. During your Zoo visit, you may have a unique opportunity to observe them feeding as wolves naturally do in the wild.
Monday, 5/28 - Memorial Day at the Zoo
Bring the family for Dollar Dog Day at the Zoo's Café to celebrate Memorial Day! The Zoo is proud to offer free admission to veterans and active duty military personnel (Military Id and some form of photo ID must be presented when entering).
Did You Know?
Lehigh Valley Zoo Members receive FREE daytime admission for one year ... FREE admission to Guest Enrichment Activity Days at the Zoo ... Discount for Zoo Camps, Family Programs, and Birthday Parties ... 10% discount at the Nature Store and the Outdoor Cafe ... AND free or discounted admission at over 100 zoos and aquariums ... SMART FUN! ... JOIN OR RENEW YOUR ZOO MEMBERSHIP TODAY at 610-799-4171, ext. 224.
5150 Game Preserve Road, P.O. Box 519
Schnecksville, Pennsylvania 18078
Visit our website for a complete list of summer camps and programs,
activities, events, and much, much more!
P.S. Don't miss the FUN ... Summer Camps are booking FAST!
Register today at 610-799-4171, ext. 227, 238 or 228.
Annual Plant Sale and Mother's Day Celebration
All mothers will receive half price admission on this special weekend. A special Mother's Day scavenger hunt will highlight resident animal moms and their youngsters. Enter your completed scavenger hunt form in the entry box at the Café for the chance to win a gift certificate for the Zoo's Nature Store. Don't forget to purchase a plant for Mom at the Zoo's Annual Plant Sale!
10:15 a.m. Zebra/Ostrich Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
12:30 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Otters (Saturday), Wolves (Sunday)
12:45 p.m. Lorikeet Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
2:00 p.m. Alpaca Enrichment Activities (Sunday)
3:00 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
Saturday, 5/14 - International Migratory Bird Day
Kids can fly through the Zoo just like a bird on its migratory journey wearing their own bracelet as they "migrate" through the Zoo to unscramble clues about how scientists band birds for research. Enter your completed word search form in the entry box at the Café for the chance to win a gift certificate for the Nature Store.
10:15 a.m. Guinea Fowl Enrichment Activities
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
11:30 a.m. Otter Enrichment Activities
12:30 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Otters
12:45 p.m. Birds of Prey Enrichment Activities
2:00 p.m. Llama/Sheep Enrichment Activities
3:00 p.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
Saturday, 5/21 - Endangered Species Day
S.O.S. - Save Our Species! Special 2011 Edition Conservation Buttons are available at the Zoo for a minimum donation of $1.00!
Did You Know? Lehigh Valley Zoo is home to more than 275 animals representing 70 species from African Penguins to Zebra. The Zoo's animal collection includes fourteen species classified as endangered, threatened, or species of concern: African Penguins, Mexican Gray Wolves, Mongoose Lemur, Scimitar Horned Oryx, Black Crowned Crane, Canada Lynx, Laughing Kookaburra, North American River Otter, Plains Zebra, Prehensile Tail Porcupine, Red Kangaroo, Snowy Owl, Tammar Wallaby, and Trumpeter Swan.
10:15 a.m. Wolves Enrichment Activities - Rated RL (Real Lilfe)*
11:00 a.m. Meet the Keeper/Keeper Talk - Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
11:30 p.m. Penguin Enrichment Activities
12:45 p.m. Kangaroos Enrichment Activities
1:00 p.m. Conservation Conversation with Richard Rosevear, General Curator
at the Mexican Gray Wolf exhibit. Learn about why these animals are
endangered and how the Zoo's involvement is helping to save this species.
2:00 p.m. Conservation Conversation with Richard Rosevear, General Curator at the
Scimitar-horned Oryx exhibit
Learn about why these animals are endangered and how the Zoo's
involvement is helping to save this species.
2:00 p.m. Goats Enrichment Activities
3:00 p.m. Meet the Zookeeper/African Penguin Feed at the Jaindl Penguin Pavilion
*Please note: The Mexican Gray Wolf Exhibit is Rated RL (Real Life)
Wolves in the Mexican Gray Wolf Species Survival Plan or their offspring may be reintroduced to the wild. It is important to maintain the wolves' natural feeding habits along with other behaviors that make them wild animals. In order to provide real life feeding experiences for the Zoo's wolf pack, they receive prey carcasses from time to time. During your Zoo visit, you may have a unique opportunity to observe them feeding as wolves naturally do in the wild.
Monday, 5/28 - Memorial Day at the Zoo
Bring the family for Dollar Dog Day at the Zoo's Café to celebrate Memorial Day! The Zoo is proud to offer free admission to veterans and active duty military personnel (Military Id and some form of photo ID must be presented when entering).
Did You Know?
Lehigh Valley Zoo Members receive FREE daytime admission for one year ... FREE admission to Guest Enrichment Activity Days at the Zoo ... Discount for Zoo Camps, Family Programs, and Birthday Parties ... 10% discount at the Nature Store and the Outdoor Cafe ... AND free or discounted admission at over 100 zoos and aquariums ... SMART FUN! ... JOIN OR RENEW YOUR ZOO MEMBERSHIP TODAY at 610-799-4171, ext. 224.
5150 Game Preserve Road, P.O. Box 519
Schnecksville, Pennsylvania 18078
Visit our website for a complete list of summer camps and programs,
activities, events, and much, much more!
P.S. Don't miss the FUN ... Summer Camps are booking FAST!
Register today at 610-799-4171, ext. 227, 238 or 228.
Meet and Greet Nights
Upcoming car show! It will be on June 18, 2011 at 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM. All proceeds will be going to the Ronald Mc Donalds Fundation.
Anyone interested can check out ! All cars and events are posted on the site. They meet up every Friday at 7:00 PM at the McDonalds on South 4th street in Allentown, PA.
YOUR FUTURE IS NOW - Preparing for College
To whom it may concern
RE: In response to the Community Conversation Discussion - April 2009
LCCC in collaboration with the Allentown School District is planning YOUR FUTURE IS NOW, an all-day event that will take place on May 21 2011. It is designed for students and parents to learn about preparing for college.
We are attaching flyers and the registration form for your review. We are providing free parking, day care, breakfast, lunch and we are expecting 250 ASD parents and students here at Donley Center – 718 Hamilton Street. Registration is first come first serve. Please register at
If you are a parent or a student we encourage to attend this event. If not please pass this information along to those you think will benefit.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Parent College Planning Team
RE: In response to the Community Conversation Discussion - April 2009
LCCC in collaboration with the Allentown School District is planning YOUR FUTURE IS NOW, an all-day event that will take place on May 21 2011. It is designed for students and parents to learn about preparing for college.
We are attaching flyers and the registration form for your review. We are providing free parking, day care, breakfast, lunch and we are expecting 250 ASD parents and students here at Donley Center – 718 Hamilton Street. Registration is first come first serve. Please register at
If you are a parent or a student we encourage to attend this event. If not please pass this information along to those you think will benefit.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Parent College Planning Team
The Lehigh Valley Music & Fashion Showcase: "GOING BEYOND THE OBVIOUS INTO THE UNIMAGINABLE”
The Lehigh Valley Music & Fashion Showcase
Will be held at the illustrious BANANA FACTORY, at 25 W. Third Street, Bethlehem, PA. This entertaining, yet educational event is scheduled for June 11, 2011 from 12pm - 6pm!
This will be an affair for emerging artists, as well as seasoned professionals from the Lehigh Valley and beyond who have an interest in the music and fashion industry. THE LEHIGH VALLEY MUSIC AND FASHION SHOWCASE will be a community-based event that will involve local residents, merchants, and proprietors. It, also, is the genesis of another quality annual event that will make the Lehigh Valley a prime destination.
The goal is to provide the opportunity for all attendees to experience an informational, educational, and family-oriented event. Seminars, networking, talent showcases, and fashion shows will abound. In addition, there will be panel discussions. video presentations, and VIP events.
THE LEHIGH VALLEY MUSIC AND FASHION SHOWCASE promises to not only be a grand experience, but the organizers are dedicated to making this affair into an endeavor that will make an effective change in our communities by doing activities that get the area residents, merchants, and proprietors directly involved in quality, progressive and positive events.
We are currently seeking organizations, groups, and vendors to participate in this event. In addition, small/large businesses and community organizations are encouraged to come out, network, and meet the public.
Donations, volunteers, and contributors are always welcome and needed to make this event a success. If you would like to participate, be a sponsor, or obtain more information, contact:
Historic Shopping District - Broad & Main Streets
Come stroll your streets of Bethlehem while local artists and musicians line the streets!
MAY 28, 2011 / 4pm - 9pm
JUNE 25, 2011 / 4pm - 9pm
JULY 30, 2011 / 4pm - 9pm
AUGUST 26, 2011 / 4pm - 9pm
It will be located at the Historic Shopping District - Broad & Main Streets, Corner of New and Broad St. 4pm to 9pm. PROLIFICK RADIO / will be hosting these events! VENDORS/DANCE GROUPS/BANDS/ARTISTS/SPONSORS WANTED! MORE TO COME......
(484) 619 6541 / / alfonsotodd36@msn
Paula Brion of "DA SANCTUARY MINISTRY" and ALFONSO TODD AND ASSOCIATES will be hosting this spiritually uplifting event which will be held at the celebrated BANANA FACTORY, at 25 W. Third Street, Bethlehem, PA on AUGUST 20, 2011. It will be an educational and spiritual event for all ages! Doors will be open to the public from 12 pm - 6 pm.
This event will be FREE to the public!
Church Ministries
Local Businesses
Panel Discussions
and more....
Music, food, children's activities, artists, church, and community organizations will be on hand to educate, demonstrate, and facilitate. There will be ministry and panel discussions featuring area spiritual and community leaders.
The proceeds will benefit the participating organizations and groups. We are currently seeking ministries, church/community organizations, and vendors to participate in this event. In addition, small/large businesses and associations are encouraged to come out, network, fellowship and meet the public.
Donations, volunteers, and contributors are always welcome and needed to make this event a success. If you would like to participate, be a sponsor, or obtain more information, contact:
(347) 759 7570
(484) 619 6541
Relax, people! I am not about to jump on the bandwagon and write about the Obama/Gates issue. Why? Because as a Black man, I don't have to look at the news and see how people's judgements and pre-conceived notions tend to taint their everyday decisions in life. The only true concern I have is what will people take away from this incident ?
The reason I ask this is because I am very concerned about how the issue of race is popping up all over the media and yet people are still saying that since Obama was elected, we are closer to a "color-blind" society. If only that were true....
I believe since Obama was elected, it has given alot of people a platform to say some of the vilest comments publicly without any threat of condemnation, because the thought process is "How can they be racist since we have a Black president now ? That person is just using their God-given right and voicing their opinion."
So now, Black Pride is under attack, Latin Pride is under attack, ANY pride unless it is American Pride, is under attack and if you aren't careful, you CAN and WILL be called un-American for your thoughts or ideals. Ask Judge Sotomayer.
Relax, people! I am not about to jump on the bandwagon and write about the Obama/Gates issue. Why? Because as a Black man, I don't have to look at the news and see how people's judgements and pre-conceived notions tend to taint their everyday decisions in life. The only true concern I have is what will people take away from this incident ?
The reason I ask this is because I am very concerned about how the issue of race is popping up all over the media and yet people are still saying that since Obama was elected, we are closer to a "color-blind" society. If only that were true....
I believe since Obama was elected, it has given alot of people a platform to say some of the vilest comments publicly without any threat of condemnation, because the thought process is "How can they be racist since we have a Black president now ? That person is just using their God-given right and voicing their opinion."
So now, Black Pride is under attack, Latin Pride is under attack, ANY pride unless it is American Pride, is under attack and if you aren't careful, you CAN and WILL be called un-American for your thoughts or ideals. Ask Judge Sotomayer.
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