Please mark your calendars for our summer kick off "Community Event Expo" at Central Catholic High School, Saturday May 21st from 12:00-4:00 pm. We will have food, games and activities for the kids.
During this event we will be unveiling our new "Allentown Youth Source Website" created by a group of teenagers living in Allentown in partnership with Jordan Heights, Weed and Seed, H.Y.P.E, City of Allentown Parks and Recreation and Muhlenberg College. It's a website design for and by teens who will be able to find programs and activities for they can plug into throughout the summer and year.
We would like you to RSVP a table to represent your agency. Please contact Ellen Denizard, the Jordan Heights Neighborhood Manager by calling 610-433-5703 or emailing her at: edenizard@caclv.org
We want our parents and youth to be aware of all the various summer programs and camps available. Bring registration forms for kids to sign up.
Attached is a Spanish and English flyer for you to distribute to your families and youth. Spread the word to your contacts.
Sam Martinez
Youth Coordinator
CADCA / Weed and Seed
Penn State Cooperative Extension
Mailing Address
443 N. 7th Street
Allentown PA, 18102
(610) 439-5903
(610) 437-8746 fax
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