The Underworld Art Studio
Greetings Allentownians from the bowels of feminism. Buried beneath the hustle and bustle of center city Allentown Pennsylvania lies one of most best kept hidden treasures in the "Little Apple". What is this mysterious, deep, dark place? No, it's not my vagina. It's my art studio. The artistic-political firepit in the North Side, known as THE UNDERWORLD.
I thought before I begin ranting about all different topics on "Out Loud", I'd share a little of my artistic history with you all. Of all my artsy fartsy pursuits, including blogging, playwriting, performing, theatre, the visual arts is my first love. I won't bore you with any "ever since I was a little girl" crap. I'll just get down to the dirty, nitty-gritty which actually, probably describes my creative space the best, which next year will be it's 10 year anniversary. My independent space anyways. I am the sole-proprietor of this psychodelic dungeon.
Anti-established since 1999 (in the basement under the town's then main art gallery), then in 2002, I got my own independent space, (again in a basement). What can I say? Over the years I became a "basement rat" and learned to work well in very dim light. (I have very good night vision.) It's lasted longer than alot of businesses around me, right on the block as a matter a fact. You get to know your area pretty well after being around it for so long. I've seen alot of things go on and go down in the neighborhood. Alot of stories.
Most people find it fascinating, be it in sometimes a creepy, kind of way. It's been compared to certain NY hangouts back in the day, East Villagesque, or Lower East Sidish. Originating from New York City, I take that as a compliment. You can take a video tour of my little batcave on youtube under UnderworldArtStudio . I've only posted a couple of studio "Vlogs" so far.
Plenty of history in that little den. When I first got my batcave I really opened it up to the general public in the form of "First Saturdays", when I would have different events like poetry nights, open mic, art exhibits, performance art, drag shows, paint jams, and numerous other happenings. Now I just utilize the space solely to create art. No, you won't see me win any fancy local art awards, or be recognized with the likes of Baum, The Allentown Art Museum and nearby towns commercially successful venues like the Banana Factory.
It's my little safe-haven, and I like it to be that for anyone who comes over. The "mission statement" is "providing a home for an alternative way of being". By that I mean for people to just be themselves. To leave any bullshit at the gate, and not be afraid to take that step outside their comfort zone. For me, it's not just an art studio, it's a way of life.
(Okay, this is the part where I'm going to be a total media whore and tell everybody to join The Underworld Art Studio's "fan" page on Facebook. Thanks, see you there.)
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