SO, Osama Bin Laden is dead and yet, the controversy lives on. In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter if you are to the far left, far right, a Moderate, Teabagger, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conspiracy Theorist, etc., just be thankful you live in a country where you are able to voice your opinion without fear of retribution and are governed by officials that protect everyone within the boundaries of our great nation.
Here are some notable quotes that came in on FACEBOOK after President Obama made the announcement:
"TIMES are a changin'.... Obama made it clear that he ordered this hit... "Under my direction"... He did it strategically. This was NOT random. He is FINALLY learning how to play politics."
"Bet Dubya is upset for not taking Bin Laden out when our troops had him surrounded in the early days of the war in Afghanistan. Kudos to Prez Obama, our Military, and the CIA!"
"Praise and honor to the US Military for a job "well done".
"Now bring them home."
"Yes, the military.....NOT Barack Obama. Even my 10 year old is screaming, "YOU didn't do anything!!!"
"It was our men and women in military over the past 10 years that took this evil down. President George Bush is the one with the leadership that stood up to our enemy and to protect our country."
"Lets see those T/Baggers try to block voters from going to the polls in 2012!!"
"A lot of hate coming from this neck of the woods... I just have to say, "Bravo, U.S. military (inclusive of our Commander in Chiefs (plural)) for a job well done. Thanks for all your sacrifices, and for never forgetting what Bin Laden did to us on 9/11." We all should be proud of what they've accomplished - Republican and Democratic soldiers, black and white soldiers, who fought side-by-side for OUR freedom from terror. The last thing we should be on a day like today is full of spite and looking for any reason to further fuel our divisive spirits."
"Coming from a person who lost a friend at the WTC and worked right across the street (WFC). I salute all soliders even going so far as to say "Thanks for keeping us safe, get back home safe to your family", because no matter what political party, race or religion, it takes a hell of a person to decide they will go fight for their country (and I don't care what country it is, EVERYONE fights for what they believe in, whether we know it's right or wrong, that is the nature of man). But what i wanna know is, why is it when we are the whipping posts we gotta take it, but when we dish it back, we have to be "UNDERSTANDING?" I really don't want to know the answer, because I KNOW WHY, but like the old folks used to say, 'Don't start none, won't be none"...If you can't take it, don't dish it."
"And I'm not racist; I have a great relationship with "the whites"...especially any named Washington, Lincoln, Franklin and Hamilton printed on green paper!"
"I'm outside of my house with my American Flag drawers and waiving my flag.......feeling sooooooooo patriotic and blessed .......umm NO!"
"Did anyone notice OBAMA's cool walk as he left the podium. YEAH , He did it and he DESERVES PROPS! Take that NAYSAYERS. Somewhere in the night, Donald Trump is eating symbolic crow. BA-KAW!!! THIS is what it's ALL about...."
"Glad to hear that the mission has been accomplished. But is publicly stating on record, that my wife's job will be very busy and a lot harder in the days to come. I can't imagine that there will be no blowback."
"A job that is so selfless. We can never fully thank the men and women who serve our country for the incredible job they do."
"In times like this.. A bit of fear is in my belly at the fact I live so close to and work in NYC.. Lord please protect us.."
"Osama Bin Laden is dead ??? it took like ten years to catch him but still Obama is a beast; you can't play hide n go seek with him"
"Both Hitler and Osama Confirmed Dead on May 1st!!! That is awesome! May 1st should be a celebration for bringing MASS MURDERERS to JUSTICE!!!!!!!"
"And hold on to your hats for this one: May 1st is also the day that then President Bush made his famous Mission Accomplished during the start of the Iraq war"
"Ya think Donald Trump will want to see a death certificate?"
"Now I lay me down to sleep... one less terrorist this world does keep. With all my heart I give my thanks... to those in uniform regardless of ranks... You serve our country and serve it well... with humble hearts your stories tell... So as I rest my weary eyes...while freedom rings our flag still flies... you give your all, do what you must...with God we live and in God we trust.... Amen!!"
"George Stephanopolos: But he must not have had much armed security if he could be overtaken by 20-25 Navy SEALs...."
Nick: George Snuffalufagus has never played video games. Four SEALs can take out an army."
"I can care less about the repercussions of America killing Osama. We go hard. If you know your history then you would know that America rarely starts the problem, but we always finish it. THAT'S why we're the greatest country on Earth.
"Thank you God. Thanks to our military and to our presidents who have served during his tyranny. May every single person he has hurt find some peace in his death."
"Osama bin Laden is finally dead...and Republican presidential hopefuls clamor to see his original birth certificate, as they look desperately for ways to take credit for their roles in his demise."
"10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 deaths, and $1,188,263,000,000 later, we managed to kill one person. I hope it was worth it..."
"Apparently, it's true: Both Hilter and Bin Laden's death was announced on May 1st. And get this, Hilter's death was announced at 10:30...Obama missed it by a half."
"We all have FREE WILL to make up our minds about this world we live in.What we see in our mind in far greater than what we allow through our eyes.NO ONE has power over us unless we allow them."
"They did a DNA test on the body and it was a match....Where did they get the First DNA sample to match it to???...just wondering...."
"Bin Laden age 54, 5+4= 9 our year 11.. 9/11... It took 10 years to find him.. Today's date 5/1/2011 5+1+2+0+1+1 = 10 "
"America...we said our prayers, ate our vitamins and now he's dead. God must be a real American"
"There will never be Justice after what this monster did, there may never be closure for those who lost family or their peace of mind, there are no words for such evil, there are no answers for human minds or voices... but hopefully there is some unimaginable place in Hell where enternity passes this beast in obscurity."
"It's long awaited news..but not justice. That would have been this result after a trial. This is closure. God Bless America."
"So now the big question??? Will our gas prices go downnnnnn!!!!!"
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