Hello There,
I am a student at the Roberto Clement Charter School in Allentown. I am a part of the United Youth. In our school of only three hundred students, 45 of them want to be a part of this group. We are a group that wants to help empower the voice of the youth and improve the lives of all citizens. Also, we want to help influence the youth of Allentown to do community service. We are all students here in Allentown and we are trying to make a change. We held an event called the Green Room on May 24, 2013 at the Holiday Inn. This was a successful event and we are hoping to have another successful event.
The next event is a community service drive in April that will beautify the blocks on Front St. in Allentown. We are trying to involve the youth here, in Allentown, to help to make this community beautiful. With your help we can make this happen. We are hoping that you are willing to donate to the United Youth.
For more information on the group feel free to go on our website: unitedyouthparty.org
Make all checks payable to: United Youth
Address: 136 South 4th Street, Allentown, PA 18103
Dear Jessica,
I'd like to applaud you for your and your group's efforts to bring positive change to your community and would like our editorial team to consider featuring your group in a future edition of Motivos magazine. Please fill out the attached nomination form by this Friday and scan/e-mail back or fax back so that we can learn more about your organization.
We'll also send your group a complimentary one-year subscription to the address in your e-mail.
Keep doing what you're doing!
Jenée A. Chizick, MA
Founder & Publisher
Motivos magazine
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Founder & Publisher
Motivos magazine
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**NOTE: October 1st is Motivos next ad reservation deadline. Call today to get in our November edition!
Upcoming events for Motivos:
Motivos Hispanic Heritage edition launch party: On Sept. 24th, 5-6:30 PM, CCP's Bonnell Circle, Motivos will officially introduce this special edition to the public. Join us for live entertainment and Taco Bar! FREE
Philadelphia's Puerto Rican Day Parade! On Sept. 29th we'll be marching. Call the office TODAY if you'd like to march with us on this special day!
What has Motivos been up to?
MOTIVOS SUMMER MEDIA PROGRAM SESSION II FILM FINALE: On July 25th, 8 Fairhill Community High School students showcased their short films and writing portfolio created in Motivos summer summer program. Keep watch for their link on our YouTube Channel!
HISPANIC FIESTA ON PENN'S LANDING: On July 13th & 14th, our team gave out over 1000 magazines, signed up new collaborators, and interviewed attendees about El Yunque (theme of Concilio's Puerto Rican parade in September!) for our next edition!
Motivos in the Media!
6 ABC's Visions hour-long program for Hispanic Heritage Month: Motivos founder and youth were interviewed for a special spotlight that aired 8.31.13 prime time in the nation's 4th largest TV market. 120,000 tuned in to view the program. Exciting!
Upcoming events for Motivos:
Motivos Hispanic Heritage edition launch party: On Sept. 24th, 5-6:30 PM, CCP's Bonnell Circle, Motivos will officially introduce this special edition to the public. Join us for live entertainment and Taco Bar! FREE
Philadelphia's Puerto Rican Day Parade! On Sept. 29th we'll be marching. Call the office TODAY if you'd like to march with us on this special day!
What has Motivos been up to?
MOTIVOS SUMMER MEDIA PROGRAM SESSION II FILM FINALE: On July 25th, 8 Fairhill Community High School students showcased their short films and writing portfolio created in Motivos summer summer program. Keep watch for their link on our YouTube Channel!
HISPANIC FIESTA ON PENN'S LANDING: On July 13th & 14th, our team gave out over 1000 magazines, signed up new collaborators, and interviewed attendees about El Yunque (theme of Concilio's Puerto Rican parade in September!) for our next edition!
Motivos in the Media!
6 ABC's Visions hour-long program for Hispanic Heritage Month: Motivos founder and youth were interviewed for a special spotlight that aired 8.31.13 prime time in the nation's 4th largest TV market. 120,000 tuned in to view the program. Exciting!
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