Tuesday, March 15, 2011


PROMOTION/MARKETING TIP # 986: "Just because you BELIEVE it CAN happen, doesn't mean it WILL happen." There really is such a thing as an educated risk, and a well-intentioned hope. Look, the truth hurts and I have had MANY people storm out of my office because I tell them the facts. Better to leave my office in a huff, than to leave a bad event broke and in debt.....

This is one of my favorite creations. Creating thought-provoking statuses on FACEBOOK is one of my favorite past times. (Yeah, I am weird like that.)




What About Me?

I must admit, I am guilty as charged and I know that I am not alone. Have you ever got a thought or idea and in an instant, you subconsciously jumped on the keyboard, goto the web browser, and type inw-w-w.g-o-o-g-l-e.c-o-m. Make your request to the Holy Grail of search engines, and “voi-la” an answer from the “Google Heavens” gives you pages upon pages of listings from every angle you can think of. You scroll down with the anticipation of a shopper at the clearance rack searching for a deal, looking for the web page of your request. Honestly, the instant gratification is so satisfying in that moment, while secretly in the midst of your thoughts you hear a still small voice speak to you and say, “What about Me?”

Touched by Google…
I was reading an article in Laptop Magazine named “Is Google Good or Evil?” and it really made some interesting points. Google has made it really hard for us to stay out of its presence, being touched by it via G-mail, Google Maps, Google News, Blogger, YouTube (Google bought for billions of dollars…), Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google Calender, and the list goes on and on. Where will they not be? Looking to get into every space we call home. Some will even go as far as saying they are omnipresent.

This company has successfully tapped into every human beings innate searching capability. The longing of every man’s heart is wired to know and to be known, especially by our Creator. Adam and Eve’s demise came through an opportunity to search. When we learn to set the “search browser” of our heart on the Knowledge of God, He will allow us to search His expansive data base that makes Google look like a drop in a bucket.


This month I wanted to discuss a topic that I frequently get asked a lot of questions on, debt management or debt consolidation. As a Financial Advisor my job is pretty simple if we look at the basic fundamentals; I help people to accumulate wealth, figure out what to do with accumulated wealth while maximizing the preservation of said wealth and also to protect themselves and their families ultimately. However I wanted to share an article that might be of assistance for those on the path to being in a position where they feel comfortable enough to start that journey. This article is an excerpt from a great resource; Mr. Kenny Golde, please enjoy and while I love Kenny please note as a disclaimer that all the information passed on here is Kenny's and has worked for him in the past but does not mean I endorse his process.

Do It Yourself Debt Negotiations

Negotiating settlements is one of the fastest ways to reduce large portions of your credit card debt permanently. Although there are many companies advertising on radio and television to work for you in settling your credit card debt, it is possible to do it yourself without paying additional fees or a percentage of the amount you save to a third party.

Here are five major points to keep in mind when settling your credit card debt.

1. It will be necessary to stop making payments on your credit cards. Generally, it seems that most banks, credit card issuers and other lending institutions are not interested in negotiating settlements with customers who are current on their payments. In my experience, most people who could save many thousands of dollars through debt settlement will not do so because they do not want to miss payments for two reasons.

a. First, they are worried about their credit score. The fear of hurting our credit score is quite common. Though I do not suggest that you should toss all concern for your credit score to the wind, I do suggest that you include consideration of your credit score as one point in a larger context of your overall finances. Your credit score is a tool that lenders use to determine the risk in lending to you. In many cases, having a lower credit score does not mean that you cannot get credit, only that the credit will come at higher interest. If the amount you can save through debt settlement greatly exceeds the amount you will pay through higher interest on a future loan, than the benefit of settlement outweighs the drop in credit score.

b. Second, they feel somehow "wrong" in missing a credit card payment. This is because we, as individuals, are taught to attach a great deal of emotion to our finances general and negative emotion to debt and the inability to pay off debt. By separating all emotionality from debt, you will be more successful in your settlement negotiations, which brings us to point number 2.

2. Treat debt settlement like a business negotiation, because it is. There is nothing wrong with you for being in debt. You are not a failure or a bad person. Our world runs on debt, every dollar in your pocket represents debt (the U.S. government owes the Federal Reserve $1 for borrowing that note). You are encouraged to borrow for school, cars, clothes, gasoline, homes and business. And in today's economy, many of us are turning to credit to meet the shortfall between our income and our monthly expenses. This is the world we live in and the businesses that have chosen to lend money understand that life happens and some of their loans will not be repaid in full. The work those numbers into their business model they same way retailers know that November and December will be big and January will have a lot of returns. So when a collection's agent tries to intimidate you buy calling into question your integrity because you are asking to settle the debt for less than is owed, remind yourself that this is a business deal and in business everyone is trying to negotiate the very best position for themselves or their company. You are the C.E.O of your own corporation, the corporation of You, and You have the right to reach the best financial terms for the health of your company as any other C.E.O. of any other business. One of the primary functions of every corporate C.E.O is keeping an eye on the company's debt balances and negotiating out of debts, writing off debts, or selling debts in order to raise capital. You read about it every day in the Wall St. Journal. And they never take it personally or tell themselves they are bad people for doing it. If you're going to play the same game, put yourself on the same playing field.

3. Be patient. In my experience, it takes three to four months from the time you stop making your payments before the banks or credit card companies will begin making settlement offers and their first offers will be very high. My own first offers ranged from 85% of the total debt to 92% of the total debt. One company offered to settle for my entire balance less the interest that had accrued from the time I stopped paying (no savings there). Usually, around the six month mark the bank will be getting ready to send the debt to a collection agency who will pay them far less for it, sometimes as little as 5%. Before that happens, they'll be motivated to settle with you for more than they'll get from collections. Generally, I hear about settlements in the 30-35% range as common after six to eight months of negotiating. I've heard as low as 15% but rarely. One of the biggest drawbacks to using a service agency to negotiate your debt (even one of the honest few) is that they don't have the same stamina as you. They are either working for a fee and what to put in as few hours as possible to up their hourly rate on that fee, or they are working on a commission and want to book it as quickly as possible. So when the first offers start coming in at 50-60%, they may tell you to take it because they book their fee and move onto the next client. You, on the other hand, will have the patience to wait two, three, four more months for a settlement in the 35%, maybe even 20% range because it means a greater savings to you.

4. Get your settlement agreements in writing. I cannot stress this enough. I had one bank offer me a settlement, which I accepted, then tell me to send them the money and afterward they would send me a statement saying the account was settled in full. I asked, "Would you pay for a house and then look at the loan agreement?" Of course not. I had another bank settle with me then send the balance (the amount written off) to a collection agency to try to collect on it. If I hadn't had had a settlement agreement in writing I might have been stuck with that debt but with the agreement it went away.

5. Live your life. Too often we allow serious debt and the stress associated with it to define our lives, our relationships, our moods and our actions. Along with giving up the emotion attached to debt, give up the sense that you have to stop enjoying life just because you are having financial troubles. Smile, walk in the park, go to a movie, eat ice cream, love you spouse, laugh with your children. You have the debt, live with it, don't let it live you.

Christopher E. Lynch, MBA

Financial Services Professional

MassMutual Financial Group

Stabler Corporate Center

3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 380

Center Valley, PA 18034-8228

( Phone: +1 610 798 2500
( Direct: +1 610 798 2562, Fax: +1 610 798 8290

*: ChristopherLynch2@finsvcs.com

&: http://www.massmutual.co


Every time I quote Pat Buchanan, it’s necessary that I qualify my endorsement of him. Buchanan is basically a bigot in my view and I believe that many of his writings and editorials support my opinion in that regard. Nevertheless, I still read him and I sometimes find myself in agreement with his views on foreign policies.
The more I think about it, the more I’ve come to believe that the liberal vs. conservative dichotomy is mainly for domestic consumption. In a way, it’s like a fight being staged over a pre-designated set of issues, while another entire set of issues never enter the public debate fully. Not only are these other issues excluded from the public debate, but a close examination reveals that’s there’s little daylight between so called liberals and conservatives on them. Such is the case with certain foreign policies. Here we have an ostensibly “liberal” administration about to intervene in the affairs of yet another third world nation. Interestingly enough, the same conservatives that have raised all sorts of hell about Obama’s domestic policies fall strangely silent here. No interventions in the affairs of other nations advance the interests of our citizenry under any circumstances, but this one is particularly senseless in that most of the oil exported from Libyan is going to Europe and not the US.
Not all of the convulsions in the middle east are popular uprisings. Some are being shaped and planned to serve a larger purpose that’s largely off the radar. It’s very interesting to observe how policy is carried out in the middle east in light of the recent social convulsions. We see certain countries trying to effect a tepid wealth re-distribution scheme raising a few salaries here and there to mollify their restive populations. In Egypt, spy and torture chief Omar Sulieman has assumed control which almost ensures that a Muburak like regime will remain in place. So at this point, it seems that the change in the region is being mostly controlled.
In Libya, things seem to have taken a different turn. People have quickly morphed from being mere protestors into armed rebels. No doubt, this was fueled by several defections from Ghadhafi’s camp. We’ve also seen a level of global coordination to hem him in. Here I refer to the UN’s involvement in meting out sanctions, our government’s attempt to seize and freeze his assets and now there’s talk of a straight up US military intervention. All of this together is designed to help the rebels actually prevail and that means this is yet again another intervention being sponsored by our government via proxy. For now, they want the rebels to handle it, but if they falter, US boots will go on the ground. This won’t be about anything grand like protecting human rights and the like, even though that may be used a a justification. The real reason revolves around Libyan oil and a resource grab for a global power elite using American military resources. This is where Buchanan’s analysis falls short as he doesn’t recognize this:

08 Mar

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Before the United States plunges into a third war in the Middle East, let us think this one through, as we did not the last two.
What would be the purpose of establishing a no-fly zone over Libya? According to advocates, to keep Moammar Gadhafi from using his air force to attack civilians.
But if Gadhafi uses tanks to crush the rebellion, as Nikita Khrushchev did in Hungary and the Chinese did in Tiananmen Square, would that be OK?
What is the moral distinction between using planes to kill rebels and running over them with tanks? Do we Americans just want to see a fair fight?
To establish a secure no-fly zone, we would have to bomb radar installations, anti-aircraft batteries, missile sites and airfields, and destroy the Libyan air force on the ground, to keep the skies secure for U.S. pilots.
These would be acts of war against a nation that has not attacked us.
Where do we get the legal and moral right to do this? Has Congress, which alone has the power to declare war, authorized Barack Obama to attack Libya?
The president may respond to an attack on American territory or U.S. citizens, but Libya has not done that since Lockerbie, more than two decades ago.
Since that atrocity, George W. Bush and Condi Rice welcomed Gadhafi in from the cold, after he paid $10 million in blood money to the families of each of the Lockerbie victims.
What, then, is our present justification for attacking Libya?
The U.N. Security Council has not authorized military action against Libya. No NATO ally has been attacked. Why is Libya not a problem for the Arab League and the African Union, rather than the United States, 5,000 miles away?
Last week, the Senate whistled through a nonbinding resolution urging the creation of a no-fly zone. Call it the Sidra Gulf resolution.
But what are U.S. senators doing issuing blank checks for war eight years after George W. Bush cashed the last one to commit the historic blunder of invading Iraq? Do these people learn at all from history?
That war cost the Republican Party the Congress in 2006 and presidency in 2008. Far worse, it cost the country 40,000 dead and wounded, a trillion dollars, and the respect of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims who saw the war as an imperial attempt to crush a nation that had done nothing to the United States.
Assume we attack Gadhafi’s air defenses, and in the collateral damage are a dozen children — like those kids collecting sticks on that hillside in Afghanistan — and Al-Jazeera spreads footage of their dismembered bodies across the Middle East, as commentators rail, “The Americans are killing Muslims again, this time for Libya’s oil.” The pro-democracy demonstrations across the Middle East would instantly become anti-American riots.
If we destroy Gadhafi’s air defenses, could we simply let the rebels and regime fight it out? If Libyans, seeing us intervene, rose up against Gadhafi, could we let them be massacred as Bush I let the tens of thousands of Shiites be massacred who rose up in 1991 against Saddam after Bush urged them to do so?
If we attack Libya, we could not let Gadhafi prevail and plot revenge attacks on U.S. airliners. Having wounded the snake, we would have to go in and kill it. And the interventionists know this, and this is what they are all about.
Never strike a king unless you kill him. In for a dime, in for a dollar. If we declare a no-fly zone, we have to attack Libya. And if we attack Libya, an act of war, we have to see that the war is won.
And after that victory, we could not wash our hands and walk away. We would have to ensure the new government was democratic and a model to the Muslim world, as we are trying to do in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Do we really want to adopt another Muslim country?
Don’t start down a road the end of which you cannot see or do not know. There is no vital U.S. interest in whether Gadhafi wins or is deposed. We ought to stay out. This is their war, not ours.
Churchill once said: Take away this pudding, it has no theme.
What is the theme, where is the consistency in U.S. policy?
We backed the dictators Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, who were as autocratic as Gadhafi, whom we demand be deposed.
We support the dictator in Yemen, the absolute monarch in Saudi Arabia, the king in Bahrain, the sultan in Oman and the emir in Kuwait, but back pro-democracy demonstrators in Iran, though there have been more elections in Iran than in all those other nations put together.
America has taken a terrible beating for what she has done and tried and failed to do in that region for a decade.
Let the “world community” take the lead on this one.
Tell them, this time, the Yanks are not coming.







"U R ALL THAT RADIO SHOW", 6pm - 8pm






DON'T MISS ELLEN SUAZO'S Book signing opportunity at the HOSTOS CENTER FOR THE ARTS & CULTURE on March 26th 2011 from 7 - 11PM same date and place that the 2nd annual Garifuna Heritage Awards will be presented. FOR MORE INFORMATION:

www.mindshiftingintl.com, www.ellensuazo.com, www.ellensuazo.com/blog/


APRIL 2, 2011, 12pm - 5pm

www.bewellevent.com / www.bewellchiropractic.net

2299 Brodhead Road
Suite A
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Phone: 610.317.9355


The 2nd Annual "Sister's Keeper Economic and Personal Empowerment Women's Conference"

This is the 2nd Annual "Sister's Keeper " event created to foster the economic & personal well being of women in & around the Tri-State area.Several dynamic accomplished women from around the nation will be on hand to share ,inspire,motivate & cheer you on toward becoming the EXTRAORDINARY woman you were created to be.
Debrena Jackson Gandy , 2 time National Best-Selling Author, is our confirmed Keynote speaker among others to be announced.Save the date & stay tuned for more details as they continue to unfold.

Sat, Mar 26 2011, 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Holiday Inn Conference Center,Fogelsville, Breinigsville, PA, United States

‎****ATTENTION!!! Author MARIA LEBRON has a book signing this Friday, 3/18/11 5-9 pm at Nuts about Ice Cream, at 1124 Linden St. Bethlehem, PA 18018. "WORDS OF AWAKENING" DON'T MISS IT!!! WEBSITE: www.wix.com/bphkdl07/words-of-awakening

This year True.Gospel Music and Resurrection Worship Center will be presenting one of first biggest christian event done in the city of Bethlehem PA. This event will be featuring American Idol's finalist Ian Holmes and top recording artist Maribel Cintron who will be releasing her new english album "Breakthrough". The Concert will be taking place for the first time in a government building April 9th 2011, and will be sitting over 900 in attendance. Its going to be an unforgettable evening full of live music ,live band and live worship!!

So we invite you and your congregation to come and support this one night event. and let the city of Bethlehem know that God belongs in our city, !!!

For more information or to help sponsor/donate this event;
(all sponsors will be anounced and provided with a table at event)


Joseph Rivera
Marketing/Event Coordinator.
Ph: 484-554-7371
True.Gospel Music

Event Proudly Supported by:

WJFL Radio, Prolifick Radio, True.Gospel Music, Truth Radio, Resurrection Worship Center, Insane Graphix


The "BE WELL CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER" announced they will be hosting an entertaining, yet educational event. It will be held at 2299 Brodhead Road, Suit A, Bethlehem, PA.. The exhibition date is set for April 2, 2011, from 12pm - 5pm.

This event will be FREE to the public!

THE "BE WELL CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER" EXHIBITION will highlight the "state of the art facility" and inform the public about their "totally integrated approach to health and wellness."

The professional staff/experienced specialists will be on hand to educate and demonstrate their vast array of services that include: chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, skin care, and aesthetics.

Sponsorship and vendor opportunities are available for all interested parties.


Telephone: 610.317.9355

WEB: www.bewellevent.com / www.bewellchiropractic.net

Are you interested in knowing what is in Governor Corbett's proposed budget and how it will affect children? If so, you are invited to attend the Children's Coalition of the Lehigh Valley's Family Policy Summit. Please read below for the details:

All community members are invited to attend the Children's Coalition of the Lehigh Valley's Family Policy Summit at Moravian College, Haupert Union Building.

1) The first meeting will be the 2011-2012 State Budget Presentation on Tuesday, March 22, from 8:00 am to 10 am (7:30 am to 8:00 am-continental breakfast) at Moravian College, Haupert Union Building-UBC Rooms. (Event is free but RSVP requested.) This meeting will serve as an opportunity for you to:

* Listen to the following guest speakers discuss the impact of Governor Corbett's proposed 2011-2012 state budget on early childhood education, public education, and child well-being/welfare:

Ms. Jodi Askins, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children
Mr. Ron Cowell, President, The Education Policy and Leadership Center
Ms. Shelly Yanoff, Executive Director, Public Citizens for Children and Youth (formerly Philadelphia Citizens for Children and Youth

* Learn about the key issues advocates must consider during the budget season

* Network with other advocates interested in children's issues.

2) A follow-up meeting will be on Determining an Advocacy Agenda for 2011-2012 on Tuesday, April 5, from 7:30 am to 9 am (7:00 am to 7:30 am-continental breakfast) at Moravian College, Haupert Union Building-Snyder Room. (Event is free but RSVP requested.) This meeting will serve as an opportunity for you to:

* Help determine CCLV's legislative priorities for 2011-2012 state budget.

If you are interested in either meeting, please R.S.V.P. directly to Carol Obando-Derstine, Executive Director of the Children's Coalition of the Lehigh Valley at: 610-868-2805 or ed@childlv.org. You may also register on their website at www.childlv.org in the Upcoming Events section.

Carol Obando-Derstine
Executive Director
Children's Coalition of the Lehigh Valley P.O. Box 1529 Bethlehem, PA 18016-1529

We are Speaking Up for Children!

Carol Obando-Derstine

Sam Martinez
Youth Coordinator

CADCA / Weed and Seed
Penn State Cooperative Extension

Mailing Address
443 N. 7th Street
Allentown PA, 18102

(610) 439-5903
(610) 437-8746 fax



Ambre’ Studio invites YOU to:

“Simply Jazz-- Far from Simple” jazz narrative by Allan Hill
Simply Jazz with Sights, Sounds and Soup at Ambre Studio
Who: Ambre Studio, and co-sponsor Cathy’s Creative Catering & Café, and artists, Allan Hill, and the Eric Mintel Duo, featuring Eric Mintel, piano, and Dave Antonow, guitar
What: Art exhibition opening with live jazz performance. Advanced registration, ticketed event will include music cover and refreshments
When: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 6:30-9:30 PM, Music 7-9 PM
Where: 310 West Broad St. Bethlehem, PA 18018
Price: $25 per person in advance, $30 per person at the door if seating available
Exhibition: Thursday, March 24 thru Friday, June 24, 2011

“Simply Jazz, Far from Simple,” a solo exhibit by nationally acclaimed mixed media collage artist, Allan Hill, explores the abstract visuals and musical complexities of jazz, at
Ambre’ Studio, Thursday, March 24 to Friday, June 24
To coincide with the exhibit, Ambre’ Studio will present three live performances by internationally noted jazz musicians. Opening the Allan Hill’s jazz exhibit on Thursday, March 24, 6.30 to 9:30 p.m. is an evening of live jazz with the acclaimed Eric Mintel Duo, with Eric Mintel on piano and Dave Antonow on guitar. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

“Jazz is just the opposite of simple. It’s gritty, innovative, complex and expressive--- what I hope to accomplish in my art,” says Hill, who work has been represented in numerous major group exhibitions including the Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago; Sacramento Fine Arts Center; and the Berman Museum of Art, Collegeville. A resident of Bucks County, Hill’s bold abstract work has earned numerous honors and awards, and has been featured at The National Watercolor Society; Collage Artists of America; International Society of Experimental Artists; Northwest Watercolor Society, and the Western Colorado Watercolor Society. Hill recently was awarded the “Best of Show” by NOVA (Network of Victim Assistance) for their Galaxy Art Show, with 80 artists participating in Doylestown, and proceeds from art sales benefited victims of crime in Bucks County.

“As in jazz, a completed composition comes about as a result of a process, and in my process of creating visual art, I work without rules or constraints,” explains Hill. “The collaged layers of music, text, typography and anything else I have at hand are all textures to convey the rawness, improvisation and, the excitement that builds as a jazz performance. All of these elements of the painting are there to integrate the narrative, to tell the story, and to entice the viewer to engage in the experience,” adds the artist.

“The abstract expressionist work of Allan Hill explores the sights and sounds of jazz with the layers of tone, rhythm, text, hue, typography, and water media collage on paper to illustrate the complexity each moment of live jazz. Allan Hill is a true master of composition, improvisation, building his visuals, as a musician builds his moment,” sums Evelyn Beckman, Ambre’ Studio gallery owner.

Guest seating is limited to the live jazz performance. Tickets are $25 per person with advance registration. A limited number of tickets may be available at the door for $30. Ambre’ Studio is a Properties of Merit grand prize winner and was designed in 1888 by architect A.W. Leh.
Admission includes elegant ambiance and music cover, plus tempting menu of award winning soup, tantalizing French dinner rolls, pastries and complimentary glass of wine, punch, and coffee.

“Simply Jazz” refreshments are co-sponsored by Cathy’s Creative Catering & Café of Catasauqua, awarded for the second consecutive year, Arts Quest’s “Souper Bowl” champion. Their outstanding desserts are created by Amy, their very own Austrian pastry chef.

For more information, and to register seating by March 21, contact Evelyn Beckman at eb@ambrestudio.com or phone 610-428-2484.
Gallery hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, noon to 6PM, or by appointment.
Ambre’ Studio is located at 310 West Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA.
Media contact is Tina Bradford Public Relations, 610-248-3460 or info@tinabradfordpr.com.

Allan Hill, artist. Diploma in Illustration, Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia, (University of the Arts) Illustration major. Studied under Henry C. Pitz, Albert Gold, Jacob Landau, Paul Keene, Larry Day, Leon Kelly, and Jane Piper. U.S. Army, Illustrator; Graphic Designer; Technical Illustrator; Art Director. Major awards including: Milton Edelman Award for Excellence, Philadelphia Watercolor Society; Dos Rhinos Photographic Award, Northwest Watercolor Society 55th Annual; Award of Excellence, Ashwell Gallery; Levering Gallery Award of Excellence, Philadelphia Watercolor Club 96th Annual; Award of Excellence, Northern California Arts, Sacramento Fine Arts Center; Award of Excellence, Artsbridge National 9th Annual; Award of Excellence, International Society of Experimental Artists 12th Annual, Beverly Arts Center; Award of Excellence, Springfield Art Museum; and Best In Show at the NOVA Galaxy Exhibition. (See attachment for full resume and artist Jazz statement.)

Eric Mintel, piano. An urbane and intelligent improviser, arranger, and composer, jazz pianist Eric Mintel performs in a straight-ahead style often incorporating classical themes into his music. Born in Pennsylvania in 1967, Mintel was a musical child, and by his early teens he had already begun playing jazz. Influenced by such legends as Dave Brubeck, Bill Evans, and Duke Ellington, Mintel formed his own group in 1993 and has since performed in a wide array of settings, including concerts at the Kennedy Center and the White House as well as being a featured guest on Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz on NPR. Mintel has also released a handful of recordings, including Hopscotch in 2002, Dynamo in 2004, and The Eric Mintel Quartet box set in 2005. (See attachment for full resume and Duo photo)
Dave Antonow, acoustic & electric bass. Studied jazz under Thad Jones at William Paterson University in New Jersey and also privately with renowned bassist Michael Moore in New York City. Dave has shared the stage with many jazz greats such as Thad Jones, Elvin Jones, Stanley Turrentine, Sir Roland Hanna, Mike Melillo, Frank Vicari, Nelson Hill, Howard Collins, Elliot Zigmund, Glenn Davis, Tom Whaley, Bill Goodwin, Walt Bibinger, Eric Mintel, and Carla White, among others. He has also worked extensively in live musical theater, and as a freelance bassist in and around the New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia area. Dave toured with the USO through Germany performing for US personnel in the mid 70's. Dave also worked with the Dovell's and was featured on Dick Clark's Cavalcade of Stars in the early 80's. Dave is also an accomplished electric bass player playing the Ken Smith electric bass. Dave lives in East Stroudsburg, PA.
Evelyn Beckman
Ambre' Studio, Inc. and . . .
Leh Preservation Limited, LLC
310 West Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
c 610 428-2484
w 610-974-8480

THOUGHTS THAT ARE STILL RELEVANT TODAY: Being real about Project R.E.A.L. (Readying Each And every Life) A now defunct non profit organization

Okay, so I am about to practice what I preach and put myself out there! Do I love to club and dance ? Yes. Do I like the females ? Yes. Am I spontaneous, fun-loving, unorthodox, and a bit bi-polar-like ? Yep. But I believe these characterisitcs are what may be needed to make a change in this place called Lehigh Valley and more importantly, this great place called Allentown!!!
Let me explain, I have a non-profit organization called Project R.E.A.L., www.projectreal.piczo.com, and it is about DOING things for those in NEED in the community. We also are about making adjustments and changing the status quo; meaning: at this moment Allentown is thought of as the dingiest, dirtiest, grimiest place in the Lehigh Valley. The people (myself included) are thought of as vile hoodlums, uneducated thugs, lazy welfare recipients, and shiftless individuals who would be better off in jail or shipped overseas or blasted into space. (Actual quotes from Morning Call blogs)
We have a daily newspaper that beats down the city every chance it gets. If you read and BELIEVED the Morning Call, Allentown, PA is like a third world country that is full of death, destruction, and mayhem. Do we have our elements of crime here? Yes. But no more than any other city in the area. Do we have drugs here? Yep. Just like every other surrounding city. So why is Allentown constantly singled out, but more importantly what can we do to STOP THE MADNESS ?
It's easy to say RACISM is the reason, but let's get deeper. Many are upset because Allentown is no longer the place it was in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's.People are different, places are different, and lifestyles are different. Does that make them better or worse? Nope, just different. But this is unacceptable to many. So, people with influence begin to say how bad it is in Allentown and how the people are nothing but those hip hop, immigrants that are about nothing but murder, selling drugs, and having babies. Now, do we have people like THIS in A-town? Sure, but no more than they do in Easton, Bethlehem, Center Valley, Nazareth, Macungie, etc.
Now, what can WE do as a people ? Meaning Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Whites, Dominicans, Asians, Syrians, , Cubans, Koreans, Indians, Africans and any other nationality that is here and I didn't PURPOSELY leave out. Well, first, let's take RESPONSIBILITY for OUR actions. The streets of Allentown can't stay clean, drug-free, and violence-free by themselves. We have to be held accountable for our actions and we have to be our BROTHER'S KEEPER, literally. If someone is doing wrong or trying to do wrong, call it out and don't be one of those "It's none of my business" people. Because if something does jump off and it lands on your door step and your Mom, Dad, sister, brother, cousin, or any family member or best friends are effected, then YOU'LL see the importance of community action. Secondly, if you are doing well and can help others, then do it. Don't give money, give direction. If they're on drugs, hungry, need healthcare, have emotional problems, etc. investigate and let them know where they can get help. A phone book, a phone call, and a couple of minutes of your time, can help more than a couple of dollars any day. THEY may not think so, but we need to look for long term solutions and stop thinking of a convenient way out for the moment. Thirdly, stop fighting and killing each other over things that in a year won't mean a thing. Why are we fighting over relationships (in the public) that WE know are no good for us? Why are 2-3 women fighting over their baby's father who has gone on with ANOTHER female ? Why are fellas fighting over drugs and locations that only have you making just enough to "get by"?
The solution to all of this is that Allentown needs to become a TRUE community. We have to stop the "have and have-nots" mentality. We have to STOP the "us against them" mentality. We have to stop the "wanna-be thug and going to jail is cool" mentality. We have to stop the "I'll have this baby to keep my man or to keep me company or to have something to care for" mentality. We have to stop the "school is for suckers" mentality. We have to stop the" I hate those kids because of their baggy pants and tank tops" mentality. We have to stop the "Allentown is a ghetto because people of color live there" mentality. We have to stop the "Allentown is a bad place to visit, shop, and just live mentality" Because once you leave Allentown, there is a whole new world that exists and whether you want to see it or not, that world is coming to Allentown, slowly but surely and either you have yourself together and be ready to work and roll with it or you will be the outdated baby's momma and gangsta thug who only has but so many options and most of them lead to no where.
And this is why I created Project R.E.A.L. to prevent our youth from going down the road of hardship and to help the older people get off the road and obtain better skills, jobs, and a brighter future. I don't just mean words either. I have discovered programs that can actually make a difference.
Because the way I figure, the same energy that I use to dance and party in the club, I can use to help a person in need; my love for females must be transformed to a love for women and their families (who are the future) and develop a way for them, as well as their baby's fathers who do WANT to be involved, to become educated and have a better life; and my fun-loving, spontaneous, unorthodox, and spontaneous ways may be what I need to deal with the politics of business and the city of Allentown, as well as MY people who live HERE on a daily basis, like me. So, call me, and get involved!!!!
610 433 3538, hit me up!!1