Monday, October 11, 2010


PROLIFIC (SYN.) fertile, rich, fruitful, teeming, fecund, bountiful, luxuriant, productive, plentious

Many have questioned the need for a new community newsletter / internet site / blog ( ) that caters to the Urban community, especially in this time of "financial instability" within our nation. They ask, "Why?" and I respond, "Why not?" The Urban lifestyle has continued to grow in leaps and bounds and continues to permeate cultures around the world. Unfortunately, there are, also, many stereotypes and misconceptions, "urban myths", if you will, and PROLIFICK PROFILES will be the beacon that will dispel many of those falsehoods.

We are here to challenge those that believe the URBAN COMMUNITY can be defined by one type of music, one type of look, one type of thought, and one type of future. We ARE multi-faceted, creative, professional, ambitious, and unable to be stopped ! We are not a force to be feared but an energy to be utilized.

PROLIFICK PROFILES promises to be a guide to those unfamiliar with the Urban lifestyle and a refreshing change to those who live the Urban lifestyle. The difference between us and other similar entities is that while others may focus on the latest trends, groups, and music, we will, also, give poignant commentary, life changing information, and credible advice.

We will strive to be the best source of information that is available for our Readers and illustrate the fact that Urban does not equate to ghetto, ignorance, or vileness, but in fact, produces style, beauty, and elegance.

This is our PREMIER ISSUE and we anticipate many, many more; and we want our Readers to remember, this is YOUR newsletter/blog and you are going to be a very important part of this adventure that we have initiated. You can look for more upgrades and updates to this publication, online, as well as in print, over the coming months and we want to hear from YOU!

Make sure and take advantage of all the ways to be a part of our "corner of the media world", because I am PROLIFICK, YOU are PROLIFICK, WE are PROLIFICK.

Only the Best,



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